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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Paladin / Dark Knight

    Paladin focuses on team work and survivability, often petrifying enemies in their tracks, along with giving a party SP boost. Defense is kind of minuscule at best. so that buff for paladin is essentially pointless. Plus, your armor breaks in the process whilst transforming, decreasing your defense instead of actually increasing it.

    Dark knight is all out offensive, giving massive gains in stamina, crit ratio, and attack rating, which is completely useful for characters that require a butt load of stamina just to attack over and over again. Spear lann benefits Dark knight the most thanks to Fury infusion and the transformation's over heal, often pitting the player with 12,000 or more health. Be wary when using the dark knight transformation as this will make some characters complete glass cannons.

    Both give SP per hit, so Dark knight gets the edge when it comes to getting top dps.
  • Lanstrander and Brainfreezer title farms

    Title: Landstrander
    Location: Earthborn Seal
    Boss: siglint
    How to earn: Down siglint 15 times using hemdrills to bring it down.
    Required item: small bomb

    How to farm it: Run the battle with low level or no armor on normal mode. Bring small bombs with you so you can bring 14 bombs at a time per battle. Dodge siglint's attacks until he prepares to go for an instant kill, which will prompt the player to use bombs to target the hemdrill mounds. Timing is key for this part. It can be soloable, so be careful not to waste bombs. In the event you run out of bombs, you can always reset and try again. If you bring a party, then the crashed siglint will count towards the one who crashed it down.

    Title: Brainfreezer
    Location: Earthborn Seal
    Boss: Beokros
    How to earn: attack beokros' head with his ice fragments 15 times.
    Required skill: anything that can knock him down without destroying the ice in the process. This includes ultimate skills.
    Recommended classes for holding: Evie, Hurk, Karok.

    How to farm it: This one is more of over time and hoping you have a buddy to tag along and help you. Have your friend pop an SP increase potion if they have one right as the battle starts, and wait for beokros to do his blizzard attack that envelops one half of the map. Once beokros lands and you have the ice in hand, have your buddy use their ultimate attack, and position yourself towards beokros's head with the ice spear. Wait till the ultimate skill finishes, where you have exactly half a second to react before beokros gets back up. If timed right, you will get a bonus mission stating you attack his head with the ice spear. Be aware that the recommended classes have varied timings, and Evie has two holds at her disposal. Repeat this process as long as you have SP potions to spare. If you run out, you can always wait until you get the craft with expertise daily where you can craft a 10 second item to get 2 more SP pots every time it pops up. This will only count for the one who attacked it, so if your friend wants the title as well, you have to switch positions and repeat this process until you get it. Timing is also difficult as well, so it's okay if you don't get it on the first try. If you feel that you are wasting gold, you can always take a break on this and try it again when you have more. Additionally, any class that has holds can also work, but the ones recommended have short ultimates, and can be timed efficiently. Another way is to keep attacking until he gets knocked down, but that's more of chance and can kill beokros when you least expect it, locking you until the next day. Ice fragments can be gathered from Beokros's ice prison, and the ice pillars that cover the middle of the map.

    EDITS: Corrected the quantity requirements as mentioned.
  • What Scares You More?


    Nothing will compare to being forced to visit this town. Would you do it even if your nightmares become reality?
  • East, West and Australian Server Population - POLL

    Just wish NA was one big server. I spent too much time gearing on West just to start over on East.
  • Permanent Berserker's Listless Ghost's Possession

    Lol. How can people even think this is not OP?
    If it was perm, people would probably enchant it with fast too, 10 speed already right there along with 500sp every use of it.
    Sure if you could put fast on it then it would be op. But as it stands there isn't much of a reason for me to use it for a lot of the classes. Basically you are saying swap out a fast/pas greater paw for this. I only need sp at the start, almost always have enough by the time timers are done, so I wouldn't use it much.

    Sadly berserkers don't stack so that buff is null for most of us. That just means you gain 8 bal (folks with end gear already have too much bal) and then have the 500 sp vs the spd buff of the paw (or whatever else you want.)

    Not much of a win in my mind, and really not close to op.

    Anything can be broken in the right hands.