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June 21, 1993
Personal Quote
The path less traveled is the loneliest; solitude gives way to adventure. It is when individuals work together without becoming a group that great discoveries are made; otherwise, progress becomes replaced by ideology.
About Me
Over a decade of MMOs. Prefer Hack and Slash, Platforming, and Non-Linear MMORPGs.
I get what you mean about Delia having faster attacks, but there are multiple things Miri has that counter that:
1. Her dragon attacks build up a ton of SP which allow her to spam a powerful long-range attack which builds up a ton of dragon flame with almost no cooldown. She can take off 2 of a boss's bars almost instantly if she aims right and the boss doesn't dodge, then do unlimited dragon attacks.
2. You can enter her dragon attacks almost instantly with a dodge, quick right click, FAST left click, FAST right click. This double-cancel sends her directly into her large AoE, so she doesn't need to waste time by using normal attacks. Delia only has dodge spam through her dodge-rightclick-fastdodge and that is nothing compared to Miri's long dodges and the correct positioning of Fiery Evasion.
3. Delia has a block that can't stop the OHKOs, takes a sec to occur, and has a right click smash that takes forever to execute. This makes her very slow, and in fact most of her gameplay is just that blocking since her dodge doesn't go very far. Miri instead counters with massive damage while she's attacking normally; if used correctly, you can deal equal damage to what you would through dragon attacks, constantly and without delay. A successful counter then gives her an awesome buff.
And Miri starts fast, while Delia starts slow. Not to mention the fact that attack speed even increases her dragon gauge refill rate, so the attack speed stat on her is double useful.
Seriously, all you boring people with your daggers and your rapiers and your lances...
At least some good people have joined the hoop party, or the fan party. Honestly Boomerang Sylas would be hilarious but he's still an illusionist so I'd still prefer him to be a gambler.
Part of being a princess was learning ballet. That's why she literally dances during combat. She can barely carry a bastard sword, let alone an axe. And speaking of which, she's a princess so why would she use a barbarian/berserker weapon? A giant sword is already stretching it, but at least it's still a sword - and she would have used a sword during her time as a knight.
BTW Lynn is also a princess, fyi. She's not a dancer; she's a lancer. She may be agile, but she doesn't use actual dancing movements in combat; Delia, on the other hand, does.
Oh, and just to correct your list:
Evie is only a mage. Succubus is fanfiction.
Vella is a treasure hunter.
Hurk is a blacksmith.
Kai was never a vampire hunter; he's just an archer that is trying to find his lover's assassin to avenge her.
Lann is a gladiator-turned-mercenary.
Karok is a Giant, but exiled since he chose to intervene in human affairs which was forbidden.
Fiona was born a mercenary, and is the sole survivor of her original group.
Sylas was some kind of evil god experiment that was hunted down by assassins, similar to Arisha. Honestly their stories are crap.
Miri technically IS a dragon; the Dovahkiin had the soul of a dragon, but wasn't actually a dragon, so there's a difference.