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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • LANN worst class atm ??

    blender wrote: »
    LANN either sword or spear just suks , dificult to play , dificult to survive , just lame , low hits per second , and so on . The dmg a sword lann deals its crap compared to EIRA , Grimdon and so on .....not even geting in the dodge / dash mechanik for LANN wich suks...

    Neither lann is difficult to survive with.

    Sword Lann has both slip and Nimble Dash.

    Spear lann now has one of the most generous dodges in terms of iframes plus having more iframes throughout the entire duration and recovery animation of lightning fury.

    This is going to be a bold statement, but if you're having trouble surviving as lann, you're not playing him right. If you have not learned basic survival skills with Lann, I don't think you're experienced enough with him to even be making threads and comments about what he needs.
  • What do you love about Vindictus?

    The real time hack n slash combat
    The bosses and boss design for the most part.
    The musical scores for some bosses are amazing. (Looking at you Lugh and Aes)
    The fact that every fight is a chance to improve oneself further.

    All this in a f2p package is why I love it.
  • [Deleted]

    In all honestly, you don't strike me as someone who spent much time at all with Vindictus. Either you're a new player drawing very quick conclusions, or your someone's forum alt which can be ascertained by your "Basic A" forum account with only one post. Whichever you are, I do believe you are quite literally talking out of your ass for a good portion of your post.
  • Update v2.54 Evie's new ugly face

    I felt the same way when they changed Lann and Fiona's face way back when. I thought I would dump my Lann b/c he would never look the same. But then I realized and asked myself; how often do I look at my own character's face? Not often enough to keep caring about a change that I'll only notice briefly during boat introductions.
  • Game feels dead :(

    sadrazam wrote: »
    Cloakshire wrote: »
    Dillonz wrote: »
    Since the couterforce update I stopped playing. I have less and less time, meaning I can't keep up with the insane gear requirements. Basically what everyone above has said; one of Vindi's greatest downfalls is the massive paywall and luck requirement. Without these, the game can get boring fast.

    If you've quit, would you mind logging in and giving me all your stuff?

    He can`t. Everything binds in this game.

    Nah, he could still mail me all his gold, level 70-80 drops, awakening stones, powders, catalysts, potions, ergs, etc. As far as gear goes, he can have Dianann dismantle everything into essences and give me those too.