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  • Are the direct sales drying up?

    I prefer airtight since I don't buy NX

    The King of Fighters outfitters were direct sale and still airtight. They don't have to be in gotcha boxes to be airtight.
  • GM are being distant now a days

    iMini wrote: »
    There's been stuff going on in Nexon America that you can find with a search. They're probably still in process of restructuring and recovering from it. Would've been great if there was an announcement though so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

    They literally made zero announcement about Dragon's Next being acquired ahead of time in any way, the GMs simply went silent on the forums until the new publisher already had their forums up. They ignored every single request for players for a heads up about what was going on. If they didn't speak up for something that significant I doubt they care to speak to what's up with Vindi losing a few staff members. They're definitely a company that closes ranks and disregards players as anything other than a source of revenue wherever possible.

    They even either dumped all their volunteer mods, or lost them all in a very short period of time and have yet to replace them. Nexon NA definitely doesn't care too much about keeping the players informed, nor does NCWest, nor does BlueHole--which is tangentially connected now, since Nexon runs TERA over in KR. Add Kakow/DAUM to that list as well. NA/EU are treated like garbage, but there's no reason for that to change as their employees keep toeing the line until their fired and the whales keep on whaling until the games are shut down.
  • Invisible Event..?

    So from registering for a +10 90 for Hurk & Miri, as well as much better packages for Sylas, S3 release, etc., to having to be on 30 mins a day for 15 days for Lynn's? You can keep that mess.
  • Rest in Peace Bed Sheet Bandit~

    Elyr wrote: »
    They also stripped his buffs of helping movement. Only affects actual attacks now, not rolls, dodges, etc. Director sucks.

    Afaik, that was a bug that was never addressed until now, might be wrong though
    Wasn't described as such in KR from what I saw, it was simply something the director decided on. Karok has functioned that way for years now. "Fixing" Kai's roll was annoying. This change is character crippling considering that he's full on melee. Just one more way the game is becoming trash. Taking away mobility and speed on an action combat title?
  • Rest in Peace Bed Sheet Bandit~

    They also stripped his buffs of helping movement. Only affects actual attacks now, not rolls, dodges, etc. Director sucks.