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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    AimAndKill wrote: »
    Linnard wrote: »
    AimAndKill wrote: »
    AimAndKill wrote: »

    Maybe I'm a lame xgunner, but I haven't noticed any SP gain boost. I certainly haven't seen any damage boost. +calm

    Dodge then right click to use spin smash your avoid multi hit attacks. Also normal xgun shots now earn a crazy amount of SP, idk how you can not notice.

    Spin smash doesn't give invulnerability.
  • RIP our usefull fansites

    Vindy manual was tooken down for personal reasons as far as I am aware.

    CoronaPLZ I'm not sure about, but if we can get official responses from the NEXON team (which I doubt will ever happen), then that would be wonderful for clarification purposes.

    Just sucks that people with good intentions always seems to get the ban hammer these days. Who knows, I may be next on that list -;-
  • Do Berhe bosses have way more HP?

    Berbhe bosses clock in at around 320,000 health instead of the usual 240,000 for ben chenner guardians for a solo run. They have around 80,000 hp more than your usual Ben Chenner boss. Pestis is also another boss that has 320,000 health.

    However, Lograch has about 400,000 hp in a solo run, where you can do 1/4 of his HP in a single massive impact blast.

    Manus' hp is the same as the other destructive curse bosses which clocks in at around 150,000 hp in a solo run, except he is harder to hit due to his lanky features.

    Regular ben chenner/epidemius bosses have 110,000 hp to work with for solo runs.

    Ancient Werewolf/Infected Elite Gnoll only have 90,000 HP in a solo run, making them the weakest bosses in S3 thus far.

    I've done plenty of these runs to know how much Hp they have exactly in order to take them down.

    So yes, they do have more health to deal with.

    Hope this will clear it up.
  • Quick Search Tutorial

    Just giving a general guide of how the quick system works, so I will explain each process step by step.
    As you are may wondering, The game has introduced a quick battle system where you can access dungeons regardless of what town you are in. Even if you are in colhen, you can access battles that are exclusive to Rocheste, and Malina respectively, and the same goes for the other towns in those respective exclusive areas.

    So let us begin.


    when you open up this tab, this will be shown as default. There are 22 pages to work with if you want to go through the system as it is. By default, if there are no quick parties available, the number for the parties will be shown as "0". Battle limitations also apply when you use quick battles, so upon completing enough runs, the text will turn red and prevent you from doing any more runs until the next reset. Regular battles will NOT show up in the quick system, so if you are looking for regular battles, you must do those in the same matter beforehand. Additionally, be aware that quick battles have attack requirements, and if you do not meet these requirements, the system will not let you enter the quick battle. To head back to the beginning, you can press the refresh button and all battles will be updated for your convenience. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, I'll explain each part of the QB system.



    Simple and Straightforward, you can filter battles based on your preferences by checking and unchecking certain boxes. The boxes that are unchecked will be Exempt from your search, while the ones checked will be applied to the search. As an example, If I want a "today" battle for season 2, I would click those, and then click confirm to see what Season 2 daily is up for that day. If I wish to backtrack, or exit the system without any changes, I would click the Cancel button instead. So to explain quickly.

    Today: These battles will be shown as battles that give max ap upon completing them. These battles cycle through each day.

    Raid: all battles that include the red raid rectangle will be applied to this filter. This even includes low level "raids".

    Story: all Story fights in season 2/3 will fall under this filter, however, if you have already completed a season 2 story battle once, then it will not show up on this list, so be aware of that.

    Exceeded runs: Battles that have a limited number of runs will show up here. This will also cross in some raids, as they will lock out upon completing them once or twice depending whether you have VIP or not. Recently, Battles up to Hoarfrost Depths have been limited to 5 runs a day now, so all of those battles will apply to this filter.


    BDqk9yJ.png KNeE7nM.png

    So say that you like a battle so much that you want to add it to the favorites tab. Well say no more, there's a feature even for that. To favorite a battle, you can click the star symbol next to that battle, and it will be added to favorites. To remove it, just click the star again. When you favorite a battle, a UI will show up that will automatically notify you when there is a party able to be boarded. You can hide this by checking the close UI box that hide this UI for you. If you wish to turn off the notification sound for whatever reason, you can check the other box that turns off the sound for you.



    ah, the search bar, every researcher's best friend. Well, that aside, the search bar will automatically filter battles based on the matching name. So if you type hoarfrost, then these two battles shown in the picture will show up once you hit the search button after typing part of the name of said battles. So if you want to search up "Ben Chenner" then all 3 areas of Ben Chenner Entrance, Trailhead, and Summit will show up respectively in those results. It's pretty handy once you get how it works. NOTE: This will not show area names, so Typing in Ainle will NOT show you every fight that is available in Ainle, so sorry to disappoint there.

    Do I wish to create, or Join a party:


    Once you have found the battle you want, you have two options. You can either A. Create a party and select the settings according to how you want, or B, look for a party and Join it with the selected settings. If you wish to create a party, be aware that ALL battles will have the Normal difficulty selected by Default, so if you wish to have a higher difficulty for those battles, you can select those difficulties if able.

    Example of what will show up when creating a party:

    Once you are finished with the settings applied, you can launch the boat and wait for other members to join in on the fun.

    For joining parties, if there are none available, then you will receive a notification message that will state that there are none available at this time.

    Well, this concludes the tutorial. I hope this will clear up any confusion in play.

    Some CONS:

    -you cannot invite players to a quick battle. they must search up the battle if they wish to join in.

    -Quick battles will only last one run. If you are farming a battle, do a regular run instead.

    -Some battles are not in the Quick system and must be found by regular means. This includes Battles found in the Exploration section of the game, and Redeemer's raid.

    If there is anything that I have missed, feel free to add more on this thread.

    EDIT: someone Found nilfheim battles in quick battle and removed text as per requested to fix it.
  • Sea of Reflection : Post your progress

    JessGame wrote: »

    Same,i have 13k with cadet badge and there is no way i would +10 my gear from using multiple bought runes.Best i could do is+8 some of the parts during the 1 shot events.I have expeditionary on my pants and helm instead of enthu,simply because the scrolls where cheap and i used all the event runes to succeed them.That's basically how i reached 12-13k def w/o using NX.

    You dt necessarely need the defense,but in parties where things go fast and where lag plays in,the extra def and crit resistance will simply give you the advantage of not having to be too careful...less time drinking pots,you can exploit some frames where you get hit but your not stunned.

    In general i put priority on a good weapon,cap balance and decent crit,the rest comes after.Once you know a raid properly the extra defense becomes a little less crucial,yet still useful, while a mediocre weapon will make things significantly longer even if you play very well.

    It's all relative really,some like to be stacked and i don't blame them,it's just how you want to have fun in the end.

    True. I'm just surprised I can tank 4-7 hits from Neit before going down while Nemain takes a staggering 2-3 hits to kill me. I'm probably assuming Nemain has higher attack rating than Neit considering I see 4-5K damage hits from her attacks. Problem lies is that some of per purple projectiles are completely invisible on my screen. Guessing that means I need a better video card. This 650 series I have has done wonders for me so far up until this raid.