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Personal Quote
Only if you face and conquer your deepest fears will you become one of the bravest.
  • Player Retention; Why do you keep playing?

    Since the Arisha release until Rise i had played this game mainly because of curiosity and nostalgia and partly because of the community. I liked the 8-man parties, i liked doing the S1 and S2 raids, and some of the S3 dungeons, but the S3 raids didn't spark my interest somehow. Maybe because they just felt so different from what Vindi originally was about. It seemed like they are trying out something new with the S3 contents that has since been turning the whole game into a game with more flashy effects, less technicality, and more repetitive combat.

    I chose friends/community because after Rise my reasons for playing this game have all been reduced to friends only, one of my irl friends in particular whom i play with once in a month or so.
  • Were horrible people (open beta players)

    "but ok I'll just delete everythin"

    It only tells people that you aren't brave enough to keep your posts even if you feel like they are stupid, and you don't like to lose in an argument because you think it's a competition. This game and most of the MMO's are not e-sport games, so top dps doesn't mean more than you put in the most effort to deal the most damage, but there is no competition in it, because there is nobody you can compare your efforts with. And you wanna compare yourself who plays this game in a serious manner every day i guess with someone who played in a serious manner back then and probably forgot a lot of things especially the boss patterns.

    Like me who usually solo every raid until lv 70 when i create a low level character because they all became soloable way before Rise with all these new gears. However these raids weren't this weak on Hard Mode back then, and i'm sure i couldn't beat them at first try if their or the characters' stats didn't get nerfed (i don't know which one because i don't keep track of these changes anymore), however they still took about 25 minutes with basic low level gears. Plus i care the least about how fast i could beat them, and probably a lot of people don't care about it either because even the thought of comparing dps in an rpg is ridiculous. This is like comparing a Dark Souls beginner's time for finishing the game with an NG+7 player's speed run. You already have the top gears and you know the attack patterns, and then what? Everyone is capable of doing the same by practicing. It's not a special talent or anything. Proof of it is that always the developers are the best in their own games. Why? Because they must test every element of it countless times.

    Games are games because you don't have to invest in years of effort to master them. If that was the case they couldn't be called games but professions.

    Elyr wrote: »
    That was never a thing, christ. S1 had 3 males 2 females, S2 had 2 female 1 male, S3 2 females 1 male. Arisha was released in that weird period between S2 and S3 where we didn't have any new story-related content, only Niflheim, which is closer to S2 than S3, so if we go by your "male:female ratio" it's S2 who threw that away already

    Do you realize that the game on NA originally started with 2 characters, Lann and Fiona? Then they added Evie a couple of months later.

    And the way you choose your words and inserting gifs to think you are cool instead of writing something is annoying.
  • Were horrible people (open beta players)

    Rezi wrote: »

    Oh, I know I suck. But that's because I took a long hiatus only to come back to a game that didn't force me to NOT suck.

    And sure. If you're on EU, friend Rezilia or Reziri. I'm just doing dailies during this week, but try to find me during the weekend and we can try a duo.

    mmm I'm on NA but what if you record a solo video on a raid, then I do the same let's see if your 5 years more of experience means anything :) ...

    Why not compete in making tutorial videos that are actually useful for new players instead of showing off your skills? Or does beating a boss alone in a game and dumping the recording of it to the world compensate your low self-esteem so much? You could also show off your skills in these videos while explaining to the other players what you do and why.

    That's the other thing that was different back then. There were a lot more guides on YouTube with tips and tricks on how to beat a boss.
  • Were horrible people (open beta players)

    When Light of Palala was also useful especially at Blood Lord. And the break-off parts on some of the bosses that chain hook made easier to do. Good times.