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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Power & Tech. requirements for Dullahan?

    Puppyman wrote: »
    Menrva wrote: »
    It's no surprise players who have always been lucky/spent tons of NX are out of touch with how difficult it is to gear up.

    I can assure you 70% of people you claim to just be lucky do at least 2x the amount of work to gear themselves then you even did

    I'm going to second what @Puppyman said. Hard work goes a long way. Currently I'm 500 power and 2 tech shy of meeting the 37k/195 req for QB. Two days ago I was 900 power and 5 tech short. A week ago, I was 2k power and 10 tech shy.

    How am I closing the gap? I'm putting forth the effort. Running s2 "raids" and s3 raids on three characters for ES's and OJ drops. I sell everything and buy ES scraps so I can make 100% scrolls & eliminate the chance for blowing up my gear. All my gear is OJ (Term Sent/Braha), which is not expensive to make. Im +6 accross the board, not 10, but 6. No runes used on my gear. Enduring/Master on chest, Expeditionary on Head, Memorable/Expeditionary on pants, nothing on hands or feet yet. Will be putting Reinforced/Echoing on them in due time.

    My weapon is +11 OJ braha spears. All runes came from events so they were free.

    Accessories consist of 1 thunder ring/1 CMA, Innocent Cry, White Kitty Brooch, Emerald Belt, and Succy Fang. Everything is fully passion'd which is cheap to do. Zerker on Cry, The Dead on my T-ring, and Sub on my belt.

    Bracelets are copper (d/e) that i bought with gold I made from farming.

    My method may be luck dependant in terms of sellable drops but I would say that hard work plays a much bigger part in putting my current set together. I know that if I continue working hard, I will be meeting the 37k/195 req very soon. Four more Memorable/Temporal scraps is all it's gonna take. I may not get it today or tomorrow, but if I work hars enough, I WILL eventually be rewarded.

    So, quit your whining, and get to work. If I can work a job, be a student, have a life outside of gaming, and still find the time to work hard in Vindictus, there's no reason why you can't either.

    Typed on my phone so apologies for typos.
  • RISE update in a nutshell

  • Are you looking forward to the RISE update?

    Question2 wrote: »
    Cost benefit ratio still too low, which is why pretty much nobody does this. Most people will pick the optimal choice in any situation...the fact that most people don't drink pots outside of nif/neam means it's not optimal to drink pots.

    The cost to benefit ratio of potting may be too low, but that doesn't mean it's not optimal to drink pots. I will say that the cost/benefit ratio IS low when you're focusing on yourself alone and not taking the party as a whole into consideration. And I'm probably gonna repeat this line a few times in this reply, but saying "most people," and "nobody," doesn't make it true. You can claim the majority is behind your individual opinion all you want, but I know this isn't the case.
    Question2 wrote: »
    I wasn't suggesting that players should pot after every hit, that was an example used to compare hp restored via one pot at the level where one pot would be able to negate one hit from the boss (roughly).

    Nowhere in my reply did I say that you suggested that players "should," do that. I don't twist your words around so don't twist mine around.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Whether you consider it sloppy or not, the fact is that outside of perma death raids, pretty much everyone would rather die for a free heal than drink pots. Feel free to convince players ingame that it is sloppy, I can all but guarantee that you will be ignored.

    Again, you're speaking for the masses. This is a bad habit that only hurts the credibility of your claims & I know I'm not the only one that noticed you have this habit. I will still carry my opinion that it is a sloppy way to play & it would seem that a few other people who have replied to this thread are in agreement with me. Notice how I said "a few," and didn't claim the whole playerbase?
    Question2 wrote: »
    It's actually faster to get ressed for what is roughly a 50% hp heal (don't remember the exact numbers off hand) rather than drink multiple pots, each of which must be timed when the boss is "busy" and not focused on you. Even if we are comparing 1 feather to 1 pot, the only time the party would lose DPS is if the person being ressed does lower DPS than the person using the feather.

    It is only faster if you're immediately revived, as in within 2 or 3 seconds after you die. It seems that timing when the boss is "busy" is too much of a challenge for you. It's not hard at all especially when you're in an 8man raid. Not to mention that a bunch of bosses have moments when they're invincivle IE: Havan's Aoe, Lakoria Underground, Regina in the air OHKO'ing someone, Lugh in the air. Potting in these situations result in no dps lost.

    Saying that the only time a party would lose DPS is if the person being revived does lower dps than the person using the feather is just a ludicrous claim. It doesn't matter how much damage a person is doing. Damage is damage. If you die, you're not doing damage. If someone has to stop attacking, and come revive you, then they're losing dps. So two people have lost dps and in an 8 man raid, that's 1/4 of the party that's not dps'ing. Again, the dps lost from drinking a potion doesn't outweigh the lost dps of one person dead/another having to revive. It's not that complicated to understand. You need to be more considerate of your fellow party members.
    Question2 wrote: »
    It varies a lot per party obviously, but the system encourages revives more than drinking pots outside of nif/neam. If the rest of the party is content with not ressing anyone, well that's their issue really, they are the ones who have to fight the boss for longer. In my experience, its usually not a problem to get ressed within a few seconds.

    Usually not a problem to get rez'd within a few seconds? This is the case some of the time, but other times, you'll die while up against the boss and you cannot be immediately revived due to the lack of an opening. Allow me to pose this question to you. You make it seem like you're picked up rather quickly if you die. How quickly do you pick up someone else if they're dead? If you're the type of player that doesn't pot because of a dps obsessed epeen, you don't seem like you'd be the type to sacrifice some if your dps to revive someone either. Am I wrong? Do you prioritize the life of another above your dps or not? Or will you only revive someone who's strong while you let the weaker players hug the floor?
    Question2 wrote: »
    The majority of the playerbase obviously doesn't agree with you on this point, or drinking pots outside of nif/neam would be the norm (which it is not).

    Again claiming the majority. I view this line as invalid b/c I don't see survey results of the entire playerbase.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Next time you do raids, ask the people in your party why they aren't drinking pots and are dying.

    I don't need to ask this question to the people in my parties b/c I typically see people drinking potions every so often. There may be a few people that are refusing the drink potions and dying as a result, but after 3 feathers, they're staying on the floor as far as I'm concerned. Maybe they'll learn a lesson.
    Question2 wrote: »
    I was trying to illustrate that the majority's views are very different from yours. The majority doesn't believe in drinking pots outside of nif/neam and will react very badly to any attempt by a party member trying to get them to do so.

    The point I was trying to make was that most players don't believe it's the optimal choice to drink pots outside of perma death raids, and removing the animation would have helped to change that.

    Invalid Majority Claim

    Question2 wrote: »
    You could make potions heal more, but most people still would not drink pots outside of perma death raids simply because getting ressed = free heal. As long as most players do not believe that it is in their best interest to drink pots outside of perma death raids, they will not do so. You can either lower the bar to drink pots (make it easier, such as removing the animation) and/or make it necessary to drink pots (introduce perma death to all raids, remove the free heal, etc), but the latter is likely to result in massive backlash as most players will not be able to adapt. Derpcat simply went with the easiest option available, which was to make things easier for everyone. But because they wanted to mitigate backlash from +20 and other dumb stuff, they backpedaled on this and in the end, we get nothing that fixes the issue because derpcat won't spend substantial time/money on revamping pots.

    Oh so you're a mind reader now and know people still wouldn't use potions if they were made to heal more? Or is this just you reflecting your opinion off of the majority?
    Question2 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, the game population has shifted so that the average player is willing to do a lot less than the initial "hardcore" playerbase. Making the game easier is probably necessary to try and get new players to stay. I remember back when roch/drags was end game, people actually put in effort to figure out how to do roch breaks. Even when s2 was out, people put in effort to figure out how to do things like bark/kraken efficiently. But now, most new players struggle with something like panth even if they have level 90 gear and they won't touch practice mode with a ten foot long pole.. It's a whole different player base now. I've pretty much given up on trying to get new players to end game because the vast majority will simply give up because the game is "too hard".

    I believe that the reason the average population has shifted is because they've made so many changes to the game that make it too easy. You say that new players struggle with something like panth even with lvl 90 gear. I think that they struggle because the game leading up to raids like that aren't challenging. They lack the skill that they could have developed and because of this, they hit a brick wall. The game all of a sudden demands skill and b/c it wasn't cultivated and developed over time, the task of developing it all at once is too daunting of a task. They either leave at this point or they turn to OP gear, but once seeing the gear's cost, they leave. This wouldn't be a problem if the game's early stages were tweaked up to train the newer players so that their skill would increase naturally over time & not be demanded after not being developed. This is why I'm not a fan of changes that baby the player through the game. Making it easier to level up and progress just increases the amount of people that will eventually hit this aforementioned brick wall. Removing the potion/repair animations are just another way to baby the player & I'm not the only one that thinks so. I also don't see anyone aside from you that likes this change Question2.
    I think the greater problem with the update is the deleted animation for consumable items, enhanced armor giving additional damage, "swagger resistance", and S1, S2 Raids becoming 4 man normal run. Also, me not getting +15 for 7 years :'(
    Karijuna wrote: »
    Most of the other changes are very good, though some are kind of eh. Like the removal of the potion/repair animations. Just why? At least you had to think about when and where you're gonna stand around to repair/heal, I guess they want the game to be more brain dead?
    The potion thing I can't really get used to but I'll want until future content gets released further before I judge that change.
    Ico wrote: »
    I agree with you on your enhancement complaints, but I don't like the way potions/consumables are being dealt with at all. I liked the fact that if you decided to drink/repair you had to take a risk for it. It made the game at least somewhat more challenging in that you should learn a boss before you decided for certain that you were safe to use a consumable. Now everything is a merc potion...
    Necrochild wrote: »
    Honestly, even with +15s having a 10% edge on a +10 it still feels like a crutch using them. Having a 100% edge is way overboard (lets just focus on stuff that's already out there and not even get into the cancer of even higher enhancements). Combine that instapots, instarepairs and built in flinch resistance.... I just don't see the fun.
    ISeeFire wrote: »
    To tell the truth, the update comes with so many good things that we already saw in the clip. But It has some problems too.

    What are bad here:

    1. Removing the animation for drinking potions and repairing. I say its a step backward for an action game. Drink while running takes penalty. Stand and drink right way for the bonus effect. Same as repairing. The game already has its own way to deal with situations. It makes players watch their backs and think what they can do in a battle not a mindless one. And its so right for a battle like Neamhain

    What We expect or what it should be:

    1. Keep the animation for drinking and repairing.
    LynnCUBE wrote: »
    1. I agree, keep the animations. The most they should do is shorten the animation for repair kits.

    It's just 3 stuff that makes it so bad: Additional DMG, Swagger Resistance, Removed Animation.
    But honestly, this is not what the players wanted.
    kls9 wrote: »
    No need to redesign pots or boss AI. No need to remove animations.
    I'm glad that the hp pot changes aren't happening, there's already so much babying as is.
    Like Cloakshire, I also do have an HP threshold for when I will start using pots and am very against the removal of pot animation.

    I rest my case and look forward to a possible reply from you Q2.
  • Are you looking forward to the RISE update?

    Didn't expect such a large reply, but I'll bite.
    Question2 wrote: »
    You misunderstand. Yes, of course you can find gaps to use repair kits/drink pots. But the cost:benefit ratio is not favourable. You are still rendering yourself vulnerable for several key seconds and the boss AI is programmed to prioritize players using those items. Even in the best case scenario, its not unusual to see the boss finish an attack then charge across the map to go after you.

    I think you're the one that misunderstood here. Notice how I said "extended attack pattern." This implies that the boss is locking itself into an attack that will last long enough for you to drink one or two potions and/or repair. I'll agree that it's not unusual for a boss to go after someone that's repairing/drinking potions as that's how their AI is programmed, but as long as you memorize the boss's attacks, you'd be surprised what you can get away with behind their backs. You shouldn't have to worry about them coming after your as long as you play your cards right.
    Question2 wrote: »
    People only drink pots in Nifleheim/Neam (Not counting s2 maps, etc) due to perma death. This is largely because you get a portion of HP back when you are ressed + most pots heal too little compared to the damage bosses do. The people who need to drink pots/repair armor the most often are the players with the least experience and weakest gear (assuming a normal raid). But there is no point in these players guzzling superior HP pots in a s2 or s3 raid if it takes 2-3 pots to heal one attack's worth of HP. That's why most players just use the "free" heal from being ressed and not bother with pots. No point repairing armor if the next boss attack is going to break another piece of armor.

    For the players whom drinking pots/repairing armor may make a sufficient difference to matter...they are also the ones who are going to be dodging most of the time so they won't need to anyway. For example lets say you have 13k+ DEF (which requires really good s3 gear, not counting temp buffs or def stacking) and s3 raid bosses hit you for less than 1k damage. Yea, you can drink a potion after every hit to negate the damage you just took, but even if you don't, you probably won't die anyway, so why bother? At that point, the DPS loss from stopping to drink pots/repair armor is far more important than worrying about dying.

    I'm gonna pull this whole part and make a few counterpoints.

    You mention that most of the people who drink pots are the one's with the least experience and weakest gear. This can be true for some niche cases, but I disagree and say that it can also be the mark of an experienced and tactful player. I'll support this point by going off of your example. You say that a player with 13k+ def can easily erase the damage they take in an S3 raid boss by taking a moment to pot after every hit. You argue that the player will have lower dps if they do this which is an absolute truth backed by sound logic. Stopping to pot after every hit = less damage being done to the boss.


    This assumes that the player in question is potting after every hit they take. An intelligent player will instead notice where they stack up against a boss and create a mental HP threshold that they try to keep themselves above & only pot when they go below it. I personally like to keep my HP just high enough to where I won't die the next time I get hit. Yes my DPS may suffer slightly because I took an extra 4 seconds to heal up, but keeping myself away from death is preventing me from lowering the party's dps. You say that most people would rather die and get their HP restored to half through a rez? This is just sloppy play and a sign of selfish people that only care about their DPS and not the group as a whole. They're the one's that make the run take longer overall. I'll put your logic against mine & you tell me which one results in more dps lost.

    DPS lost from a drinking potion every so often?
    (DPS lost from being dead & waiting for a rez + DPS lost from another party member having to stop and revive you).

    Sound logic speaks for iteself tyvm. And let's be honest, how often are you immediately revived in a pug? While I make it a priority to revive someone asap, most of the time you're sitting there twiddling your thumbs b/c everyone is too focused on "getting that big dps number." Gimme a break. This is a cancerous mentality imo & I wish this game could go back to its roots where people didn't care about dps but rather working together to conquer tough bosses.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Unless there's perma death, you wont get players drinking pots regularly in a raid just because its easier to get ressed which is a free heal. It's not like there is a shortage of feathers unless you are soloing or two manning raids anyway.

    See my above point about this sloppy playstyle.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Without the animation, there would actually be a reason for players to drink pots even without perma death, simply because it doesnt reduce your DPS and won't get you killed. It was probably the easiest solution to the problem without spending hours re-designing pots and boss AI.

    Again with the whole focus on DPS. The whole benefit of Merc pots was that they could be used without an animation & we don't need the normal potions gaining that benefit. You say that without the animation, players would have a reason to drink pots. So by that statement, there's no reason to use them as long as an animation exists? Uh.. How about preventing your death so you don't lower other party member's dps by making someone come rez you?
    Question2 wrote: »
    Even in Nifleheim, it is VERY common to see players refusing to drink pots and dying several times. You can scream "git gud" at players all you want, but the potion system is just flawed and actively discourages people from drinking pots.

    I don't see how it actively discourages people from drinking unless you're referring to this whole "loss of dps," argument. Again, see my logic compared to yours about dps loss in a party.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Hell, next time you do s3 raids, try telling your party to drink potions/use repair kits. Make it clear you are not joking. Most parties (especially if its a random party) will respond by either ignoring or laughing at you. That reaction should tell you all you need to know.

    This part was unnecessary and I'm just gonna chalk it up to you being cocky thinking you had a sound argument that couldn't be debated. I'll admit that I do have a "git good," mentality about things here, but that's because back when I started Vin, you had to git good to even play the game. Then again, I'll gladly wear my git gud mentality over the mentality of a snarky elitist whose only concern is their DPS.
    Question2 wrote: »
    Theres definately plenty of "better" ways to revamp the potion system other than removing the animation, but derpcat only gets creative when they are trying to sell more runes. So we just get no potion revamp instead.

    FINALLY something I can provide some constrictive feedback for. I will agree that there were better ways that the potion system could have been revamped. Back before the Ignition update, all we had were Regular HP pots and Fine Hp pots at the same values that they're at now. (450/750 respectively). Back then, players only had about ~2500-3000 HP at max level thus making the impact of a potion much more valuable. It would seem that when they scaled everyone's HP during the Ignition update, they didn't scale up the potion's restoration values to compensate. With this in mind there's a few ideas in my mind that would help out.

    1. Scale up the Regular/Fine/Superior Pots from 450/750/1100 to 750/1500/3500.
    2. Make the current potions % based instead: 20%, 45%, and 65% heals on each potion respectively
    3. Time to introduce Exquisite HP potions & Fine Life Erg Crystals!

    Now to actually answer the question this thread asks... Am I looking forward to the rise update. For the most part yes. I'm just not a fan of the changes that are geared towards the game babying the player.
  • Community interest in a power-leveling service?

    This isn't a good idea imo. If a new character was released and there was an event to power level those new characters up, you would run into the issue of having too many inexperienced people playing in higher level raids. I would rather take my time leveling up so I could properly learn my character as it progresses. I wouldn't want to be handed all my skills too quickly or all at once.

    Also, powerleveling in most cases increases gained EXP but doesn't increase gained AP at the same proportion. This creates high level characters that are lopsided with low rank skills.