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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Why are there timers on things like megas ?

    Rakushu wrote: »
    I still dont know how to use the blessing stones with expiration dates on it. rofl
    It will never pick the time sensitive stones whenever I bless a run

    Place your regular blessing stones in shared storage. This will force you to use the expiring ones as they will be the only ones in your bag. Once you use them, retrieve your others stones from shared storage :)
  • New Content? Translation Needed

    ikevi wrote: »
    The rings don't seem like a huge upgrade? The main difference is the amount of counterforce at 90 vs 100.

    An extra bal and crit is a big increase for rings... Especially for the bal starved lv 100 weapons.

    1 extra bal and crit really gives that big of a damage increase?

    1bal will make a difference as it will raise your minimum damage rolls by 1. It's worth it to those with the desire to have the best of the best, and are already maxed with nothing left to work towards.

    For us though, it's a question of if +1 bal is going to be worth the gold cost. It's going to be expensive and the gold could probably offer more cost effective benefits elsewhere. So I would say it's not worth it if you already have plus'd level 90 rings. Even if you don't, the cost to make and plus both level 90 rings will probably be less than the cost of making one level 100 ring.
  • Balancing patch?

    Annaz wrote: »
    Does anyone know when these are going live? Whip needs buffs asap.

    I'd guess that we'll get it alongside the guild mansion update. IE: Next update
  • Well for a week this was fun , time to leave !!

    I'm not trying to pick on you or anything, but you're coming off to me as someone that couldn't handle what this game dishes out. One that takes the easy route of quitting instead of buckling down and investing some time to get better and progress. I could be wrong, but that's just the vibe I'm getting from you.

    blender wrote: »
    Hello there dear Nexon !
    Well , camed back to the game due to a friend's recomandation .
    Played for a week or so , managed to get some 95 gear ..got to a point of 12 k defense , 23 k DMG and to mi suprise i was not able to push the Story line further without asking for help left an right .

    I kinda wanna stop you right there and say that 12k def on lvl 95 gear seems a tad low? I can understand level 90 gear as my Hurk is wearing a mix of the free lvl 90 purple and OJ regina for a total of 12.6 DEF. If you're rocking level 95 (Dullahan gear) then your def should be higher. If you have 23k ATT then you probably have a level 90 weapon.

    In terms of asking for help left and right, the content within Season 3 is not meant to be solo'd. The normal dungeons can be solo'd by a new character if the player is skilled, but at one point or another, everyone needed some help with a normal dungeon. Raid bosses on the other hand will require the help of a party. If you're very familiar with the raid boss's patterns and have enough power, then yeah you can solo them, but to a new player parties are a must. You speak as if asking for help is a bad thing and it's not.

    blender wrote: »
    Main resons to quit this a 3 th time !!
    1. Boses from story line to damn OP from a point ( seson 3 up ), ps does damn archers verry OP .
    2. With lvl 95 gear and a plus 10 scroled wep ( on a Lann spear at least ) u cant continue to finish the story line
    3. To much pay to win, in a verry greedy manner.
    4. You cant advance in the game wiothout some good drops , but for does good drops you actualy need to be able to handle a fight, to do that u need super crazy gear wich u cant obtain if u dont invest a sheet load of money in the game .
    i guess some of you will jump streight in, and sheet talck this comment , but for mi 23 k dmg , 12 k defense spear lann , i've hit a brik wall and this is just the nail in the coffen for me.

    In order:
    • Bosses in Season 3 are not OP in the grand scheme of things. They're only AI's and have patterns. Every move had a windup or "tell" so you will know what's coming next. Everyone gets their ass kicked a time or two before they get the hang of things. It's part of the process. Season 1 was meant to level you & Season 2 was meant for you to continue leveling while learning the ins and outs of your character. Season 3 will not hold your hand and expects you to git gud.

    • You specifically call out the archers, which I'm assuming are the ones in Ben chenner that shoot the green poison arrows that do a lot of dmg. You're calling them OP, but they're not. You just don't know how to deal with them properly. As a spear lann, all you have to do is run up to one while dodging the arrows, and tap them with a belclaire. This will cause them to put their bows away and switch to their clubs. Run around the room tapping each archer once to put them in melee mode, round them up, and glide through the group for massive dmg + sp. See how having mob/boss knowledge is important?

    • You can continue the story and you have a few options on how to go about it. If you hit a brick wall in terms of a difficult boss, call in some help. If your brick wall is a stat requirement that you don't meet, make a regular boat instead of a quick battle. If you want to increase your stats, go back to what you can do, grind out drops/gold, and buy better stuff. Season 2 is a hotspot where newer characters spend time farming scrolls to sell; use it.

    • Realistically speaking the game is not p2w. Yes you can dump money for runes and such that grant you more chances or higher odds at power, but you cannot just straight up buy it (legally). You can reach endgame without dropping a single dime if you're vigilant and are willing to put forth the effort. You may have to spend weeks farming S2 raids & Regina thru Abom, but you will get there eventually. Having to grind is part of the game. Paying is only a potential reduction to the grind.

    • So by your logic; Dropping money means OP Gear; OP Gear means fights can now be handled; Being able to handle a fight means potential drops; Drops means you can advance. Your view of this is poor straight from the first requirement. You do not need to drop money to have good gear. You can get good gear on time and dedication alone. Having OP gear won't make it so you can handle fights. I've seen people way more geared than me perform very poorly in raids. Having knowledge of each boss, their patterns, mechanics, and phases are key. Gear only helps by allowing you to do more dmg or make more mistakes. It doesn't instantly make you able to handle fights. To quote the Player's Perspective,
      "You wanna beat a boss, you have to figure out its mechanics. You have to think to play this game. There's no escape, you have to be running, moving, dodging or you're going to die. They're not these big monstrous titans that you're just going to wail on....it's about how you choose to use the right skills at the right moments."

    I'm not trying to harp on you but your point of view just seems like it's from someone that didn't take a step back and ask the big questions. Why am I not powerful enough? How can I improve? What options are available to me for improvement? Are there other ways besides paying? You reached the simplest conclusions which is understandable considering it's the easiest path, but sometimes the easy path leads to disappointment. Our community has guides on how to gear up, how to handle certain bosses, etc. You just gotta look for it or ask someone that can either explain or point you in the right direction.
  • Redeemers: Dark Side of the Moon (Balor)

    A friend of mine was still having trouble with walls; looks like they have trouble maintaining a sprint while turning. So I made a wall video with a keyboard overlay to show how the keys are being pressed. Two clips both of which feature normal speed and slow motion replays for easier viewing of key presses.
