What if you break the amount of gold that you want to send into chunks? The cost to send might be a lot less maybe. This may not work if you're actually trading with someone and not sending gold to your alts on multiple accounts. A bit more work for this method but, eh, why not?
RhapsodyOfFire wrote: »1.- You are right as long as those complains are constructive and not ''waaahh they dont do what i want waaah i will un-install''(then keeps playing cuz game still good)
2.-Yes i would gladly accept that my chars are deleted if they where to make vindi from scratch with one of the next gen engines, just imagine vindi and open world and the main reason i would accept my chars deleted is because all games die(because there is not technology to move a game from one engine lets say unreal to another lets say fox engine), eventually this will happen and there is nothing you can do about it
But complaints must not always be constructive. That's a suggestion. And we have a section called Suggestions & Feedbacks. That means complaints are accepted in two ways. What you are against are the feedbacks, but feedbacks can be harsh opinions. They may be in the wrong sections but it's irrelevant now.
There are many good suggestions and moderate feedbacks in that given section. It's up to them if they want to use them for their ideas. The difficult part always is mixing and balancing own ideas with other people's ideas but it's their job. We are players who only know what we want and don't want but we won't create whole systems for them because they won't implement them. And the only people who have a comprehensive insight into the game's systems are the director and the developers. They know what they can or can't implement in a few months because i'm sure they have problem with time as a lot of companies do. That's why we can't help them with detailed suggestions.
Many people know it instinctively because either they are working or had worked for similar companies or they are entrepreneurs but that doesn't mean they will hold the hands of Nexon and guide their way to success. There will always be complaints and i'm glad there are and even those who write stuff like 'i will uninstall the game if this and this does not change' because that shows they love the game and they care about it.
The world is not a fairy tale where only kind words can help.
Are we selling cereal now?, saying simply ''rip vindictus'' is not a good feedback, you at least have to say what you dont like and point what you do like so people can have an idea of what to do.
The world would be a fairy tale if all people where kind enough to help.