Special raid is more profitable indeed because all classes will farm it but blute come on would you progress something for 5 ppl ? No offence its just my opinion . I would try lynn myself but it is how it is . Even looking on ranking of this character i see just not much effort to make lynn rank 1 ...DancingStar wrote: »We dont have many lynns on Eu its a rare character , maybe thats why they delay this thing so much cause its unprofitablemaybe they will delay it till update with arishas whip , maybe they will come together
While The Vanguard feature is profitable for someone? Asking ppl to level up all their alts on each account (many ppl have at least 2 accounts) to 95 to increase their chance to get some crappy prizes and an unsignificant buff in 'penetration'...? Not to mention it's an 'AFK' feature cause we don't have enough afkers already.
Where's the profit in that?
Buying the character slots? i don't see the point in doing that since nothing really profitable comes from doing those missions, and nothing forbid you to do it with 'only' 7 chars.
A bunch of ppl are watiing the blue for lynn, not only lynn players.
- Some ppl i know are taking a break from the game on purpose waiting for THAT update to come back.
- Players who never liked glaive and want to start a lynn cause that.
- People who apparently doesn't care but they will try her anyway and i'm sure some of them will also level her up cause the gameplay is quite enjoyable.
- New players attracted by the new stuff.
All of this leads eventually to gear her up, spending money/nx for gear or cosmetic stuff whatever if is a temporary hype or not.
There's the profit for both players and Nexon itself.
(As alwasy been for new chars and 2nd wep chars)
MisterWhiskers wrote: »tbh farhorn update is better right now if you have no interest in playing blute
ordinaryabnormality wrote: »who ever uses a 2 core cpu in 2017 needs to get out of this planet