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Game Launch Blocked


  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    That would be a fair response but don't forget that @Aquasol already gave an answer about what might take so long.

    He/she said "I do not know, but I imagine". That is not an answer. That is one guy/girl guessing what is happening. Might be right, might be wrong, I asked to Nexon prove us that anything is happening at all, got banned.
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 29, 2017
    Melnaa wrote: »
    That would be a fair response but don't forget that @Aquasol already gave an answer about what might take so long.

    He/she said "I do not know, but I imagine". That is not an answer. That is one guy/girl guessing what is happening. Might be right, might be wrong, I asked to Nexon prove us that anything is happening at all, got banned.

    Your ban was due to spamming a deleted post and then spamming in general.
    In the future do not repost something that was deleted, since if the post was removed that means it does not follow the rules.
    Also do not post the same thing in multiple threads.

    On the actual topic:
    I am not sure what you expect as a form of proof, however I don't think anything more can really be said about this until there is an answer to be given.
    That would be a fair response but don't forget that @Aquasol already gave an answer about what might take so long. I'm guessing it's legal stuff since it takes so much time. You know how long it takes for a lawyer to consider the legal questions regarding whichever case. It might take up to a couple of months.

    But your anger is reasonable until they give an exact answer. It shouldn't be hard for them to ask the competent person (for example the manager) about this.

    You are right about it being a matter for legal, however a couple months is extremely generous.
    From past experiences, matters that require legal have taken well over a few months to conclude.

  • Member Rupucs
    Vindictus Rep: 425
    Posts: 17
    edited March 29, 2017
    Its still pretty frustrating to just sit there in the dark and not knowing. And in this day and age "gamers " tend to be pretty vocal about what pains them when it comes to the games we love and stuff. hard to blame wanting to know. We need some control too, that is clear. Its a slipery rope we tread on.
  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 29, 2017
    2 same messages in relevant discussions are spam now. Good to know.

    Imagine you ordered a GPU, and after some days of waiting it arrived. But there is an issue. The box is empty. You try to contact support, but they are ignoring you. You try and try and try. After ~3 weeks of one sided conversation they answer you. And what did they do? They tell, how hard it is to work in support. No answer to your question about when you might actually get the GPU or your money back. Just a story about how hard it is to work in customer support. And then they fix the issue. Just kidding,. then they continue ignoring you.

    That is why I called that "response" a sob story. Because it was.

    What else was there. I asked how hard it would be (just how hard, not how to do it) to allow us to play. Because we all know, that there is away, and it is god damn EASY. Also I asked to stop deleting messages and to just talk to us.

    I was mean to the "there is no way we can allow you to play" GM, sorry about that, it might have been enough reason to delete post (or edit it, as you/someone else did it before), but he should not have responded like we are illegal immigrants, and it was only in the first message, no one of the others had it.

    But ban me, without warning? When you do not ban people, that walk around calling everyone they do no like Jews, and not in the good way (do they have warnings, do warnings even work?)? Seems like you are favouring some customers over the others.

    About proof, I do not care any more. As I said before, I do not want to play game, I want compensation. On the side note, I think, that I have proof of the first NX I ever bought somewhere on the external HDD, and if Nexon does not keep some kind of evidence, that they did "that" and "it" then.. It is bad, you should do that.

    You should add:
    1) 2 posts = spam;
    2) Asking questions = ban;
    to the rules, so other people know it too.

  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 29, 2017
    It was posted at least 7 times prior to the ban.

    That particular message seems to have been on more than one of those posts. However the removal of that part wouldn't have been enough to allow it to stay, the overall tone of the post did need to be changed.

    The deletes should have been enough warning, spammers do not get anymore warning than that since by the time we warn them, the content is usually already reposted multiple times.

    Please report anyone that has made any racial slurs. There is a chance that was missed. Racial slurs would warrant a warning or even a ban.

    I am not sure what you mean by "that" and "it".
  • Member Slucker
    Vindictus Rep: 740
    Posts: 23
    edited March 29, 2017
    There should be a notification window, you know, like in old hl.exe: "Kicked dut to: time out / slot reservation / etc." but with refference to the rules.
    When my post got deleted for the first time, i sincerely thought that i didn't even posted it in the first place, so i did it again.
    And then, only on 2nd time,i began to suspect, that may be it wasnt because of memory failures
  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 30, 2017
    I am pretty sure, it was 5. And I did not spam it, I reposted it. At most, it was at 2 places at the same time. This discussion and Unblock Israel one.

    So basicly we are not allowed to be angry after Nexon has lied to us and ignored us for a month. That was my tone there, I was mad.

    And no, that message was only in the first one. I understood, that it might have crossed the line, so I kept it out.

    And I know, it is one of you 4, who is the "ban-happy without warning, because I do no like tone" person.

    I told you, that I would be asking questions on that day. I told you, that I would keep reposting same questions, and you did not even bothered to tell me, that it is not allowed to be angry. I mean, it seems like I have no issues with communication. I posted what and when I will do. While all we have got is "IDK what is taking so long".

    I understand, your support basis is to ignore, and if you do not like something then ban.

    You know what. 10th of the April. I will repost the same questions, but will change tone to neutral, how about that. If the tone was the issue why message was deleted at the first place, then I will change it.

    "It" and "that" is everything from buying a god damn stapler to contacting your legal department, because there is an issue with migration. You are an incorporation, you should keep record of everything you do.

    Scarp those rules then. You should add new one:
    Mods not liking the tone of message can delete post and ban users without warning.
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 30, 2017
    Re-posting deleted content is considered spam as well as whatever the post was removed for in the first place.

    The notifications from that day say 7, however I am not sure if I was notified of every one of your posts.

    You are allowed to be angry, this entire thread has proven that much. However you do have to follow the rules:
    CoC wrote:
    Posting Rules and Regulations
    - Harassment or trolling of any kind will not be tolerated. Treat others with the same respect you would like to be treated with.
    - Making racist, derogatory, threatening comments and/or direct attacks on other members will not tolerated.
    - Respect the opinions of others. Refrain from putting down your fellow community members. Make sure all feedback is constructive.

    For the future post, I advise not to.
    If you must please keep it within the forum rules and know that if it is deleted you should not repost.

    As for the comment about "it" and "that" I am confused as to what the topic even is or how it is relevant. Yes there is a record of what is done, but what does that have to do with the first NX you bought and what does that have to do with this topic at all?

    It would be best if we can just get back to the topic.
  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 30, 2017
    Does those rules also apply to the Nexon's staff? Because I do not see them treating us right. I do not see them treating us with respect. I also do not see Nexon respecting our opinions. You edit and delete messages and do not leave a trace, if we did not paid attention, no one would even know, that messages were edited (not only mine).

    "It" and "That" were used as examples for whatever format of documentation you use for record keeping, be that a receipt for buying stapler or Snapchat story about whatever else you do - more Harlem shake videos, IDK. If I can keep a record about money spent in this game since 2011/2012, then surely you can keep a record about doing something with month+ old issue. And as it turns out, you have something. Then why not show it? Why deleted comments asking for poof that anything was done month ago? Why let us become more and more angrier/disappointed? I know, that it can be easily faked, but at-least it would show, that you care enough to pretend that something was done.

    You should still edit rules, to make then clearer.
  • Member Flenge
    Vindictus Rep: 355
    Posts: 8
    Melnaa wrote: »
    Does those rules also apply to the Nexon's staff? Because I do not see them treating us right. I do not see them treating us with respect. I also do not see Nexon respecting our opinions. You edit and delete messages and do not leave a trace, if we did not paid attention, no one would even know, that messages were edited (not only mine).

    "It" and "That" were used as examples for whatever format of documentation you use for record keeping, be that a receipt for buying stapler or Snapchat story about whatever else you do - more Harlem shake videos, IDK. If I can keep a record about money spent in this game since 2011/2012, then surely you can keep a record about doing something with month+ old issue. And as it turns out, you have something. Then why not show it? Why deleted comments asking for poof that anything was done month ago? Why let us become more and more angrier/disappointed? I know, that it can be easily faked, but at-least it would show, that you care enough to pretend that something was done.

    You should still edit rules, to make then clearer.

    "reads in agressive tone"
    "comment deleting intensifies"
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 30, 2017
    When a post needs to be removed due to breaking the rules, no trace should be left. It defeats the purpose of players can still see the post through quotes.

    There is nothing that can be said right now and definitely nothing that can be shown. You will have to wait until there is an answer to be given.
  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 31, 2017
    Flenge wrote: »
    "reads in agressive tone"
    "comment deleting intensifies"

    Quite agree, now I have 2 comments less than yesterday. Which ones, I have no idea. They were fine yesterday, but today they are bad. Someone does not like my opinion.

    So Nexon has nothing and probably also is doing nothing. I want compensation. Same compensation other people got, when DFO and Strike something closed. 8 June, 2016. Not a day after that. It was the day migration (game closing to us) was announced.

    I understand you edit/delete post giving a link to VPN. But you also deleted a part of my post, when I said how easy it was to get past region block on the launcher. I did not said how, but it was IMO really easy. Someone gave me info how to do that on the first week, after we understood what kind of attitude we will be getting here. And you just edited my post, why?

    Uuuh. He deleted posts, where he said, that they have poof of everything. I mean, not only mine, but also his own. Is someone in trouble?

    EDIT 2: Now we have a proof that Nexon does not mind lying to us. Dealer said, that they have proof, but now he has deleted that post and is saying, that they have nothing. One of those was/is a lie. He either lied in his deleted post, saying that they have proof, or right now, saying that they have nothing.

    And it would be odd, if a big enterprise like Nexon does not keep records of when and why they are contacting legal department.
  • Member Madcobra
    Vindictus Rep: 5,230
    Posts: 916
    Yup i readed that too before it got deleted
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 31, 2017
    None of my posts have been removed.
    They havent been edited either (other than a typo here and there around the time of the post).

    I don't see any of your posts removed either. The last thing of yours that was removed was from 2 days ago and in the post you knew it "might get deleted" due to the contents.

    Your previous post was edited because you should not be telling others about exploits, explaining it's ease, or advising others to use it.

    I see you did misunderstand one of my posts though, but I doubt that matters since as I stated before there is nothing that can be said.

  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 31, 2017
    You see, if it was only me, then yeah, maybe is misread/misunderstood. But I am not the only one. Also you forgot to edit this part:
    "And as it turns out, you have something. Then why not show it? Why deleted comments asking for poof that anything was done month ago? Why let us become more and more angrier/disappointed? I know, that it can be easily faked, but at-least it would show, that you care enough to pretend that something was done." From one of my comments, because it clearly shows, that you said, that you had something. Why backpedalling so much. We saw it. Also that "might get deleted" message stayed up for day, maybe 2, before you deleted it. And I said it only once. But lost 2 posts. 1 is not 2. Also why delete all post? You could have just deleted that one paragraph.

    Also if Nexon does not keep any kind of record of contacting their legal department or whatever you have there for whatever business related issue, that is shady as fu*k.

    It was my opinion, that it was easy. To some other people, it might be too hard to be able to get past launcher region block. I recently talked to guy, who thought, that you can put Intel cpus in AMD sockets. I bet, that he would no understand, how to get past region block.

    EDIT: And if you (Nexon) really do not have anything, it means just one thing - that you are also doing nothing. That you have not done anything since migration happened. In any case, you lie to your customers. So since you are not doing anything, can we get same kind of compensation other people got, when DFO and Strike something closed? What would only be fair. Or should we ask for more, since you lied to us for 1,5 months?

    EDIT 2: Today is 31st. Tomorrow is 1st April.
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 31, 2017
    It seems like you are misinterpreting a lot and it is getting really offtopic, so I'm just going to post one last time about this sort of thing, in the hope that it clears some things up.

    The post that was removed was not up for a day or two (seems like it wasn't even there for more than a few hours), it was removed 2 days ago, which means that if you noticed your count go down recently it would probably not be due to that. However as I said there was nothing else of yours removed since then so, it is strange you feel like your post count went down at all.
    There wasn't much else in the post other than the comment that needed to be removed, which is why it was deleted and not edited.

    I haven't edited/removed anything from anyone's posts in this thread since your comments about the exploit (which was weeks ago). You can even see who last edited a post and when.
    The comment you quoted seemed really out of place given my past replies, which is why I skipped over it when I replied before.

    There is no reason to bypass filters, so after this I will have to edit that part out.
    Also I think you are misunderstanding something here as well. I am not saying there is or is not something, because as a Volunteer Forum Mod I am not involved in that at all, so I wouldn't know either.
    All I am saying is that there is nothing that the players are allowed to see.

    Also I am not Nexon, I am a Volunteer Forum Moderator, which means I'm more of a player than anything else.

    No one with a boarder has lied to you either, so please calm down.
  • Member Melnaa
    Vindictus Rep: 1,075
    Posts: 54
    edited March 31, 2017
    Can you just stop lying to us. For once?

    1) However as I said there was nothing else of yours removed since then so, it is strange you feel like your post count went down at all.
    Judging by amount of post editing/deleting here happens. No, it is not strange, that post count is going down often.
    2) There wasn't much else in the post other than the comment that needed to be removed, which is why it was deleted and not edited.
    No, there was. It was not only thing there.
    3) You said, that "of course there is proof ". (Or something in those lines). Why did you said that, if you are just a vol. forum mod? You lied. Turn however you want it, you lied.
    4) At this point I will just start screenshotting everything you/Nexon staff is saying.
    5) But here our voluntary forum mod claims to know, that there is nothing to show. Howe do you know, that there is nothing?
    Dealer wrote: »
    There is nothing that can be said right now and definitely nothing that can be shown.
    How can you claim that?
  • Member Dealer
    Vindictus Rep: 2,815
    Posts: 415
    edited March 31, 2017
    As I said before no one has been lying.

    For your point 3, I did not say that and you can check the posts, they have not been edited.
    I find your use of the term "proof" really strange actually, which is why I had to ask you what kind of things you were even referring to.
    Looking back though I think you are mixing things up from when I was asking you how NX spending records have anything do with this conversation.

    4 is up to you

    5. Please reread the quote. I said there is nothing that can be shown. In other words, something like what you were asking for cannot be posted.
  • Member JackShade
    Vindictus Rep: 450
    Posts: 10
    Melnaa wrote: »
    Tomorrow is 1st April.

    So... Is April Fools' Day is the time to tell us smth like "guys, don't be worry, you will back to game soon! :D "?
  • Member Flenge
    Vindictus Rep: 355
    Posts: 8
    JackShade wrote: »
    Melnaa wrote: »
    Tomorrow is 1st April.

    So... Is April Fools' Day is the time to tell us smth like "guys, don't be worry, you will back to game soon! :D "?

    How about you just wait untill there are answers and get your ticket closed,implying that beta accounts issue will be simply neglected,but its not ok to speak out loud about it,so you just get fed false hopes untill you just move on and stop bothering the ships crew?