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  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Scarrlettt wrote: »
    All this hate and salt for kai. He is still really strong, this dodge mainly fked him over for neamhain. What I really dont understand is why scythe evie continues to go untouched. She can blink from one side of the universe to the other side within a second or so on top of her IR 10% spd buff and mana shield. Kai has no type of block or counter mechanic. The dodge bolt rolling was op, but just like with sword lann, they nerfed it way too much. They shud have made it in between, now its really slow

    Regardless still gonna try to master the new dodge and git gud to do neamhain. One good thing bout this, nobody can complain that kai is piss easy or baby mode anymore since his only defensive mechanic was essentially nerfed by 50%+ in terms of speed

    Scythe evie isnt even tier 1 DPS anymore. Arisha, Cestus Karok, both Kais, both Vellas and Staff evies outdps her in general. Not counting stuff like Spear lann on sandbags as its pretty situational and s3 has no sandbags for melee anyway (you can't hit braha with melee attacks most of the time, you have to wait till he starts attacking).

    Almost every s3 boss is anti-melee as they spam 360 degree AOE multi hit combos and/or have mechanics that are designed to be anti-melee :

    -Forcing melee characters to run back to white grass in Regina while ranged can still DPS from white grass, charge spells, etc

    -Braha being unhittable by melee most of the time

    -Glas spamming his AOE combos and standing in the middle of blue pools

    -Eochaid spamming AOE combos in both forms

    -Abo spamming AOE combos + its harder for melee characters to get to his legs in time
  • Why is the ingame clock now displayed in UTC?

    Does anyone even prefer the times to be in UTC (given that UTC:0 is London, which is irrelevant for all 3 servers currently)?

    The clock being in local time had an obvious use for the players of all servers. At the bare minimum, we could check the local time without needing to alt-tab or use another timekeeping device of some kind. Now, nobody is even sure when dailies will reset anymore. They used to reset at 4 am server time for AUS, what about now?

    I doubt anyone on east/west cares what time it is in London either when they look at the ingame clock. Hands raised guys...who wants to know what time it is in London when you look at the ingame clock?

    I have the sneaking suspicion that this change was made purely because Nexon NA had to list 3 seperate times for server maintenance in announcement and its much easier for them to just use UTC:0 and tell people to check the ingame clock. Except that it would now forces people to either login to check the ingame clock to find out when maintenance is happening (which still requires you to do manual calculations) or do the manual time conversion themselves based on the announcement. We will no longer be able to read the announcement and go "oh maintenance is at midnight today", we will need to read the announcement, login, check the clock, calculate the time difference between the clock and local time, and work out what time maintenance will be in local time.

    Seriously Nexon, can you at least bother to ask players if they would want this change before you even think about doing something like this? This is literally marketing 101. This is like HR suddenly deciding on their own to issue paychecks in a foreign currency and then wondering why employees are pissed.
  • Bring back the old AP menu.

    I honestly dont get the change to the AP menu. Its obviously a step back.

    -You can no longer disable skill videos, WTF?

    -You can only spend all AP or none

    -The skills have been re-arranged in an order that doesn't make sense. Clipped wings is now the first common combat skill for evies. WTF? Like...why? None of the skills appear to have been re-arranged in a way that makes sense either. It's not using an alphabetical sort or anything obvious.

    Nexon, please explain what this is about? It's weird that of all the teasers we have heard from KR, this wasn't mentioned at all, is this a NA exclusive change?
  • It seems they nerfed Decisive Battle again

    Lol this thread.

    Easy mode isnt an american only thing. Devcat doesnt code stuff like this purely for NA.

    New players are not quitting because "it is too easy". They are quitting once they realise they need to spend money on runes to make +10 double enchanted weapons for endgame or because it is "too hard to level". I just recently spoke to several players in the mid 40s who quit and refused to come back because it takes too long to reach end game and one mentioned some MMORPG (Tera i think?) where you can apparently reach end game in one day. I had one player reach the early 60s only to quit because the bosses in formorion base were "too difficult". I think he ended up switching to Tera. Several other players quit because "nobody else does low level missions" because 95% of the playerbase are either at endgame or soloing low level content on alts.

    If anything, new players want it easier, not harder. Theres also the problem that new players have very limited ways to make gold...anything of value that they can sell is also something that they need to hoard for later use, like powders.

    TBH, the game's progression started going downhill from drags onwards, before then it was easy to get decent gear for end game content. I remember when you could make the lagho set and weapon by yourself in just a few days max, no hardcore grinding needed. Most roch stuff was easy to make too. Drags and s2 was "do raids every day for 3 months and not get a single rare drop".

    Even people with the OP level 80 event gear basically do no damage in s3 so they need to be carried to get recipes. It should never have been this hard to get a decent attack for end game content, because that just makes people give up and quit.

    The progression is so bad now that a new player by himself with no help isnt going to have the appropriate gear to solo s2 level 70 when he reaches level 80, let alone doing any level 80 content. Any new players who are actually staying at this point are most likely getting tons of help from their guild/friends or else they would have no gold/gear and would be kicked from most boats.
  • Blackcipher CPU usage spiking?

    For me blackcipher isn't really a problem. For me, the biggest problem is the goddamn HUD. it takes away like 20-25 fps. When i hide it i get like 40-50 fps, sadly, i can't play without it since i need the hud to cast spell as Evie so i get garbage fps. I'm pretty sure that the HUD shouldn't make you lag like that. If i could get a constant 50-60 fps i would enjoy this game so much more. We need an optimization update.

    graveyard ship with hud : 20-25 fps
    without hud : 40-45

    I also read that this game doesn't use multi processing correctly, so everyone with a processor that uses multiple cores just suffer a lot. If its true then fixing that issue would be a great start.

    The main cause of the UI lag is because it attempts to update every status effect icon every, single, second.

    The party info window is the main source of the lag because it shows you buff icons for the whole party. Go to your UI settings and tick the first 4 to under battle UI to disable them. You will still have your status effect icons. If you need to enable the party info window temporarily to look at your party hp or something, just hold down the environment key (i think its tab by default).