On 28th September, TianCheng, the publisher of chinese version of Mabinogi Heroes, has released the Public Enhancement system, which allows people who have weapons +10 or higher, enhance them with higher chances of success.
For now, this feature is an
exclusive to Chinese version of a game (even KR doesn't have this one). Bear this in mind.
To use Public Enhancement, you need to be over Lv 50 and have a weapon with +10 enhancement or higher.
First, you create a room.

And this is the pre-process of enhancement. The word "Public" means that along with you, there will be at least 99 more people looking at you, cheering you up, donating gold (enhancer can also donate himself), which enhancer can use to raise his enhancement success rate.
The numbers in the upper left mean the amount of people in the room and the amount of cheers sent. There is also a separate chat for talking and cheering up. It also shows, whether enhancer will continue to enhance or not.
The gauge above shows the success rate increase. There are 5 stages of success rate in there. You need about 9-13 million gold to actually max this up.

When enhancer enhances the equipment, there will be a 30-second waiting time for a result, ensuring the dramatic moment.

If enhancer successfully enhances the equipment, the remaining gold that was donated to him will be sent to him via mail. However. if he decides to quit mid-way while gold isn't used, the gold will return back to donators.

If enhancer fails the equipment and no runes are used, his weapon will be destroyed and some materials will be returned. Also, he will receive Limited Time weapon with enhancement rank higher than the current one (for example, if he enhances Rattler +10 to +11 and fails, he receives Limited +11 Rattler). The duration of equipment depends on the amount of cheers and performance (from 3 days to 2 weeks).
and 2 others.