PhoebeHalliwel wrote: »Even if all of this is true and drop rates are rigged etc, i believe that most of people would still keep trying them if they are trully interested in the box's content..(be it by buying boxes themselves or from other players)
not much to say about that but ->
@Deprived Do we have actual evidence of drop rates being different from what they announced right now? In the past maybe it's been so, you think they'd still keep lying about it after being sued?
..Anyway 1 2 3 4% is always a very low chance.. As far as i know the max drop rate of valuable items from older boxes was (at least in theory?) 5%..
screw dropping :< that's for the lucky ones.
i'd love to see the amount of coupon required to unlock sets or whatsoever reduced to.. 300 coupons at least!
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too.
Please don't encourage this guy "RobertLiva" who might actually be a Nexon employee defending Nexon's deceptive practices lying and stealing money from players.
He thinks spamming the thread with his random pictures will make him more credible and give us more reason to kiss Nexon's ass the way he does no matter how wrong he and Nexon are for what they did. No "RobertLiva", that just makes you look a whole lot more obnoxious and shows how desperate you are for attention and for people to believe you. You're like the people that think yelling and screaming, talking over the other person will make them right lol
We're talking about how Nexon said some gachas were claimed to be "random" but they really weren't and were set up to make it pretty much impossible for you to get certain items from it and this guy goes talking about these 4% gachas here in Nexon NA - "oh, well Nexon NA told us the chances! they said it's 4% chance so you know what you're getting into!" - yeah and they also told us that all these other events would give "random" items and that was A LIE.
If you actually think, watch closely and observe the free events Nexon holds, they make it so any "random" boxes they give out in events give you nothing but junk/trash items and nearly impossible to get anything good. So why in the hell should we believe them when they tell us these gachas that they sell really have a 4% chance to get those valuable items? How do we know that isn't A LIE too? How do we know that they aren't lying about that 4% number just like they lied all the other times in their "random" events and that that number isn't really 2%, 1%, 0.5%?
And there's even more reason for them to lie about that 4% number because money is involved, Nexon NA makes the least amount of money out of all the other regions from Vindictus so it's only even more of a reason for them to lie and have people hoping for that pet or Iset or Succubus outfit that they're spending all this money trying to get not knowing that the rates may have been changed to where you have little to no chance of getting it but lots of money for Nexon right? That's all they care about, that's their main source of income.
The article is about how Nexon put what they called "random" gachas out for sale leading players to believe the PROBABILITY of getting each item was equal (because the definition of the word 'random' is each item in a set having an equal probability of being obtained) but what Nexon really did was make it so certain items only had a 0.5% probability of being obtained while others had a higher probability without even letting players know. And as a result players ended up wasting hundreds of dollars trying to get items that were nearly impossible to obtain.
Nexon NA has done the EXACT same thing with other supposedly "random" boxes like the Mysterious Ice Cube event that we had a couple years ago where you would get "Mysterious" ice cubes for being logged in but in reality they weren't mysterious or "random" at all - the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but AP capsules, almost no one got enhance coupons from those. Why? Because Nexon NA intentionally lowered the probability of obtaining the more valuable items and only wanted people to get AP capsules. But it does get a lot of people online hoping for enhance coupons and other nice items right?
Then they can go tell their investors that they had so many people online, that the game is doing so great and everything is fine. You see how they exploit players like this? They take advantage of the fact that you have that hope to get a good item, thinking it's really "random" then they give you all junk items.
And they've done this MANY times with "random" events - another one is those game board events where you see a dice piece being rolled and visually you see nothing but a dice piece, they mislead you and make you think that it's just a dice piece, the rolls are all random right? But you'll notice that most of the time you will never land on any of the good items on that game board? Why? Because they're exploiting you as a p layer, they know you're hoping to get that good item on the game board so that's the bait to keep you coming back online every day thinking it's all "random" when it's really not - that system will look at what your position is on the game board and 9 times out of 10 will put you on a spot just BEFORE or AFTER the good items on that game board.
Another case with Nexon NA lying and deceiving players is when they have the yearly event where everyone gets enhance coupons from what they claim are "random" boxes. So they say it's "random" right? So how come every single time they run this event NO ONE gets +14 or +15 coupons? How come the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just get +10 coupons? But didn't they tell us those boxes gave "random" enhance coupons? No, that's A LIE - they say that to make you HOPE it's really random and that you actually have a fair chance to get a good enhance coupon but what happens? 99% of people get +10 coupons because they lied and it wasn't really "random".
Does this sound "random" to you? No, they rig the events to make it so the odds are against you and that most of the time you will never get any good/valuable items, that isn't random, that's just plain programming the game to make it so you have a HIGH chance to get nothing good and waste your time.
So think about it, if Nexon NA in our case has a pattern of lying, deceiving and misleading players on all these other "random" events like the mysterious ice cube and game board events we had in the past, why should we believe them when they say "oh there is a 4% chance to get this rare item" from the paid gacha boxes? How do we know they aren't lying about that the same way they lied all the other times? How do we know that 4% number isn't really 1%?
I have no reason to put my trust into a game company like Nexon that has a history of lying and deceiving players, I would be a fool to take their word for anything dealing with chance, especially when my money is involved. No, I'm not going to take your word for it when you say that gacha item has a 4% chance because you're probably lying about that too.
You have zero credibility Nexon, there is no reason to trust what they say anymore.
Scheherazade wrote: »PhoebeHalliwel wrote: »About +13 weapons , there are flawless enhancement stones in seals shop +11 , +12 and +13 for 90 lvl gear . All 3 stones are 100 precent chance but the last one +13 makes your weapon or armor bound to you permanently and you cant try to +14 anymore . Thats why many players got +13 gear .
Those work only on lvl 90 weapons, not armors.. or was it changed?
It only works for weapons, Madcobra just got it wrong. That would be way too generous.