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  • AP Item Resurrection Requirement Changes

    The main reason i could think of why they remove giving matts after "boom" is because of the "seal shop"

    this are just my opinion

    1. To encourage other players to keep doing raids.
    2. Over supply of rare matts on mp. if players keeps getting their rare matts after item destruction
    3. Rare matts value will go dert cheap. actually its very cheap right now it will go much less of a value if we still keep getting our matts back.
    4. since all matts are cheap its not really a big issue if we dont get our matts back.
    This is exactly the reason why we are no longer getting materials back after booming. With all the handouts this game is already giving out, its already killing the market as it is. OJ's are literally next to impossible to sell or you have to sell em dirt cheap. The only thing worth any sort of value now is dyes and mysterious shards and even those are having a tough time selling.
    Most items in general aren't selling very well because of how dead the game is.
    There's also the fact that new players just can't afford anything. Prices are high from the gold buying days, and new players coming in have no means of making gold unless they get lucky on drops, which means that most don't have the means of paying high prices for anything.
  • Boarding any boats at Colhen(Rocheste) Docks

    There's an update coming where you can get notification of boats being created for your favorite selected raids that also allows you to join them from town. Not sure if it will show the actual party members or just number in party, though, didn't pay enough attention to that.
  • Hurk Second Weapon Officially Confirmed?

    They were made by the devs though, were they not? That constitutes not being 'fan made' if so.
  • I gotta say

    I wish we had the original Gallagher dice shop instead of this one, with a wider assortment of items, but implemented with the ticket selection would be perfect instead of all the RNG. All the RNG is exactly why I'm planning to abandon the Vindi ship as soon as some of these other MMOs/ARPGs drop. Time, effort, and ability should be rewarded and should be the primary means for advancement, not money and luck only. This is supposed to be a game, not real life.

    Overall, though, I definitely appreciate the event and all that it offers.

    I only enhance on the second Wednesdays after the full moon. Unless it's a leap year then I do it on the first Sunday.
    Do you sacrifice one of the goats from Malina first, or nah? That's been working really well for me.