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  • Bored AF with this game. Nothing worth running except s3 and it's still boring af with full party and considering even soloing raids you only get 1 life erg and 1 blessed magic powder for drops it's not even worth running that. #3 Sylas on West is q…
  • The Time Chaser Chestpiece also glitches with various pairs of pants making it look like there is a line of floating diamonds behind the characters. Pictures showing the graphic glitch of Time Chaser Chest while wearing Malignant Pants.
  • o.O wdf man? Just spend a few 100k on a mega and ask to join a level 20 guild. You'll get all the exp. capsules sent immediately to your mailbox without the hassle of earning BP to level up your guild to 20 to get the full rewards. If you don't feel…
  • West also - Loading lag is back and everything seems to be running half a second behind. i.e. press dodge, get hit, then character dodges. . . extremely annoying. I really don't enjoy having to relearn my characters timing with nearly every update. …
  • Extinction Roar can still be used for I-frames I use it on Braha when he's reaching to grab me. I sorry I can't be more specific, but there has always been a point during Roar where it could be interrupted. What I'm finding a little frustrating is t…
  • I'm 'bragging' because it takes a **** load of work to get to where I'm at without paying for it and I'm proud of that. It IS a big achievement and takes a lot of time and effort. You seem to have missed my entire point which was addressing, "this …
  • That's really weird because I keep seeing the same bug on the same player, Taeyong, every single time that I see that guy running around or standing around in town.
  • You guys should really add some kind of program that tracks what battles/raids are being run on a daily/weekly basis, the difficulty of these battles, how many people are in each group that runs said battle/raid, how many deaths occur during the bat…
  • "June 28th Scheduled Maintenance GENERAL 15 hours ago We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, June 28th at 7:00 AM PDT, concluding at around 1:00 PM PDT. " ^ Taken from the "Latest News" page found here: http://vindictus.ne…
  • Bowner wrote: » i played from day one of vindi eu. i was around when you didnt get stats for leveling only stats from farming titles which i did. i agree that people are getting stuff far too easily nowadays but look at the raids like naim, withou…
  • I always got it from Ships Graveyard but I think I've seen it drop in Moonlight Peak also.
  • Bowner wrote: » this game never gives anything worth having anymore for free, you have to spend to get. This just isn't true. I've been playing Vindi for 4-5 years now and this game has only gotten easier. You get all kinds of free stuff worth …
  • Funny thing - I've been ranked #3 Sylas on West since this upate. Started with a Tech. # of 218 and total points around 165432. I replaced my Righteous es with Immoral and my backslot kitty necklace's Fast with Significant es because I almost never …
  • Rizzle wrote: » Story progression is finally what i wanted it to be all along. No more running all over creation back and forth between town for NPC dialogue quests. If they smoked weed to come up with this idea, i support legalizing it 100%. Puf…
  • Not that I really care about titles but the info you asked for is easily found. http://tinyurl.com/y6ure7hq
  • Prototypemind wrote: » A number of the players listed literally do zero mechanics in boss fights or get other players up with feathers. I've watched some of the people here go ham on Abom while his barrier's still up because they're too lazy and/o…
  • Host it on easy mode and solo it.
  • Best Sylas = Salamander and GrantUsEyes ? Little disappointed I didn't make anyone's list