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Only if you face and conquer your deepest fears will you become one of the bravest.
  • New (and Old) Player Poll for Vindi Difficulty

    1. How long have you played this game.

    Effectively for 1 year since the EU release from September 2011 to September 2012. And as a casual since around the release of Arisha on the EU server (January 2015).

    2. Do you find Normal Mode Challenging Enough


    3. If not, Would you like to see Normal Mode made more Difficult like it previously was ...


    4. Would you like Access to a Harder Mode prior to Lv 91?


    5. Would you like to see access to that Harder Mode Tiered/ Tied to a Quest Hub.


    6. Would you like to see Hard Mode Restored?


    7. Briefly ... Why did you decide to Try Vindictus?

    Probably because of its physics and the ability to use a secondary weapon, but i hated its chained attack combat system at first. I don't have problem with combo attacks in other games but it's poorly implemented in Vindi in my opinion. But i enjoyed and still enjoy using secondary weapons for break-offs and for fun with friends.

    I would add one more thing to the difficulty part. I would prefer if Vindi had more longer and creative skill-based dungeons - like Labyrinth was - that would get more difficult as you progress in them, or they would get more difficult after each run. Learning only boss attack patterns is boring for some players. There are million other games in which you have to learn boss attack patterns, predicting them, and reacting to them in time. Some players love that, but judging from the amount of players who left the game it doesn't seem so popular. It's necessary but it shouldn't be the only playable option in a game. I would also prefer if secondary weapons were needed more often in boss fights. The combination of in-game elements and making new strategies is what makes PvE fun for me.
  • A test for gamers

    Hello guys and girls!

    For a while I've been thinking about sharing it on this forum. Some of you might have already filled in tests like this one. But I'm not sharing it for any kind of research, I'm just curious of your results!

    This test is based on the Bartle's taxonomy of player types that some of you might have heard of because it's a very old test from 1996. It consists of 30 questions so it shouldn't take much time.


    And don't forget to share your results! (if you'd like to of course)

    Mine is:
    You are 60% Socialiser

    You are also:
    60% Explorer
    60% Killer
    20% Achiever
  • very low fps

    BoatGod wrote: »
    because vindictus is more cpu oriented

    Where did this logic come from? I think we are confusing the integrated Intel GPU with the actual CPU. As far as I know, the game cannot simply be offloaded or "forced" to run on a GPU.

    Just to be more specific, GPU's and CPU's also have different instruction sets and you can't just transfer code between the two. It's impossible to do that without emulation that are usually slow. Physics calculations can be transferred but the game must use a physics engine that allows that. (it's not the case for Vindi)

    I think when people say the game runs better on a GPU they mean that the graphical stuff is optimized, and the game's logic that runs on the CPU is not.

    Also some people misunderstand that the graphics pipeline's first stage (transformations) is calculated in the CPU therefore a delay in the CPU can cause rendering lag. Actually the CPU instructs the GPU to render the stuff when it's ready, so they can stay in sync. The GPU wouldn't know what and when to draw otherwise.
  • To Nexon employees, serious support staff issues

    This is their secret goal, to keep the customers in their sinking boat for bailing the water out of it. When i realized this i gave up on complaining becase it's not worth my time even if it only takes a few minutes of a day. They didn't even care about the characters in the migration of EU and that wasn't a legal issue, just the out-sorting of the inactive characters the same way they zero your NX balance after a couple of years inactivity. My best friend lost her characters in that way because she didn't receive the notification e-mail while she spent a lot of NX on the game back then. Don't expect much from Nexon and care even less about the negative commenters on the forum.

    PS.: I know you are complaining about the competency of the customer support as i've read your post before. It's just my quick hint about this in general.
  • this is why your game is dying

    Rezi wrote: »
    SirRFI wrote: »
    They don't have license to publish in locked countries.

    This is absolute crock and I can't believe people actually fall for it. You need to fulfill requirements to take transactions from other countries, but you don't need a license to allow IPs from any nation to access an online game. Companies aren't forced by a nation to block that nation's people from accessing a product, that's just stupid.

    Why is it so unbeliavable? If you want to work in some countries you need to get things like Home Office (UK), right? It's kind of a license. There are countries that restrict publishing rights to a certain area. If it's outside that area, the publisher needs to get a license agreement for that particular country. It basically happens as two sides arguing over things while they are making a big list of the points they agree with. It's not as easy as it seems. Some companies made it, some companies didn't. It's either Nexon not agreeing with some points or the other half.