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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Best Thread of 2018

    its called concrete evidence. come back to me when you get an education tho that might be hard for you since you are acoostic after all :)
    Boy got roasted like a Thanksgiving turkey lmao!

    I've never done something like this on a forum but I'll take a crack at it. Am I feeding the obvious troll? Yeah, but who cares. I was bored

    I was hoping your rebuttal would have some more layers
    But it's weaker than damage of all the new players

    You insult my education and call me "acoostic."
    Learn how to spell first? Oh you might be boosted.

    But naw dog seriously, why are you even here?
    You're not adding to the thread but make it more queer.

    We all saw the pic and know what Evistix did
    Yet you derailed this thread by acting like a kid.

    Your arguments are weak; they don't hold any water
    Which is a good thing for me cuz I ain't got to try harder.

    I've made a few points, listed stats, and gave proof
    Yet you try to insult with bad memes like "oof."

    If it takes eight Koreans an hour to get through it
    What makes you think a flaccid Kai could do it?

    His stats are too low and he's likely not skilled
    I bet his role in a party is the first to be killed.

    The fact that you're debating me is still rather applaudable
    But like the opposite of acoustic you should have remained inaudible

    Your buddies cry roast and all you do is boast.
    But I'll have the last laugh when I upload this post.

    So chill out son and accept you've been defeated.
    Because a few pages back is where you should have conceded.

    So I'll take my leave here, I bid you adieu.
    Re-read my post and know that it's true.
    QuinquenoctredProvikDrachusOrder5dazedgumballTachiLion86KenshinXKaramythund 2 andere.
  • Dodging Neamhain Gates the Right Way

    This is very late to the party, but here's another method to dodge. It takes advantage of the increased sprinting speed that came with the RISE update.

    NOTE: If your connection to the host is poor, this way is not recommended as you will rubber band back into a spear and get hit.

    A Simple Reference
    • 1 bar: Don't try it.
    • 2 bars: Try at your own risk. You will have to compensate by acting a fraction of a second early, but it's not a guarantee.
    • 3 bars: Works nearly every time, unless an anomaly occurs.
    • 4-5 bars: Should be 100% consistent assuming you have the timing down. Failing means you probably messed up.

  • Onslaught Guide

    This needs to be added into this thread Comprehensive List of Guides
  • Redeemers: Dark Side of the Moon (Balor)

    Here's how to dodge his 7-hit OHKO rampage as a Spear Lann. This video shows multiple clips with varying scenarios.

  • Dang Server Response

    While I wouldn't say that your internet is garbage, it's a possibility that your connection is playing a role. I typically never see server response delayed unless the server itself is having an issue and many people are simultaneously experiencing it. Yours seems more like an isolated incident.