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Game Launch Blocked


  • Member midixas
    Vindictus Rep: 505
    Posts: 5
    wow still nothing, GG nexon
    for anyone searching alternatives, you can play right now C9, dragons dogma dark arsisen, black desert ( if region unvailabe, just ask other country friend to gift you, becouse steam rules let play any region blocked game only if its gifted), later this year dauntles will launch open beta and monster hunter world next year
  • Member MiXiEEE
    Vindictus Rep: 505
    Posts: 3
    dead meme
  • Member Krezzz
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 31
  • Member Controller001
    Vindictus Rep: 1,920
    Posts: 78
    Decided to check this once more before leaving for good and seeing no changes, why do even keep this topic open ?
    Just close it and tell everyone to go and eat sh*t, like this company is doing now with players from 2011 and back...
  • Member Ereagos
    Vindictus Rep: 300
    Post: 1
    Is there a little chance,that nexon will add Latvia to the list,or i need to migrate in another country?
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    It seems being honest causes a lot of pain for Nexon. I don't believe there would be negative consequences if they told exactly what the situation is instead of paltering.

    It really hurts when you start disliking something that you liked before because of the company/person that makes it look like a joke. Even though i'm not blocked i just can't play this game because of this and it's not that i feel like sacrificing myself for it. I just don't want to do something that i feel unfair or i feel bad about.

    All these post removals, secrecy, dishonesty from a company is what actually makes people stop using their services completely. Why are there no arguments between the admins and the players in such cases when no forums rules are broken and their posts are still removed? Why do you think sweeping the problems under the rug is an effective way to handle them? What about thinking about improving the service instead of seeing every complainer as a crying baby when they just demand a better management for their money...

    I bet many people would be open for a proper discussion if you also approached it with an honest attitude without just pressing the remove post button.
  • Member Aquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    All these post removals, secrecy, dishonesty from a company is what actually makes people stop using their services completely. Why are there no arguments between the admins and the players in such cases when no forums rules are broken and their posts are still removed? Why do you think sweeping the problems under the rug is an effective way to handle them? What about thinking about improving the service instead of seeing every complainer as a crying baby when they just demand a better management for their money...

    I bet many people would be open for a proper discussion if you also approached it with an honest attitude without just pressing the remove post button.

    There hasn't been any dishonesty going on, as stated previously there just haven't been any updates, it's not something that they've forgotten. As for removed posts, several were done because they were outright spam or explicit.

    We've kept this thread open because we still want communication. It's still something on the team's mind.
  • Member RhapsodyOfFire
    Vindictus Rep: 5,375
    Posts: 625
    Aquasol wrote: »
    There hasn't been any dishonesty going on, as stated previously there just haven't been any updates, it's not something that they've forgotten. As for removed posts, several were done because they were outright spam or explicit.

    We've kept this thread open because we still want communication. It's still something on the team's mind.

    If you only post about the changes people will believe you don't care anymore. You could at least update this thread weekly or monthly posting things like "we asked the competent persons again, and they still haven't made any progress" or asking if there's still hope and post about it. You know that's why people are so distrustful?

    Outright spam? For Nexon or the community? Was Madcobra's latest post here also an outright spam? I think it was quite informative. I didn't know a few people worked around it.

    By the way, isn't the "Report" button for this reason? To report real spam? And i thought explicit means explicit content not explicit opinions. I saw a few non-explicit posts that got removed and they weren't real spam. Could you explain it?
  • Member skyee
    Vindictus Rep: 610
    Posts: 5
    7 months already passed. Why am still here? Because of it's hack n slash mechanics and style, that's hardly any online games can compete. This game has so much potencial, but why do you think it has not that high player base nexon?
  • Member Aquasol
    Vindictus Rep: 2,650
    Posts: 229
    If you only post about the changes people will believe you don't care anymore. You could at least update this thread weekly or monthly posting things like "we asked the competent persons again, and they still haven't made any progress" or asking if there's still hope and post about it. You know that's why people are so distrustful?

    Posting "No new information!" every week wouldn't change anything. If and when an update happens, it would be announced.
    Outright spam? For Nexon or the community? Was Madcobra's latest post here also an outright spam? I think it was quite informative. I didn't know a few people worked around it.

    I'm not going to derail this thread with a discussion over what you assume my actions to be. If you have questions, please feel free to PM, and I will answer to the best of my ability.
    By the way, isn't the "Report" button for this reason? To report real spam? And i thought explicit means explicit content not explicit opinions. I saw a few non-explicit posts that got removed and they weren't real spam. Could you explain it?

    It's to notify the moderation team of a post and/or thread that infringes upon the rules, or that may warrant a look into. Spam does not necessarily have to be part of it.
  • Member Krezzz
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 31
    If the block is gonna stay then at least let the players who could play before play it now >_>
  • Member Rupucs
    Vindictus Rep: 425
    Posts: 17
    another month passes by still 0 updates. that is INSPIRING to say the least. can we get to january like this for an anniversary. i would asume so.
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    edited October 25, 2017
    They can make another merge but they still cant fix this issue , make no sense . Please stop removing my posts from this thread i dont break any rules , also im here from the beginning almost one year .... exactly people asking here almost one year to give them back their rights and what ? Nothing
  • Member Krezzz
    Vindictus Rep: 750
    Posts: 31
    So they can merge Australia almost a year later but completely ignore this problem (especially Israel since it wasn't blocked before)? Are you freaking serious nexon
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    Krezzz wrote: »
    So they can merge Australia almost a year later but completely ignore this problem (especially Israel since it wasn't blocked before)? Are you freaking serious nexon

    Ignore its the correct word , cant finde other explanation , thats how they fix problems , ignore
  • Member Slucker
    Vindictus Rep: 740
    Posts: 23
    vindiadiction withdrawal is real
  • Member Rupucs
    Vindictus Rep: 425
    Posts: 17
    well gotta wait for cristmas and maybee hope. then again ......
  • Member Rupucs
    Vindictus Rep: 425
    Posts: 17
    One might think that 10 months of waiting would at least garnered an official statement about the issue or something. All we have recieved are some moderator on rare occasion dropping by, hoping the brass is doing something. One has to wonder. As far as im concerned seems that Nexon just doesnt care for their existing or potencial customers with this kind of actions. So many people lost due to the lack of communication.
    They have mnanaged at least 1 thing properly - issue is burried and people have moved on never to trust nexon or spend on their games most likely . Sad really.
  • Member Slucker
    Vindictus Rep: 740
    Posts: 23
    For some reasons i havent uninstaled Vindy yet, and i stil have "Vindictus EU.lnk" on my desktop
  • Member JuztBe
    Vindictus Rep: 10
    Post: 1
    Just installed it, time to uninstall i suppose.