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  • Neamhain staffie only run vid

    my pov

    another pov

    Third Staffie run

  • Post your alban 20/20 feats here.

    For the wall running, you do the wall slide on the back of the room. Wall slide will give you more running speed as Ikarsu stated.

    To know if you properly alined to the opening, in the back there are lights and they area a good way to tell you if you're at the right positioning.

    Last tip, if you hear the sound or see the light flash, you can touch the wall associated with the sound since you past it. This is very helpful for the later patterns where you have to run from one end to the other.

    That all i got, clear it and never do it again <3
  • Where do get the Cherry Fishing Rod?

    Can you also change the get fishing item from NPC to Get it from Strange Traveler. This would be very helpful to newer players.

  • Experiences with lord glas breakoff

    KK, for Glass break off, you need to do enough high KD move to knock him down. Since attacking him with his shield up counts this shouldn't be much of a problem.

    When someone spears him in the back he'll do his first fall animation but that part of the spearing in the back animation, can't get break off during this one. When he get out of his getting speard in the back animation then you ahve to KD him with High KD moves.

    Since all the attack that hit him when he had the shield count, there a good chance he'll be kd'ed right after he get out of the getting speared int he back animation. At that point you'll spear his guanlet twice for the flitch.

    Potentail Problems That will make it so spearing his break off not count:
    1. Kai Pray Dive
    2. Any Hold skills
    3. People fighting ontop of breakoff thus absorbing the spear.
    4. Random person flitching the boss.
    (last two aren't part of the list but are factors that will make getting the breakoff harder)

    Edit: Just watched the video, you need to flinch him twice to get the extra core breakoff, everything else is right.
  • Quitting Rant

    the last 1-2 years of playing wiht ya was really fun. Started off getting to know ya when you were planning niflhein runs, those were some fun run when it was accually challenging. Also joining the vindi discord when you were still in admin position was a blast and really enjoyed everyday. It was fun raiding with ya and making funny and not so funny joke along the way.

    Sad to see you go but i understand that eventually a game will loss it's flare. Maybe we'll bump into each other later in a new game or in life. Till then cya, might still chat on discord from time to time x3