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Vindictus 2018 Impressions Review
Hey guys,
My name's Stix and I run the MMOByte Youtube channel. We're almost at 100k subscribers currently and I'm going back, taking the time to play through some of the old MMORPG's I had fun in back in 2016/2017. Vindictus was one of those games.
I would love to know what you guys think of my "2018 impressions" video, though, if you get the chance:
Or, alternatively, if you'd rather read my thoughts, then:
Vindictus Review
Thanks for your time and patience!
Best Regards,

This isn't a review. It's barely even a preview. I know you added a disclaimer towards the end - but honestly, why even publish a "review" when it does no service to the game as a whole?
I particularly like how you gave the story a 1.5/5 when you've apparently experienced a tiny, introductory fraction of it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's usually an Indian or White guy reading over **** scripts like these and the minute I hear their shitty ass introduction with 100% scripted information I could get to faster by clicking on a link, I exit out faster than light speed so they don't get my view count. It's no different from me advertising a shitty house or car and saying WOAH LOOK AT THE SIDEWALK COLOR SO WHITE AND PRISTINE WOAH LOOK AT THE SUN ANGLE WOAH LOOK AT THE TRASH CAN LOCATION ACROSS THE STREET.
You are not a gamer. You are not even a youtuber. You are a casual sellout slapping MMO on your channel to make cheap view sellout time wastes like these. Oh, and slapping your stupid face to pretend like it's a stream is not a real review either.
You want an example? You want the last legitimate reviewer on youtube in this day and age? Check out Flossy Carter.
People like you need to learn from him.
Ahahahahahahahaha, it looks like someone doesn't know what they're talking about.
The default armor is garbage huh? Every piece of this set utilizes regular armor from the game. This contains nothing from the Avatar shop. Some of the best looks can be made by combining default armors from different sets to make something unique.
This "reviewer," obviously didn't spend more than 2 hours in the game. The highest quest I saw them get to looked like the first quest in hoarfrost hollow which only takes a little over an hour to reach for the average player.
Damn, you must have one hell of a stick stuck up your ass
But he's got a point. The reviewer did a poor job at showing what the game has to offer. If I had never heard of Vindictus and saw this review, I would probably pass the game up. Not only that, but he states things that are just flat out inaccurate, and even goes as far as to claim what the entire playerbase thinks on particular in-game topics.
His reply may have been bombastic, but he wasn't wrong.
This is false. While the initial options available during the character creation screen are limited, hair/inner armor coupons can be bought via the AP shop. For 2k AP per week, you can maintain an inner armor & hairstyle. It doesn't stop here though as permanent coupons for these plus makeup/beard/appearance alteration coupons can be bought from the marketplace with gold. Very free2play friendly.
See my post above regarding this.
Even though your quote sounds correct on paper, the way you said it in your video was very sarcastic and satirical. As I explained in a comment on your YouTube video, Vindictus is divided into 3 seasons. Season 1 bosses are a pushover as they're now meant to be punching bags that allow you to experiment/learn your character. Season 2 bosses will start to put up more of a fight and will require you to apply what you have learned or else you'll be hugging the floor. Season 3 is where the real game is at and the bosses are definately brutal.
You insinuated that the bosses of the game are cheap and easy through the presentation of your video hence your one and a half star rating on pve/pvp. The early game may be like that, but that is not the case for some of Season 2 and the majority of Season 3. I guarantee that if you ever got a chance to play some S3 raids, that rating would go up.
Even though I personally don't participate in PvP, stating that no one engages in it isn't true. There is a small portion of the community that enjoys pvp. Also, PvP does hold a high importance due to the rewards obtain from pvp being used to purchase very useful items.
This last one isn't me calling you wrong. I just wanted to say that Vindictus isn't one of those games that fits the current trend of "instant gratification," like other games do these days. Vindictus actually requires some time investment before it gets truly fun. Today's games give you much more in the beginning because the current generation is full of people with noticeably shorter attention spans than 8 years ago. Vindictus doesn't try to be the kind of game that hooks you early. However, it doess reward you if you're patient and stick with it.
I know that me calling you're first impressions "wrong," may sound very arrogant of me, and trust me when I say that I don't mean to be that way. The only reason why I clarified your points is because your video is more likely to turn away people who have never heard of the game. It would have been nice to include your impressions plus some insight from us veterans. This would have allowed you to share your impressions of the early game, but also add in some experiences from the late game obtained through "interviews" with the playerbase.
Unique does not equate to good. This set also utilizes regular armors from the game but as everyone can see, it's aesthetically displeasing.
Tis a matter of opinion.
Tis also a matter of opinion.
I guess I did set myself up for that one. You win this round XD
Typing all in caps, swearing, being condescending and hating on white/indian youtubers. If that's not being butthurt, I don't know what is. (Mind you, I never said he was wrong
A small sample of my own combinations using only armor pieces and a skirt which you can obtain via PvP. I'm sure it won't appeal to everyone, but it appeals to me.
In regards to OP
Can't agree more that showcasing the first bit of leveling would turn any new player away from this game. The only reason I started was because I saw how cool it was soloing end game bosses in flashy gear/weapon. I didn't play because I saw a youtuber beat the first dungeon battle and I certainly did not judge this game based on the first 20 levels. I get that it's only a first impression, but you should not be basing your expectations on such outdated content. This is especially true for PvE centered games. At least unlock more if not all of your character's skills and you might find that the combat in Vindictus is unlike any other game and enjoyable in many ways. If you do plan on making a full review, then please at least make it past S1. You would have to invest maybe several more days if you want to reach S3 as that is somewhat true end game content. I don't see anything resembling a review that you mentioned, but if you do end up making one I hope that you take some of our input into consideration.
To OP's credit, they do at least acknowledge that this is only the first 20 levels of the game, but since they acknowledged this, it would be more fitting if they labeled their article as a first impressions and not a review. I just don't see the point of calling it a '2018 review' if they only bothered touching ancient content.
- Like quicker story
- Simple difficulty
- Reduce raids
- Finally somewhat stable connection (I know in previous years we had a lot of ghost boats and random kicks)
- Removal of some features.
- Addition Content and rooster
And you said that you and wife did the first 20 stages, you are no where near the level requirement for PVP arena unless it was random challenge in stages. Guess video "review" was more like the first three hours of gameplay. To do a MMO right you gotta get at least near endgame otherwise you will be attacked by fans of the game.
I watch a lot of your videos ByteStix, and this one really struck a nerve as i have left and came back to vindictus since beta. Your review seems to be very short and focused on the wrong things of vindictus. Would you make a review for World of Warcraft based on the first 30 levels? Of course not. It gives no depth to a game full of it. Vindictus is no different, and the main attraction is that it offers combat not found in any other game. PERIOD. BDO comes close, but there is no freedom in combo selection or key usage. Vindictus is unique, and the customization options for armor and weapons also goes beyond ANY game ive tried.
Im a gamer in his early 30s now, and ive tried every bandwagon hyped up MMO to relase in the past 15 years. I hold my opinion highly as i believe i am a good judge of a good game. Vindictus has many flaws, i agree, but your review addressed none of them and put emphasis on "nexon being a cash grab," as well as "gotta pay to look good." This is quite unfair based on the fact that almost every f2p, b2p, and p2p games also share that feature.
In the end, i think your review was poor, and im quite sad because now it has me wondering how "in depth" your other reviews are... Yoir opinion was a guide to me, now im going to take it with a grain of salt....
I would appreciate more if someone made an end-game review or a video comparing the 2010-2012 era with the current era emphasizing on the character development, the obtaining of skills, gear, stones, scrolls, etc., the ways to get them, how much effort it required to make a character ready for the new battles compared to how and what you have to grind for them now, etc.
Also i would listen to the impressions from a true new player's perspective that's not biased. That's like listening to a child whose mind isn't as messed up as an adult's, because bias is like a double or blurred vision. You're seeing two of one. I know there are many biased players, who played another game before and they liked it better than Vindictus. I'm one of those players probably because i like a game based on how fun it is instead of how flashy its combat is, because combat animations alone don't make a game more fun or more difficult, and it's not a real life simulation to take it seriously. I noticed people tend to judge their own capabilities when they succeed or fail at a game. That's just...sad.