Vindictus is known for its soul-crushing RNG and will most likely remain so until it closes down. The developers know exactly what they are doing and who their target audience is, otherwise they would have revamped the gear destruction part of enchanting/enhancing system years ago. Now, I have nothing against BDO, BnS, Tera, or whatever MMORPG people are playing these days, but Vindictus has its niche and it remains online because a lot of people enjoy the game.
Some people appreciate the challenge Vindictus offers. "Gold Ein Lacher is too hard", "Getting orange grade materials is too hard", "Getting a purple level 90 weapon is too hard".
Getting 70 gold medals in Ein Lacher is too hard? No worries, aim for silver until you get better.
Orange grade materials are too rare/expensive? Orange grade materials are the best, you're not supposed to get it overnight and it's not like the game is unplayable without them.
Getting basic gear is too hard? Uninstall because Vindictus is clearly not for you.
Asians like RNG and are more willing to spend money on games while the Westerners are the opposite. I'm not talking about one-off purchases such as buying a copy of GTA5 at your local game store, I'm talking about cosmetics and gear. South Korea has a population of 50 million, while USA has a population of 300 million. We all know which Vindictus server is more populated and where Nexon makes the most money. Part of the reason why NA has so few Vindictus players is because of NexonNA, but that discussion is for another day. I don't know about everyone's experience, but my Asian friends almost prefer to gamble for virtual clothes than purchasing physical clothes, food, tech or something that is tangible. Well over half of my Asian friends that regularly play Vindictus have spent over $1000, a few have spent over $10000. On the other hand, all my Caucasian/Black friends spend very judiciously or only buy items that don't involve gachapons such as hair. If Nexon was losing enough players to be of a concern, they would have given players what they wanted (debatable). Vote with your wallet, but as far as Nexon can tell, their Vindictus players want more gachapons as the recently released Regina Outfitter was gachapon only.
Regarding level 95 gear and their stats, I don't understand why people complain.
Level 95 gear gives the same stats as level 90 gear? "GG dead content on arrival". Basically Abomination gear.
Level 95 gear gives slightly more stats than level 90 gear? "GG making people upgrade".
Level 95 gear gives too much stats? "GG 2 minute raids, WTF Devcat".
So at the end of the day, ask yourself, "Is Vindictus giving you hell?"
If it isn't, keep enjoying the game.
If it is, play a different game. Stop trying to change the core elements of Vindictus, play it for what it is and enjoy what it offers. Just because you hate a certain aspect of the game doesn't mean everyone else does (there are exceptions). After all, nobody is forcing you to play Vindictus.

and 2 others.
When there's a simple login event that (requires 0 $ from you) gives you Prem enchant runes, Enhance runes.
--They complain
When they don't get their +10 by enhancing, knowing it will break (without backup weapon).
--They complain
They login daily not run raids as often as others, afks in town, gets no drops.
--They complain about RNG sucks in this game, all day long.
When running Abom raids, people's not so good at chains or if their network is so terrible that they shouldn't be chaining. Knowing there are other people to manage the chains.
--They complain about how bad the server is, how poorly the design is.
Eochaid and Abom essences are too expensive when they were close to 100m each.
--They complain
........When it is cheaper around 20-50m.
--They complain (Stupid noobs are ruining price) you do realize there are people in game that needs gold too?
Anytime there's Premium outfitter release
--They complain, it is not dropping enough, or it is dropping too often.
When there's nothing going on at all, nothing wrong, no issues, no lag, no glitches, no item over-price.
--They complain (that there's nothing to complain about)
Optimization is something this game can really work toward, though. Network infrastructure and stuff tend to be broken.
However, I will still complain because all the new inners they've given to Kai comes w/ Lann's muscle texture + gross color clipping on the back of the neck.
(Left: Wild Child Inner| Right: Thong)
I've stopped hoarding new inners because of less developed abs + that neck.
All inners in Japanese server retain Kai's buffed build, meanwhile NA's client seems to be loading the wrong inner texture for Kai.
RNG is necessary but this system is brutal and harsh, it rewards hard work and effort with broken weapons and armor. It should not be a surprise that most people become bitter after repeated failures.
Nexon NA has been doing a good job lately, the last few events we had were awesome and it is about time someone should post something like this instead of all those complaining posts about how events sucked and games dead.. etc
Vindictus does have its flaws, but it is still enjoyable =D
Pretty much so, I'm one of the few pure blooded Americans that actually like the challenge that this game offers. Persistence eventually pays off, but some give up hope before even reaching their maximum potential.
Seal shop makes getting orange primes easier than ever now (craft orange + purple smooth/solid and you got a chassis that can take R7 scrolls). Ein (doesn't matter what medal you get) and Abyss arena are two good sources to get bravery seals.
As for drop rates, it's kind of Eh. I just do raids for fun and not care about what is given at the end of each run. Usually my farming runs are what matter most. As much as I like to have waking stones, getting 60 of each one is a bit overkill don't ye think? ^)^
Vindictus pretty much breaks the norm of other KRMMOs that makes you grind over 3 months just to get end game gear and then still be killed in two seconds rather than gathering 40 seals to craft a prime armor part, or 150 for a prime weapon. Sure, weapon takes longer than armor yes, but the point is that if you're efficient with your seals, you can be better off in the long run. 300 seal can bag you two primes instead of having to grind for 350 seals (unless you want to go decisive valor as a base weapon, then perhaps) to enchant R7s with. I didn't get the luxury of having to farm seals to get my primes when regina got first released, so ye new bloods got really lucky. :P
I had to farm two days straight of element stone mats in twilight desert to get my weapon prime... now, I can just farm seals to get the same reward.
So many changes for the better, but yet peeps seem to look at everything negative rather than seeing the positives.
If they really wanted to milk money out of ya, then they would have made it to where they took you years to min-max everything, and have your weapon boom at +0 going to +1... or even have the whole mechanic of having the "failed to craft" mechanic. You guys wouldn't love that now...
Ppl booming their main weapons w/o backup then complaining is also something I can't feel sorry for.
As others mentioned the performance issues in this game are a lot more annoying imo,regardless of the hardware.
Ever played an MMO known as Soul of the Ultimate Nation or Dragon Nest? I probably guessing one has not.... That game's RNG for elite gear was so pitiful... almost 3 times as bad as vindictus. Booming at +0. having to grab level 4 mayan metals that has a 80% chance to fail when crafting (along with crafting elite gear even if you manage to grind that many level 1 metals and get enough level 4s only to have everything explode in your face and force you to start over from the beginning) from level 3 mayan metals... and in DN, that gear, even when protected can lose one or two enhancement levels when attempting. HILARIOUS.
Secondly, Buying with in game money is a bit more of a grind than buying boxes with IRL money depending on said region on place and hope for the best. It took me three days of straight grinding to get my first regina primary weapon when it first came out, where they were usually around 300m-450m depending on the roll + abilities that said weapon prime had.
Additionally, there's events where they give one free runes, where I used said free runes on top of my normal farming sessions to make money + make my weapon stronger. Before I went on with Immoral, I started with Decisive (WHICH can be found in Proof of courage on Hero mode). If people are complaining about free stuff, then what's the point of having the event in the first place???
+10 Decisive Valor 80 weapon (mainly abyss, heremon, or armageddon) with a mix of heremon's armor (chest and leg) and Noblesse helm, arm, and boot, can easily solo S3 runs if you have enough practice into your character. Everything in vindictus takes time, effort, and probably lots of weapon/armor dust to boot. It's the best mixed 80 set one can really do if they want a balance of defense and attack.
Personally, I don't care about getting infusions, and it's never necessary to gather 100 said stones to infuse the blue brooch to risk getting +2 to crit, when it makes little to no difference considering that I'm almost capped for S3 in terms of critical ratio. You don't need to have infused accessories just to reach end game. S3 dungeon farming takes less gear requirements than to say trying to solo S3 raids, or let alone Freaking Neamhain for that matter (which I still find optional to this day).
and if one really know my stats in game, then how much attack, critical rating, balance, attack speed, and my favorite of the bunch, stamina do I really have? I'll give them a guess on that to see if they remember the exact numbers. Really that shouldn't be brought up on forums in all honesty because that only promotes hostile behavior (btw good job if they've been paying attention as of the late).
Btw, if one thinks I should min-max myself for neamhain of which will still kill you in about 2 or 3 hits even if you have 13-15,000 defense, then all I'm really doing is just wasting my time when I could instead be farming gold... to each their own though.
Really, the question is though, do element stones really blow up a weapon as opposed to failing an R7 enchant OR going beyond +10 without a rune? No. if one ends up getting negative stats, then one can easily fix it by grabbing another one, or trading said god mats for gold, and buying one from MP. It's not that complex when thinking about it with consideration...
TLDR: If one thinks that Videk is the worst of the three in terms of RNG and material gathering, remember that one can gather for element materials BUTT NAKED in twilight desert if you sneak past the mobs. Literally anyone can do it and get rich off of it assuming that shamir doesn't glitch and trigger his boss fight. And for catalysts... well one can do red archer in the same matter, but without doing hero mode for the by-product of enhancement elixirs. Congratulations... I'm surprised that the min-maxers didn't know that farming element stones was THAT easy if one knows what they're doing, yet they are too busy spreading negativity on the forums that ends up deterring new blood from progressing in the game before even giving a chance to do so when there are gold guides to show these spots from the positive side of the vindy community...
To have one thing is a cost of another, and that still holds true to this day when the salt shaker is accidentally spilled. one does not need all infusions to get golden god, one does not need +15 to get golden god. To get titles like those, is to train yourself for the better and being persistent to the point of insanity.
and to motivate everyone else that has doubts:
A true hero is not necessarily the fastest or strongest, but is the bravest, upholding challenges that even sends them to the brink of insanity, even going the extra mile to prove that the bravest are the ones that hold victories and showing that persistence will eventually pay off even if they are against their odds, even if they are against a salt filled community that believes them to see nothing but eternal darkess. Even in the depths of shadows, there is still light that will gift the player with the strength to surpass others that has walled them down to the point where they cannot do anything. Am I a human? Am I a machine? What really am I? Is reality really a mirage for being forced to follow different beliefs bound to living their life in that same path?
I am Ikarsu, one that will show that there is still hope for some that has given up, even if I have to sacrifice what's left of my sanity to prove that. The strong does not put others down, but they lift them up and motivate them to succeed, and not even negativity will stop my path. Even if I have to experience everlasting pain, I will still do it, because I know that someone, somewhere, someday will succeed my willpower and shine light upon me should it ever burnout. I may be great, but there will always be someone better than me no matter how hard I try, and I accept that destiny, because that is when my victory is achieved.
Yes, the penalties in this game are harsh, but we take them on knowingly. So long as we continue to get events like the recent ones regularly the way that KR does, and so long as we have the help of things like the seal shop update and the scroll shop event I'm fine with the game as is. While on some characters I will continue to push and push, on some a +12 or +13 90 is more than acceptable and I don't think that the fodder thrown at getting that myself or earning the gold to buy that is out of sorts.
I do hope that we get the sketchy +10-15 coupons back for the next event or that if they use these boxes again that they update the rates because they're horrible, but other than that this even has been quite amazing. The best part of it was that all the major items had a full day window to claim them rather than having to make sure that players were on day after day after day. The current state of the game is very good for keeping players around.
As I said, BnS has zero chance of your gear being destroyed but the grind is mind-numbing. I'd much rather have this system--bolstered by coupon events and such--than guaranteed success that takes all the fun out of playing.
You are all mad probably because you see the same thing Cessa is seeing. Except she is posting the truth while you are all hiding behind Nexon. You will see as all of the players leave. The items getting cheaper because economics no one is buying, the boats don't fill up anymore no one is hosting boats. It was the same in Dungeon Fighter and Dragon Nest before Nexon sold them. Cheap tems, no one doing any runs. PvP was empty and we had to megaphone to get just 4 people to show up for PvP.
I quit playing a lot because my guild quit. Everyone in my guild quit because there weapons always keep blowing up. Finally my guild master made me guild master and he quit. I was the only one who came back for +10 coupon. No one else in my guild even came back for that.
Come back to see new event giving only A-F scrolls and +7 level 20 weapon only? What a joke! People are happy and play Vindictus for that?
Going back to BDO, much better game, only accessory high end is hard to get and have active PvP players all the time.
True that,and yes BnS is a complete grindfest later on,had to quit it after 6 months or so cause it was just insane.
You can pretty much only progress later if you no life grind the game with an active guild or premade group or throw money at the game.
I will take the Ferghus casino over that.
And well,if ppl really complain about not having a +15 and a fully infused whatever set then idk if they ever enjoyed this game or just play for the numbers.
Played with +10/11s for years and it did not get in my way of fun,what does is the bugs and the annoying ppl I manage to run into sometimes.
I did get some +12s and a +13 last year thanks to events and the seal shop but it did not change a thing for me,still do the same stuff in the game but now I have a nice red glow as an extra:P
I'm far from defending Nexon or some of the gear related systems in Vindi but its really not that bad compared to most Asia grinder mmos.
It has nothing to do with RNG as well, there are no point saying that to prove some 'point'. Basic gear costs nothing, and no one complained about orange being rare/expensive, especially when they're not.
Who ever complained about not getting Golds in Einrach ? And what does it even have to do with "dead population" and "rng" ? Einrach is a solo mode + stats are special there so it doesn't really affect anything.
This is like you're pulling something completely irrelevant in order to try to do something irrelevant as well.
It's "dead content" because you can clear everything in a single day, so the next week you are already bored because people already anticipated everything 6 months before.
People complained about high stats as the cap is too different compared to everything we had these 5 past years. Lv 60->70 was around a 1k ATT jump, and 2k ATT for 70->80. What surprised everyone was the crit difference.
Just check out all the threads so far, or back when s3 wasn't released nor known to anyone, people barely even cared about Critical. (best ex : Lionotus, his crit res is as high as s3 dungeon main bosses)
We're getting a 15 Critical increase, that's far from nothing, and that's why people were already complaining.
I'm just explaining facts, I don't even mind because even crit capped, I feel doing 1/4 crit just because "rng" anyway.. not saying I should not care about Crit and keep a 110 Crit, but going for the cap is definitely not something obligatory.
And the "2 minute raids wtf" comes from trash ideas such as remove ATT limit system + no ATT cap on certain dungeons, which just rewards those who have 50k ATT.
When you do a perfect Niflheim and still lack so much behind your friends because they have 30k ATT when yourself have 22k, it sucks and it's depressing, f eeling like you are "useless" when you aren't really. (proof to be, you do better damage than those friends in capped raids)
And the main point, oh my...
Asians like gambling yee, so we have to be exactly like them ? Don't bother marketting anything on the Western if we bothers them that much. Don't believe me ? Ex: seal shop. We have orange parts in seal shop, while Korea doesn't.
There can't be any difference to please the playerbase ? Lol.. oh well, it's like back when KR had to choose one version so the developpers can 'focus' on developement.. when all we got is them ending up 'focusing' on s3 to release RECYCLED features from oldest seasons. (sounds, attack patterns, or hell even boss, hello Lord Glas)
Gotta stop jokin' at some point.
What's new, honestly? I'm highly critical and definitely cynical when it comes to this game, its publisher and developer, but I stopped wasting energy constantly blabbing about it. You use Warframe as an example? Well that's great, Warframe is generally a great example of F2P done right. But since you are so well versed in complaining about Vin/Nexon/Devcat then you would know that Digital Extremes/Warframe and Nexon/Vindictus should reaaaaaaally not be compared because the only things they have in common are 1. F2P 2. Grindy.
Again, you come here daily (or at least I see you post the same things daily), and I'm certain STILL do not have gold or gear in game. Wah wah wah, I can't get geared, its too hard, nexon isnt giving me enough free stuff I want fully enchanted max synthesis +10 OJ 90 armor for free!!!!
Everybody bloody knows about the horrid ways this game punishes you and all of your work. We know.
Why are you still here and not banned from this forum yet?
>the last few events have been awesome
LOL no. Masses of afkers sitting in colhen playing BDO is the opposite of what the game needs.
Its pretty difficult to play a MMO when most of the playerbase has quit for other MMOs and new players refuse to seal farm to make level 90 gear or complain that ein lacher bronze/silver is too hard.
I remember when there was so much more people playing this game when roch/drags were end game and progression was a lot more streamlined. If you wanted a level 60 weapon, you could easily do a few raids to make one (titan being the easiest for most characters). Many veterans remember helping new level 60s gear up by doing titan breakoffs, it was easy enough that people didnt give up and quit. s1 raids were easy enough that people were sastified with +10s.
Modern MMO players want everything on easy mode. Try talking to newbies sometimes. "350 seals is too hard to get" "I dont want to make a weapon with 150 seals and purple shards because it is too difficult to upgrade" "I want to do raids but dont want to message people to make a party" "Ein lacher bosses are too hard, they kill me in a few hits" "I want to get gold but don't want to sell stuff" "I dont know how to dodge a boss but dont want to practice it" "I want item X but dont want to do battle Y to get it" "I want to solo everything because i dont like parties but i dont have the skill/stats to solo everything" "Valor ES is too hard to get, i did a few runs and it didnt drop" "I want ore but dont want to bring mine bombs".
My favourite : "I have a +15 but s3 dailies are too hard". I dont even know how to respond to that.
The MMO industry (globally speaking) has changed to accomodate modern MMO players by making easier games, games that dont change slowly die out (how many people play RO 1 these days?).
like if you just accept a piece of turd wrapped in a box are u not going to complain? cus ull just keep getting more of it
whoa whoa whoa, i leave for 2 years and these are the posts we have on forums now? god damn, i miss the people who used to crash forums with sh*tposts lmfao, wth is this
Back than there was 90+ pages of same old back and forth, game is hard , get good, put effort, don't be intense it's just a game not a job game shouldn't be like a job, damn asians and their drop rates, new players can't possibly succeed, only nx sellers can get good gear, fergus, brynn , people saying game is dying and will prolly die soon every time population dips, yet than there's new update and everything is back to normal again.
You guys are like a dog chasing his own tail seriously.