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  • Which character needs a revamp the most?

    The director needs to get revamped, then maybe we can get a revamp of all the broken stuff in the game.
  • Are you looking forward to the RISE update?

    Quick roll out of gears with massive jumps in stats? Check.
    All the end game enchants still at 40% success rate with 40% chance to blow up? Check.
    Lower rates on +15, when I haven't even gotten a 15 -since EAOB-, never mind that it goes to 20 now and a 20 is 300% more powerful than a 15? Check.
    Everything not S2 is trivialized, leaving us with a whopping 8 raids that don't die when you sneeze at it, in a game that you'll only play for the combat? Check.
    Introduce a new end game stat that they made relevant for less than half a year and leaving people who invested in it hanging? Check.
    Even regular pots are merc pots now? Check.

    I already lost any motivation to login even now. I feel so disgusted by it.
    If it goes to live without changes in KR, I'm more or less out for good.
    I have to wonder if these "devs" even tried playing their game.

    From what ive heard, most devs don't except to test stuff.

    Most devs seem to operate based on one of two things : a vision (what they want the game to be) or a marketing plan (they think that a game with certain features will sell well, so they are making it for that reason). EA games tend to lean towards the latter. The former tends to be used by indie games or smaller outfits.

    The problem with the former is that since its based almost entirely on what the devs want, the final product has little to no relation with what the customer actually wants. Everytime you read an interview where a game dev goes "Well, we did X because we wanted to do something new, but it turns out that the fans didn't want X, they wanted Y, our bad", this is basically what happens. The last command and conquer game with the emphasis on co-op play comes to mind.

    Problems with games produced for the masses is basically, well, it tends to be generic because its trying to appeal to as many players as possible. But because of that, it does tend to have features that most players want. A usual shortcoming is poor QA due to the publisher encouraging cost cutting.

    Vindi operates based on what the director thinks will increase revenue the most and will therefore make him look good in the eyes of the executives. He probably gets revenue based compensation as well (think bonuses for higher revenue, like how CEO bonuses are based partly on share prices). So as long as it increases revenue for the game, he literally does not care how big a backlash there is. What's the KR playerbase gonna do, write nasty emails to the CEO? He's pretty much untouchable. He's like the greasy salesman that everyone hates but his bosses love.
  • Vindictus "RISE" Update Patch Notes Translation

    ikevi wrote: »
    Question2 wrote: »
    It's sad how derpcat's corporate culture doesn't allow anyone there to tell the director how dumb his ideas are. Like...not a single person there points out the problems in anything he does, he just gets a blank check to do whatever. At least you don't see mcdonalds or whatever suddenly deciding to replace their core product with one that tastes worse, and the dumbass who decided that gets to keep his job.

    Have you read the Korean comments? Folks are really telling him what they think of this. At this point my guess is he would be out of a job if he listened to them and removed the things folks are QQing about and if it doesn't turn out the way he wants I am sure nexon will just put in another director. Question is how many less resources the next director would get.

    Side note. I understand in principle why they wanted to revamp the early material, but why? Anyone new still will get through it extremely fast and now be stuck with even less "end game" levels to work on.

    If anything they should have just cut out some of the stupid go to colhen -> roch -> colh quests, and made it so everyone got ~2x xp/ap from what they get in normal runs.

    As for tweaking endgames... Well obviously I am not fan of most of his plans. Personally most days I want say normal S3 hard levels. Toss in a few where I like the macha challenge while wearing all enthu gear. I hardly ever run "hero" unless I am leveling an alt. So why are we instead going to have to do hero or easy? That over the fact that I will never get better than a +15 is going to make me play less and less. (I don't run Redeemers/ein so what else is there going to be for me to do?)

    Like i said, derpcat corporate culture. It doesnt matter what KR players tell him because he wont listen, he would only listen to people in the same company.
  • How do people even make money at this point?

    BloodAngel wrote: »
    @ all you kiddos. People are mostly holding onto their money for dulla update this summer so they can upgrade asap to new weps. I have like 600m waiting for that update myself. Just give it time.

    You mean the new weapons that practically nobody will be selling because :

    1. They will be super rare and wont be in the seal shop most likely

    2. Practically everyone will want it

    3. The only people who might sell it will be people with +14 or +15 level 90 weapons (as everyone else will be forced to upgrade with the huge stat gap), and they would only sell to their guild/friends

    Unless one of your friends gets it from a gacha, the odds of finding someone willing to sell to you will be very, very low. Even then, your friend would probably try to make a +15 level 95 rather than sell it to you, since a +15 level 95 will be absolutely priceless. There are some things that money cannot buy (see the piper story in roch).

    At this point, NA is mostly a victim of its own inflation because gold from dungeons/super lucky bonus isnt high enough to matter for east/west level of inflation. The only things that sell for a large amount of money are r7 scrolls probably or enthus which is argubably rarer than r7 as running hero gatekeeper 500+ times for one enthus is cancer. Enhancement elixirs are worthless now since they massively bumped the drop rate and decreased the need to use it, blessed elixirs are worth nothing after the fishing event, most people would rather farm their own easy scrolls like valor/master rather than spend gold, same for enhancement stones.

    3 star blues are worth nothing now that OJ mats are in seal shop since most players won't spend mats to upgrade 3 star blues to OJ, not to mention that anyone who wants 3 star blues can easily get someone to craft it for free using junk mats from s3 raids. Purples are worth nothing now that new level 90s get a full set of purples for free. Everything level 80 and below is worth almost nothing because new players get them for free from quests and the only people who buy ore these days are the ones trying to level expertise but are too lazy to use mine bombs. Gems aren't worth much either because nobody is dumb enough to pay a ton to gamble for a minor increase in stats, and anyone rich enough to buy fine gems en-masse to gamble can obviously do zecallion for their own gems.

    Everyone is hoarding gold for a new content update or material synthesis, so selling s3 mats to people who are trying to upgrade their stats via material synthesis doesn't work (since those people need to hoard gold too), not to mention most players refuse to touch material synthesis because "ceebs" and the huge stat gap between level 90 and level 95 gear.

    I remember when you could make easy gold just by doing roch raids for break off mats and selling ore/empos/elixirs, without needing to rely on super rare once in a month drops, and even the old drop rate for stuff like glas pants was way better than the drop rate we have now for OJ mats. Drags was when the game started to shift to a super rare drop system, and that's also when the game population started dropping, but Nexon only cares about profit rather than playerbase figures.
  • Upcoming Proposed Changes to AP Restoration System

    Question2 wrote: »
    Except that people would just rage quit after booming once instead of rage quitting after double booming twice.

    Except you get back the weapon for 10% of AP now and while it can't be enhanced anymore, you still have your weapon, unlike having nothing at all.
    I just hope the road to +10 will be improved to make this change more than viable.

    Im referring to the type of people who rage quit if they cant reach a certain enhance level.

    Most of the people who double boom something without a decent backup are doing it because they want to reach a certain enhance level and they will quit if they cant. You know, the people who say "Im going to try to +15 my weapon, if it doesnt work i quit".

    Now lets say you can ap restore your weapon for 10% of the AP, it cant be enhanced, and there is no decrease in enhancement level.

    What happens? The same people will boom their weapon once, then rage at not being able to make a +15 or whatever, and quit. Oh sure they still have their weapon, but they weren't sastified with it in the first place. So, even if they ap restore it, they wont play. Yes, they can make a new weapon and try again, but most of them will complain that "it takes too long to make another weapon" and "I don't have runes" and quit anyway.

    Unlike before, you won't be able to double boom weapons to get a high enhanced weapon. This basically doubles the amount of farming time to make double the weapons AND you need double the runes to have the same chances at getting a high enhanced weapon.

    For any serious player who is willing to play the game and get AP normally, The current system we have is much better if you are trying to make a +12 or +13. It takes on average 6-7 tries to go from +10 to +12. On average, that's 3-4 weapons that you would double boom. If you save up event runes, that's possible in half a year or less (again, on average). Oh sure it takes a 20k+ ap to restore each weapon, but most veterans are near AP capped and sitting on a mountain of AP capsules from kitty boxes, daily missions and events anyway. And it's incredibly easy to get AP if you just play the game normally.

    The people who complain about "farming AP" are the ones who refuse to play the game. Obviously, if you don't play the game, you don't get AP, and you can't ap restore. Doing the bare minimum in the game easily nets you 500+ AP per day, not even taking into account abyssal arena, s2 dailies or raids.

    Now an easy fix for both sides is to allow players to CHOOSE which restoration type they want. The current system that allows the weapon to be enhanced again, or the new system where you can restore for cheap but can't enhance it again. The latter would be for players that don't have any idea what they are doing and need a weapon back to play, the former for players trying to get a high enhanced weapon and don't mind a high ap cost.