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Zuletzt aktiv
February 27, 1992
Personal Quote
About Me
I'm just a chill and casual player from the closed beta days.
  • June balance changes and... new character?

  • PSA - Don't get scammed

    Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to throw IntoHell under the bus for no reason.
  • What you like/dislike at rise Vindictus?

    Dzeikor wrote: »
    Dragon Hound is a joke of a game,I will never enjoy playing that as much as I like Vindictus,like I said maybe after they sell out and anyone else takes care of the game,it will be fixed and start get popular again,because honestly,vindictu is a gem in the dust,it just needs to be polished by the right people and it will become a true masterpiece

    I agree about Vin being a gem of a game. If they made some proper and needed changes, the game could be great again.
  • Do you like to be TOP DPS?

    I'm with @Sir_Render on this. People that do insane damage ruin fights from my perspective.

    Me: Gets ready to go in and give it my all.
    *Fellow OP party member burns half the boss's HP in 2 minutes*
    Me: Well, there goes the fun *rolls eyes*

    In regards to the OP, do I like being top DPS? Hmmm, yeah I do. I enjoy it even more when I outdps more powerful people that spam GG's. Gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that I outdps'd them because my skill was enough to overcome the stat difference.

    Do I want to be top DPS all the time? Nah, not really as I'm more focused on playing hard, enjoying the fight, and trying to push myself further. Getting top is just a nice surprise at the end if it happens.
  • Emergency Fury/Swift Fury

    Oh nice!!! thank you so much!!! Do you know why its longer though? Doesn't make sense to me

    Performing the sprint smash to Fury is called "Absolute Fury," and always had the longer cooldown. The reason it's longer is b/c you're forcing a fury without any prior attack.

    Using the swift fury key after landing a non-critting smash triggers "Enforced Glide."
    Using the swift fury key after landing a non-critting glide triggers "Force Lightning."

    Both of these only trigger a cooldown of 10 seconds as they were performed right after an attack whereas Absolute fury is a free glide with no prior attack.

    *If you use the swift fury key after a crit, you will still perform a glide, but it won't trigger the cooldown since the CD is only applied if you force glides without a crit.