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Here is an image of whom Evie was modeled after :
Also, I think the reason for the change especially for Lann and Fiona was to keep up with the model quality of newer characters. That or they got someone new in charge of character model design.
According to the Korea Herald, the country's strict gaming regulations might’ve played a role in the decision to sell Nexon.
"Concerns over gaming addiction recently sparked some draconian measures in Korea. People can’t log in and play between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m., according to The Korea Herald. In-game spending is also limited to 500,000 won a month (about $444 USD) for adults and 70,000 won a month ($62) for minors."
"The World Health Organization is also concerned about gaming addiction. It decided to officially recognize it as a mental health condition in its 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases in June 2018. It will be presented to WHO member states at the annual World Health Assembly for adoption in January 2022. For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, “the behaviour pattern must be of sufficient severity to result in significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning and would normally have been evident for at least 12 months,” the WHO said in a September 2018 Q&A."
Guilds runs on Quick Battle are inconsiderate because the feature is being used for unintended purposes. The feature is used for, if the name wasn't so obvious, quick runs NOT Guild runs. There is a Normal Board for premade runs. But...but, that 1 core. Yeah, no. I'm not leaving. So, you can just keep kicking me off your boat and I'll keep rejoining it. It will only be just as annoying for you as it is for me. Suck it up and deal with it. If your friend/guild member is slow, too bad. Sounds like a personal problem. Get a better computer, get a better internet provider.
tl;dr If they're going to be inconsiderate, then I'll be inconsiderate back.