Stop putting words in my mouth. I win at PvP plenty of times in different types of games - hack and slash, fighting, FPS, and even skill spam. It's just not fun because everything becomes meta. In games where mob AIs are terrible, which are the majority of games, PvP is more "fun" because it literally has the only amount of tactical combat in the game; but in pre-Rise Vindi, while there ARE mob patterns that can be memorized, mob AIs still randomize the order in which they use those patterns and bosses even have a complex aggro-switching system, to the point that meta PvP requires less intelligence than PvE does.
As for getting used to mob patterns, you can get just as used to player patterns as - once again - the meta creates uniformity. Just as a player will master a boss after facing them enough, so will players master PvP if they face all of the classes enough.
PvP? You mean that thing in most MMOs where people trade kills to get the rewards since it's not fun or balanced at all to do otherwise?
People should stop doing PvE cause that is unbalanced too. You're not going to be able to out damage a +15 lvl 90 whale in Neam especially after the Rise patch where the additional dmg gave those whales even more of an advantage. At least in PvP I have higher chance of beating a whale hurk than in PvE and I've done this using a Lynn. Besides what is so fun of just doing PvE all day its so easy to memorize the boss's attack pattern its not even a challenge. At least in PvP the patterns changes depending on the player.
People should stop doing PvE cause that is unbalanced too.
Not when it comes to PvM. If anything, PvE at endgame is just PvP using mobs as scoreboards, and to that extent it is unbalanced - but you can't tell me that guilds don't work together to rig the mechanics in their favor. But true PvM - a battle of skill and wits against monster AIs - tends to be far more balanced in MMOs than PvP, as PvM is what most MMO developers focus on. While P2W does get in the way of that, PvM still remains more balanced compared to PvP because developers just don't care about fixing PvP; even games like ArcheAge, which claim to be designed for PvP, suffer from developer apathy for PvP balance.
- balance out matching system, newbies would play with newbies, and pros would play with pros, which means that everyone would be able to win from time to time, opposite to how it is right now, where people are forced to join a person which holds the spot in Arena (other words person who wins the most)
- it would remove a possibility of rejoining to someone, because your opponent would be chosen by the ranking system instead of yourself, people wouldn't be able rejoin (trade), which would remove the possibility to abuse this system for rewards
- added rewards in form of 'seasons' (like in League of Legends for example or BnS) would be given to TOP players, other words people would have to actually play, and play well to receive them - meaning that leeching would not be possible if someone would try to achieve any sort of profit, and thanks to the way that Vindictus combat system works, believe me that there would be no way to create bots that win for this sort of thing (because Vindictus PvP combat actually requires brain and predicting human behaviors, intuition, something that a software can't do... unless you'd have some advanced AI system)
Again, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I don't know in what conditions you play in because I've never heard of "any" delay having THAT much influence. For me it happens rarely, maybe once in every 9 fights. Also PvP in Vindictus is based on prediction. You have to predict what your opponent will do and for that you develop a counter measure against it. If you just spam attacks without thinking your opponent will just get invulnerability buff and win the exchange with you and later on win the match.The only way to be "good" in PvP is to learn the normal patterns that people take and then attack into the areas where they would be rather than where they currently are on the screen. But again, it's just a completely random thing because you are NEVER fighting someone. You are just fighting some ghost of theirs and they are actually never where they appear.
You might as well roll d20 dice all day and the one with the higher number ones.
Hurks, crossgun Kai, and Karoks get d20s.
The rest gets smaller and smaller die from there.
The "good players" are simply the ones who get lucky winning streaks or who always seem to roll high on average (again, the 3 mentioned classes) and think this completely RNG thing is worth doing so they keep doing it.
Well you might consider it waste of time, but then again everything is. Every other game which you play is a waste of time. Me trying to explain this to you, also is a waste of time. You're free to not like PvP, it's fine I have a lot of friends who absolutely hate it but at least they admit that they don't know anything about it (basically saying that PvP is not their cup of tea and that's fine). The reason why I pointed out Fearmaster is because he rarely loses to a Hurk, Karoks or xgun Kai's that you so much glorified. But you missed you either missed the point or misunderstood the fact that I used his numbers as a sort of an indicator to his achievemnts.Oh, congrats, over 16000 wins in arena. As if that's supposed to mean something? All it means is he wasted enough time to play over 16000 arena battles.
It's like saying you have watched over 16000 Sesame Street episodes. The only thing impressive is that you had that much free time to waste.
I can't say anything about Dragon's Nest as I've never played before. I agree on Elsword, it's a nice PvP mode, enjoyed it. But Blade and Soul I disagree to a certain extent. You can maybe blame this on my lack of experience in that game I didn't play it for long but all I can say is this... In Blade and Soul there is little to ANY personal design in it. Everyone's playing a certain thing the same way. The only difference is how used you are in fighting other classes so you can repeat the same thing with better adjustments to your opponent, in other words if I was to select one class and it's best possible outcome I'd just repeat the same thing over and over again. Now, in case you want to say that the same thing is in Vindictus PvP, you're wrong. I have never met ANY Vella (TS) who plays it the same way I do. Most just do random spamming and lose then complain how weak they are. I even had situations where I went on my smurf TS Vella to PvP against people and they figured out that it's me just from my playstyle. There is even a Video posted above about one doing it like that (Yes looking at you DrusaFor MMORPGs with worthwhile PvP go look at something like Elsword, Dragon Nest, or Blade and Soul.
Don't even try to lie to yourself that PvP in Vindictus matters beyond seal trading for the artifacts or emblems if you want something extra.
The most powerful characters in PvP are those with large aoe attacks that can hit outside of dodge range as well as characters with spammable movement/invincibility.
This means characters like Karok, Hurk, and xgun Kai are simply ridiculous in PvP.
If you're playing something else then you better pray.
As I said I'm a TS vella and I think PvP in Vindictus is a great idea but it has been forsaken by the Devs.You don't ever hear a Vella or Delia saying PvP mode is the greatest. It's always some Hurk or some xgun Kai thinking PvP mode is really good.
Xcut doesn't work? I'll just leave this here cut doesn't work, your attacks are really slow by comparison and hit only a really small area, your dodge is not as spammable and doesn't give invincibility the same way Kai's roll or Hurk's impenetrable does. So you literally suck at it.
The chasing ghosts and shadows thing is already apparent in normal PvP gameplay. Sometimes you'll hit a person but no damage will register. Why? Because on their screen when your attack went in they were in invincibility and/or were nowhere near you. So again, things like Hurk that can spam impenetrable around and not ever really be hit, or xgun Kai that can spam dodge around and hit a huge area with Hollow Shot, they are op. Or hopping Evie. etcetc.