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At many people's insistence, I remodeled my old Enhancement Chart to accommodate the new changes brought forth by our 1-18-2017 update. This will only last a few months though because further changes are coming to enhancement for lower level equipment. There are only three changes that have been made to enhancing:
1) For level 90 armor specifically, enhancing will provide the same amount of DEF as plate, regardless of armor type.
2) Enhanced armor now provides significantly more DEF when broken than before.
3) Armor will now provide HP starting at +6.
Everybody thank our silent saint Shippuu for collecting and providing me with this information through his posts. Please keep in mind that I am still working to confirm the numbers for +13-15 to make sure everything is correct or that Nexon didn't screw up. Thank you Shippuu!
In advance, if you plan on making a full +15 armor set, there is pretty much no point in choosing level 90 plate armor because you will retain 90% of the DEF at +15.
I didn't catch this thread until now, but I think the new look is good, and I think you did well with the colors.
For people who aren't good at tackling colors, one way is to attack it from a material perspective (separate cloth, leather, plate, etc.) and use two dull colors plus two vibrant colors.
FINE you grammar heretics, "did well" versus "did good".