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login: 30fps-30fps
town: 25fps-25fps
battle: 0fps-15fps
turn ui off: 20fps-20fps ?
turn ui back on: 5fps-15fps
The … (more)painfully obvious memory leak associated with turning the UI off is gone. No more relogging after every battle. Old craptops rejoice.
(Before you start, look at em numbers. Obviously that includes me.)
The rest is the same. Open a menu -> load for a second. Press a button, drop a frame. Enter royal army raid -> lag through the whole thing. Old hat at this point.
One bug down, a few million to go. But one bug down nonetheless. (less)
No one talking about Fiona?
Hammer feels terrible. Terrible. Why should I even try to make hammer work when, say, Delia makes the rhythmic power hitter archetype work so much better?… (more)
And no, I don't think it's ok to write off Fiona as a-ok just because longsword was buffed again and again.
Not even going to discuss Giant Shield. Ahahaha. Sadness.
Really feels these days that Fiona has the most toys (4!) but only one valid set up. Others have two or at least one+one in the future. (less)