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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
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About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    ByteStix wrote: »
    Also, I don't want them taken seriously. Not sure why anyone would take an impressions video seriously, honestly, and not sure why you believe they should.

    But that's just it. You can't deny that a good chunk of your viewers are probably people that don't think for themselves, but rather blindly accept what they see as fact. Not only that but people nowadays don't have much of an attention span, and probably won't watch the video all the way till the end to hear your disclaimer.

    I said it before: While your script regarding combat and bosses seems okay on paper, the satirical and sarcastic way you presented it in your video makes it seem like you're trying to indirectly dump on the game. I wasn't the only one that noticed this as @Noctred pointed out you sardonic and derisive manner.

    Not only that but you also blatantly stated wrong information as fact regarding armor, costumes, and PVP.

    You may have titled the video as an impression, but it definitely carries some elements of a review. Those elements are most likely putting a bad taste in people's mouths therefore making them less likely to even consider giving the game a try after hearing you indirectly dump on it.

    I'm very interested to hear a comment from you regarding these specific points.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    ByteStix wrote: »
    At the end of the day, my viewers enjoyed watching me mess around for a few hours as a newbie, and that's really what counts.

    Translation: At the end of the day, my video got views which got me paid, and that's really what counts. :rollseyes:
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    SirRFI wrote: »
    I didn't bother watching the video or reading the article, but on bottom of the second you can read following:
    Please take a moment to note that these were just my impressions of the game and do not ultimately reflect the game in its entirety.
    This was just the first 20 levels of the game.
    Ask yourself how long does it take to get first 20 levels in the game. An hour maybe? You can't expect anyone to make review anywhere close to reality with so little time played.

    This is true as it is just an impressions video, but he does mention things that are just flat out incorrect and unaware people are probably going to take what he says at face value. It would have been a lot better if he gave the disclaimer at the start of his video/article rather than putting it at the end. Putting a bad taste in people's mouths about a game before saying "it's just an impression," will still leave a bad taste.

    Just my two cents on that.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    Dinah wrote: »
    So many butthurts
    Youtubers like this are the most common these days and the way they provide information in this format is **** atrocious. This is not a review.. This is not even information. It's a cheap **** sellout for views targeted towards people who have no idea what this game is. This might work against people who aren't technologically adept, but the gaming market is different. We actually know our ****. This is you simply reading over a script of checking out the highlights of the game that are not even remotely representative of the game as a whole.


    Damn, you must have one hell of a stick stuck up your ass :*

    But he's got a point. The reviewer did a poor job at showing what the game has to offer. If I had never heard of Vindictus and saw this review, I would probably pass the game up. Not only that, but he states things that are just flat out inaccurate, and even goes as far as to claim what the entire playerbase thinks on particular in-game topics.

    His reply may have been bombastic, but he wasn't wrong.
  • Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review

    At 3:17

    The basic default armor in Vindictus is garbage. Everyone that plays the game knows this. This is why there's an avatar shop.

    Ahahahahahahahaha, it looks like someone doesn't know what they're talking about.


    The default armor is garbage huh? Every piece of this set utilizes regular armor from the game. This contains nothing from the Avatar shop. Some of the best looks can be made by combining default armors from different sets to make something unique.

    This "reviewer," obviously didn't spend more than 2 hours in the game. The highest quest I saw them get to looked like the first quest in hoarfrost hollow which only takes a little over an hour to reach for the average player.