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Grats on you both managing to get those premium outfitters for the wedding. Gapchas can't stop love!
But seriously, grats. Haven't seen you two in game as much in a while, but hadn't been … (more)on as much until recently myself. Always enjoyed runs where you two hosted and it's fun seeing your spooky Evie and her dapper Hurk. Hope you have a great honeymoon and all that jazz. (less)
It is probably because we complain too much, If it is free log event, we complain, Coupon event, we complain. Gachapon event, we complain. No event, we complain.
Yes, some of … (more)the complaints are unwarranted. Many of them aren't, though. It's a legitimate gripe that we constantly get lesser forms of the events that the Asian regions get. This past summer was the first time since I've started playing that the +10-15 coupons have been a part of the summer events, and even then what we got was still watered down from what KR/CN/TW received. Most people aren't going to be grateful for being shown that their dollars are worth less than their counterparts in another region.
You should keep as mind as well that most customers don't complain, they just walk away. (less)
Honestly it's likely on your end. When the servers are the issues it's all over megas and players come here to report it en masse. Likely you need to check and see if there's a relay … (more)somewhere between you and the server that's having issues and check your router. You can also check for packet loss, but again, it doesn't seem to be on Nexon's end, so odds are that won't be the problem.
For the future: look for solutions and stop trying to always attack and blame others. This is one of the cases where Nexon really doesn't seem to be at fault, but some people love to rant even when the problem is on their end. (less)
Oh, if Nexon would let us buy all the Golden Time items I'd love it! I'd feel like I'm truly appreciated. I'm thinking about going back to Blade & Soul since their NA/EU branches … (more)charge the players for features that every other region in the world gets for free. It just isn't gaming if the company isn't sticking it to you in every way possible. (less)
Even that summer time boost was nothing like things were with the release of S3. There was gear galore and there were boats running everywhere. Summer livened things up again, but the … (more)population has definitely dropped off and the only thing selling quickly at the moment are the outfitters from the new gotcha boxes. (less)