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Chars who claimed the level up rewards before 90 gear box existed, and were not active during the time limited 90 gear box were given out do not have access to free gear. 5 of my 11 chars on my acc are in that sorry state.
Number of points you get is random. It is usually 1, with a low chance for 2, and a very low chance for 3. There is no difference in points earned for crafting white or orange colored items.
Items that recommend +21 points or higher than your current level are colored in red. You cannot make them.
Items that recommend +11 to +20 points of you current level are colored in orange. You get normal points for crafting them, but they have an increased chance of being 1*, decreased chance of being 3*+
Items that recommend -10 to +10 of your current level are colored in white. These items give normal points, and have normal chance to appear as 1* or 3*+
Items that recommend -11 or lower than your current level are color'd in grey. These items have no longer give you any points for crafting.