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  • The auto-aim feature in Vindictus has always been crap no matter which character you play (including bow kai). It's not just that our attacks often miss mobs or bosses by going under any flying creature, but Core drops act like destructible objects …
  • In my experience you need at least a pretty steady 4bar green connection (maybe dropping to 3 bars only once or twice(lagging)) to play in peak top form. This is just my preference. A steady 3 bars under a good host is good enough to play without mi…
  • I live in Central USA. Started on East. Been on West for 3-4 years now? Played on EU for a few months. I get 86ping to both East and West coast servers 156ping to Paris & 150 to Amsterdam. Population seems roughly the same to me depending on pl…
  • ^ both replies are correct however any mid-bosses that spawn and drop loot must be picked up and will not auto-loot. I'd suggest getting a gremlin or one of the new fairies that picks up loot for you. If you're lucky you can find them on the MP and …
  • Question2 wrote: » Im pretty sure theres no mechanic for that and ive never seen him drop to his knees due to a certain % of damage. I think what you are seeing is him getitng knocked down due to skills or just people spamming high KD skills. C…
  • Hurk is good, but boring imo. Karok is good Pillar or Cestus imo. Vella is good, but also boring imo. X-Gun kai is good, but I've never played him much. Sylas is good imo, but he can be a bit squishy if you need practice with him (equivalent to …
  • Once his shield drops and he falls to his knees do not spear him. You have to attack him continuously after his shield drops to do a certain % of damage. Once this number is reached he will again fall to his knees. This is the time to spear his arm …
  • Omg that is too funny. I'm going to get Victorious Footsteps just because of this video
  • The combat and the fact that my potato can't download let alone play any other games . . .
  • Log in Claim Daily Boxes Check mail Chat with guildies Chat with a friend or two Check s2 & s3 Boards & Quick Battles Log off cause I can't host raids and I'm bored as hell. . . .
  • I main Sylas on West and have another Sylas on East. Four years ago I started playing vindi while using a Spear Lann for my main. Since then I've created and leveled at least one of each character in the game to at least level 70 switching my main t…
  • I didn't get to say goodbye and the threads been locked so . . . Sorry to see you go bro. You were always a really nice guy and a legend among Karoks. Best of luck in all your endeavors. Take care. +hello
  • The Attendance Reward was a "Sketchy Lubber's Quality Coupon" as opposed to the "Lubber's Quality Coupon" that was given out in the last? event. There's so many events nowadays I can't keep track of them all. The "Sketchy" coupon only has a chance t…
  • Arix "I'm confused, he shouted a mega advertising his account for sale which is a permanent ban, so why is he surprised that it happened?" A pointless question . . . but if you really want to know more about it, look here http://forums.vindictu…
  • I kinda like the mad hatter look although I might choose different boots an perhaps gloves. I've been thinking some greens would look nice cause not many ppl are wearing green but you'd have to be careful not to end up looking like a leprechaun
  • Ah. Thanks Monoha.
  • Here's my new look . . . http://tinyurl.com/zvkmu4a
  • IGN - 7thRonin Server - West [url]http://tinyurl.com/zvkmu4a[/url] FML - just viewed your pic Raven +cry didn't realize I pretty much did that same dang picture +cry