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Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!


Zuletzt aktiv
February 12, 1995
Personal Quote
I don't recall asking for your permission.
About Me
I'm not a role model.
  • Reason NOT to delete your character(s)

    If you care about titles, you might not want to delete your characters. When you delete a character, any title that was shared gets deducted. Lost -9 titles from deleting an alt that I stopped playing. Those titles included low level armor sets, PVP titles, and expertise titles.
  • is this game dying?

    In my opinion, they should just revert AD back to pre-Rise, but at the same time let armor still gain AD. If I remember correctly, +15 was 300 AD, meaning, +15 armor would be 150 AD each. More than reasonable without breaking the game because the current formula makes the game way too easy. Keep pre-Rise AD formula with the addition of AD on armor, keep the HP on bosses post-Rise, keep +20 (just get less AD), remove the restriction of not being able to enhance after restoration. Seriously, I don't think DOL has the right to tell players on how to use the restoration system; did he design it? If people want to double boom their weapons to get materials back to make a new one, then let them.

    AD is the reason so many people quit. There just way too huge a gap. With the current AD formula, seems like gear > skill. That is not the direction most people want the game to go in.

    How about Nexon actually listen to the playerbase for a change? We're the ones you know, actually playing the game. We have ideas that will make you money, we have ideas that will ensure player happiness and growth, so what's going on? If you actually took the time to listen to your players, listen to their feedback, you'd probably have a larger playerbase, you'd have more players happy, happy players = spending money.

    Here is a crazy idea: People want a +15 weapon? How about putting a +15 coupon in the daily mission exchange shop? 365 tickets should be more than reasonable. 1 year to get a +15? Why not? That will allow players something to work towards for.
  • Caution: Extraction Rune

    Just a heads up about Extraction Rune. They will NOT work on restored items that are below +9. Because I was not made aware of this limitation (it isn't even in the rune description), I contacted support only to be denied a refund. Um what? How is this my fault?
  • Share the Moosic!

    Birdcage (ep7) Beatrice

    [HD] (ENGLISH) Anohana - SECRET BASE {Moni}
  • Share the Moosic!

    Smoke & Mirrors