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Last Active
April 19, 1988
  • Share your Event Wings!

    Got the black wings with ugly as sin corset. Wouldn't be so bad if you could work you way around that stupid corset.
  • Fergus need to get fired.

    Wow so many serious people here. I only made this topic to crack a joke at fergus. I guess people are a lot more salty about fergus than I thought.
  • Why is Arisha considered "Hard to play"?

    Arisha used to be difficult to use pre-s3 due to being an int char. Int gear lvl 80 and under are severely underpowered compared to str counterparts to balance out mana shield and magic mastery; neither of which arisha gets. Focus is nowhere near enough to make up for other equipment pieces being so much weaker. Arisha also has 1300 lower base HP, low base stamina, and the worst stamina efficiency of any character; making it very very easy to run out of stamina and get 1 - 2 shotted.

    Currently, the only hard part about arisha is how unforgiving she is toward lag. Many moves do not function properly when having even a 0.5s delay, because you cannot que them in advance. Characters with can que moves suffer much less so from delay.

    - Arisha is awful at moving quickly.. dodge tracer somewhat fix this issue.. but slight lag can easily turn this into dodge + grab, making you move way slower instead.
    - SP tracer can result in you not moving at all if lagging, while the skill still goes on cooldown and clear your tag.
    - Arisha's dodge cannot be que'd after a failed block. You cannot just block/dodge spam to deal with things like neit ohko if you lag.
    - Ruin blade enhance can fail to function if you suffer packet loss while casting it, locking yourself in a long animation where you can be slapped.
    - Arisha's block does not start up instantly; having ping delay can easily result in hits going right through your block despite it appearing functional on your own screen. Fifi/delia with frame 1 block would take far higher ping to have block fail.
    - Delay can easily cause your counter drain to take sp and go on cooldown, but without ever activating; or make you get hit during counter drain despite the perfect drain animation and sound being played.
    (As a bonus, not all arcane flurry hits will deal damage if your lag is bad enough, but would still consume stamina/mana.)
  • Fergus need to get fired.


    what a jerk
    SoulnessCatAngelSekaiizGewelliriousZezeOrder5NeritaTetsujinCorelessMochiSweetand 2 others.
  • Feels nice to e pink


    Taonu spawned after 38 days, now I feel complete :)