Personally I don't like what you wrote here. Of course not all parts above, but some I think it's just a poor excuse.
This game has many things that lead people to quit not just this one. But your reason is what I don't like.
First, I say again we re playing in EU, and we have bots but the price isn't affordable like what you wrote.
Second, the items for Int char is always cheaper than Str chars. And you said you re top 4 but can't make new rings even you have played every day. No I dont mean 24/24, but even my friend plays only 2-3 hours/day. He still can make these rings and now can enhance them.
Third, the content was released at Korea few months ago. It means if you have come to forum and spent 10 minutes at Future content, You should have known these things. But I think the reason is here that you wouldn't want to change even if you knew. Why would I do this when these rings still can be served me well? And that why people quit long time ago after Rise. They choose to leave/quit instead of adapting the changes.
Before Rise, my 80+15 weapon was still good that I didn't need to look at 90 weapon. But thing changed when Rise came. The new Add damage, the new cap att, crit, att limit ...etc that forced me to start building my set again. At this time, I could choose as you did now or step forward.
And what I write here not to keep you stay in this game, but to share my thought. That the real reason you leave/quit the game that you feel frustrated and busy in real life then it's ok. But not like a top 4 Sylas cant continue the game because of a stat that introduced long time ago!
BlissKnight wrote: »I'm surprised Lynn didn't get no buffs or nothing.
Technically, blute got a slight nerf, but we won't see it till next month. As for glaive, it's strong already, doesn't need any buff tbh
But there weren't any bugfixes for Lynn either (like recent -2 months old- royal raid bug). So she is forgotten till blute come. Poor glaive T_T
Hey as long as the bug is useful, just don't use little rat and dart and enjoy the insane DPS :^)