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I'm not even reading your spam posts anymore (yep including that last one) because all of your points are weak and you're just trying to find any reason to argue at this point (wait didn't you say you're not even going to argue anymore? ah makes sense a liar like yourself would defend a company that's being sued for lying too, birds of a feather flock together after all), you're the only one here trying to defend Nexon's actions making a fool out of yourself.
We link him the dictionary definition of the word random and he still says "no! that's not true! the dictionary is a lie!" lol
This is proof that not everyone in the gaming community is right in the head, that there are some with serious issues like this guy.
Nah , you've read them. But your 2 little lost brain cells cant figure out a response to all the facts presented. You only bring one argument to the table and regurgitate it out like the stupid person you are. And you are pretty stupid, implying random can only mean one thing...
And can that level of possibility be 0.00001 or 50 or 2 ? I don't see why not.
Stop drooling all over yourself, it's okay to be stupid, not everyone can think and do more research other than google-ing the word random.
Let me think of a stupid person explanation.. hmm.
We take a Jar... are we good so far? You can google jar if its too hard.
One person puts in 10 tickets... easy there.. dont hurt yourself. Another person puts in 30 tickets. Good so far?..
A third person has the job of picking out a ticket out of that jar, the one ticket he picks is the winner of whatever.
Does he pick it at random? Yes he doesnt look and search for the tickets, he just picks one without looking. Are the odds the same for the 2 people? No. Cause one has more tickets than the other, but they can still both be picked. The first one has a lower chance the 2nd a higher.
Lol someone help this "RobertLiva" dude, he's confused.
I think he's a foreigner just trying to act smart and prove that Nexon is innocent and he's failing terribly at it. He even said the dictionary definition of the word 'random' is wrong too lol
The dictionary is wrong Robert? Lol.
You're wrong, accept it and Nexon is in the wrong here, plain and simple.
You're the only one here trying to defend Nexon's deceptive practices about gacha rates, why do you think that is? You're wrong that's why and you're delusional.
Didn't you say you're going to stop arguing yet you continue to post trying to prove your weak point kissing Nexon's ass?
That makes you a liar.
Like I said, it's typical that a liar like yourself would defend a company that lies and is getting sued for lying like Nexon.
It's pretty entertaining watching you try to make an argument out of something that is so simple yet it's hard for you to grasp and understand. It's blatantly obvious that Nexon is in the wrong.
Continue kissing Nexon's ass fanboy while we all laugh at you.
@RobertLivia Please just stop. If you can't get what random actually means, then just stop. Beyond that, the incident reveals that Nexon has been deceptive about their odds, period. Which means at any point they may have been outright lying about the rates in other games. This kind of integrity being brought into question when it concerns the odds with RNG boxes is a huge red flag for everything else that they claim to have specific odds in games. Keep in mind as well that many who used to actively data mine are gone, so aside from isolated incidents like this there is almost no checking done as to what's what with their games now.
I'll say it for you even though it's been stated for you already and even quoted from a literal definition: random means thatall outcomes have an equal chance of occurring. The issue is that Nexon claimed the prizes were random. Random has one and only one meaning. If there is a bias towards one thing over another there are differing odds and an impossibility of randomness. If something is advertised as random and it is not, then it is a violation of FTC standards, period. That should not be hard to grasp.
I think this "RobertLivia" dude must be some foreigner or something, English isn't his first language so it's difficult for him to interpret and understand the proper definition of the word random.
He's confused, he's even trying to prove a dictionary definition of the word wrong lol
DIdn't even bother reading your post but skimming through it I already knew it was irrelevant - even posting Overwatch wiki images LOL
1. This isn't Overwatch, this isn't Blizzard.
2. Wikipedia isn't a credible source to use to prove anything fool - this information is written by regular players, not Blizzard themselves and it's common knowledge that Wikipedia is known to provide inaccurate and incomplete information. Wikipedia even tells you that themselves idiot.
"Wikipedia is not a reliable source for academic writing or research." -Wikipedia
"This is especially true considering anyone can edit the information given at any time, and although most errors are immediately fixed, some errors remain unnoticed, for weeks, months, or even years." - Wikipedia
"However, citation of Wikipedia in research papers may be considered unacceptable, because Wikipedia is not a reliable source." -Wikipedia
So I don't care about your wiki links and images, they're irrelevant. You cry about misinformation when you're likely to be quoting wiki articles that include misinformation yourself, hypocrite.
3. Stop going back to the 4% gachas thing, I already addressed that multiple times, Nexon KR is being sued and fined for misleading players about the gacha boxes, Nexon NA is known to do events with rigged boxes they claim is "random" that really isn't and better items are almost impossible to get without even telling players so Nexon NA also has ZERO credibility when it comes to what rates they tell players. Even if they write on their little news page that there is a "4% chance" doesn't mean it's true because they have NO CREDIBILITY. But you're an idiot, you don't know how Nexon is infamous for rigging gacha/loot box rates and have been doing it for a very long time in Vindictus, so you take their word for it. And this isn't even about 4% gachas you r etard, this is about any gachas/loot boxes that Nexon claims to be "random" period, intentionally using misleading text so people think the odds of each item are actually equal when they aren't, Nexon KR didn't even provide the rates in the first place and that was because they made the rates so ridiculously low - I don't understand how in the hell or why you would defend this unless you're just a piece of s hit that likes to lie and deceive people yourself. The reason why I originally brought up the 4% gachas as well is because Nexon has a serious credibility issue, there is little to no reason to trust them when they give rates on ANYTHING because they're likely to be lying about it, just like they've lied about other rates the other 9342832832823 times, last time I'm going to say this. If it's too hard for you to understand that, that's your problem.
This guy is kissing Nexon's ass on another level lol It's well known that Nexon NA has been misleading players for YEARS claiming boxes were "random" when they really weren't, you must be new. They are known to do this, it's hilarious how you're in such denial. Several hundreds of people have looked at this thread and you're THE ONLY ONE trying to defend Nexon and their actions, I wonder why that is? Nexon fanboys are unbelievable.
It's not nice to aruge with nexon employees about p2w
Yeah I've been thinking the same, I'm wondering if this "RobertLiva" guy is a Nexon employee on an alt account and that's why he's trying so hard to defend this and say all of us are wrong. He even says the dictionary is wrong, that the definition of the word "random" is wrong in the dictionary lol
It's pretty simple to see why Nexon is being sued and fined, they were discovered to be deceiving players about gacha rates.
Or maybe he's just a Nexon fanboy and is that stupid and delusional, that he will say Nexon is right when everyone else is telling him they're wrong for what they did.
Maybe he's doing all of this in hopes Nexon will fly him to their offices and meet them or become a GM and his dreams will come true. Then he'll be the ultimate Nexon fanboy and his life will be complete.
Yeah I've been thinking the same, I'm wondering if this "RobertLiva" guy is a Nexon employee on an alt account and that's why he's trying so hard to defend this and say all of us are wrong. He even says the dictionary is wrong, that the definition of the word "random" is wrong in the dictionary lol
It's pretty simple to see why Nexon is being sued and fined, they were discovered to be deceiving players about gacha rates.
Or maybe he's just a Nexon fanboy and is that stupid and delusional, that he will say Nexon is right when everyone else is telling him they're wrong for what they did.
Maybe he's doing all of this in hopes Nexon will fly him to their offices and meet them or become a GM and his dreams will come true. Then he'll be the ultimate Nexon fanboy and his life will be complete.
Exactly .=/ Real people are happy companies like EA and nexon are being challenged. Yet unreasonable people like him do everything in their power to fight gamers and uphold company greed....almost enough to question what people like him get from such statements
@RobertLivia Please just stop. If you can't get what random actually means, then just stop. Beyond that, the incident reveals that Nexon has been deceptive about their odds, period. Which means at any point they may have been outright lying about the rates in other games. This kind of integrity being brought into question when it concerns the odds with RNG boxes is a huge red flag for everything else that they claim to have specific odds in games. Keep in mind as well that many who used to actively data mine are gone, so aside from isolated incidents like this there is almost no checking done as to what's what with their games now.
I'll say it for you even though it's been stated for you already and even quoted from a literal definition: random means thatall outcomes have an equal chance of occurring. The issue is that Nexon claimed the prizes were random. Random has one and only one meaning. If there is a bias towards one thing over another there are differing odds and an impossibility of randomness. If something is advertised as random and it is not, then it is a violation of FTC standards, period. That should not be hard to grasp.
Here you go, random box + percentage rates to obtain said items. Go report them/sue them. Best of luck!!!! Tell them the dictionary contradicts them. Cause you haven't heard of random selection.
But wait, that cant be right.. they use the word Random... and then they give you the percentage chances of obtaining said items.. and they are not equal.. .. but but ... the dictionary...
Go report Blizzard as well and sue them, see how far that gets you
But yeah it's illegal keep it on the quiet guys.. these 2 have uncovered a conspiracy.. all with the help of their dictionary. God bless their souls.
Please quote the dictionary again so I can laugh some more in your face.
What Nexon actually stated in that article if people haven't actually read it. Is exactly what I was saying, "Provided at random but with different odds to obtain particular items'' And they plan to fight the FTC's interpretation.
Just so people don't spread misinformation based on their personal opinions and their dictionary.
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too .
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too .
Please don't encourage this guy "RobertLiva" who might actually be a Nexon employee defending Nexon's deceptive practices lying and stealing money from players.
He thinks spamming the thread with his random pictures will make him more credible and give us more reason to kiss Nexon's ass the way he does no matter how wrong he and Nexon are for what they did. No "RobertLiva", that just makes you look a whole lot more obnoxious and shows how desperate you are for attention and for people to believe you. You're like the people that think yelling and screaming, talking over the other person will make them right lol
We're talking about how Nexon said some gachas were claimed to be "random" but they really weren't and were set up to make it pretty much impossible for you to get certain items from it and this guy goes talking about these 4% gachas here in Nexon NA - "oh, well Nexon NA told us the chances! they said it's 4% chance so you know what you're getting into!" - yeah and they also told us that all these other events would give "random" items and that was A LIE.
If you actually think, watch closely and observe the free events Nexon holds, they make it so any "random" boxes they give out in events give you nothing but junk/trash items and nearly impossible to get anything good. So why in the hell should we believe them when they tell us these gachas that they sell really have a 4% chance to get those valuable items? How do we know that isn't A LIE too? How do we know that they aren't lying about that 4% number just like they lied all the other times in their "random" events and that that number isn't really 2%, 1%, 0.5%?
And there's even more reason for them to lie about that 4% number because money is involved, Nexon NA makes the least amount of money out of all the other regions from Vindictus so it's only even more of a reason for them to lie and have people hoping for that pet or Iset or Succubus outfit that they're spending all this money trying to get not knowing that the rates may have been changed to where you have little to no chance of getting it but lots of money for Nexon right? That's all they care about, that's their main source of income.
The article is about how Nexon put what they called "random" gachas out for sale leading players to believe the PROBABILITY of getting each item was equal (because the definition of the word 'random' is each item in a set having an equal probability of being obtained) but what Nexon really did was make it so certain items only had a 0.5% probability of being obtained while others had a higher probability without even letting players know. And as a result players ended up wasting hundreds of dollars trying to get items that were nearly impossible to obtain.
Nexon NA has done the EXACT same thing with other supposedly "random" boxes like the Mysterious Ice Cube event that we had a couple years ago where you would get "Mysterious" ice cubes for being logged in but in reality they weren't mysterious or "random" at all - the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but AP capsules, almost no one got enhance coupons from those. Why? Because Nexon NA intentionally lowered the probability of obtaining the more valuable items and only wanted people to get AP capsules. But it does get a lot of people online hoping for enhance coupons and other nice items right?
Then they can go tell their investors that they had so many people online, that the game is doing so great and everything is fine. You see how they exploit players like this? They take advantage of the fact that you have that hope to get a good item, thinking it's really "random" then they give you all junk items.
And they've done this MANY times with "random" events - another one is those game board events where you see a dice piece being rolled and visually you see nothing but a dice piece, they mislead you and make you think that it's just a dice piece, the rolls are all random right? But you'll notice that most of the time you will never land on any of the good items on that game board? Why? Because they're exploiting you as a p layer, they know you're hoping to get that good item on the game board so that's the bait to keep you coming back online every day thinking it's all "random" when it's really not - that system will look at what your position is on the game board and 9 times out of 10 will put you on a spot just BEFORE or AFTER the good items on that game board.
Another case with Nexon NA lying and deceiving players is when they have the yearly event where everyone gets enhance coupons from what they claim are "random" boxes. So they say it's "random" right? So how come every single time they run this event NO ONE gets +14 or +15 coupons? How come the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just get +10 coupons? But didn't they tell us those boxes gave "random" enhance coupons? No, that's A LIE - they say that to make you HOPE it's really random and that you actually have a fair chance to get a good enhance coupon but what happens? 99% of people get +10 coupons because they lied and it wasn't really "random".
Does this sound "random" to you? No, they rig the events to make it so the odds are against you and that most of the time you will never get any good/valuable items, that isn't random, that's just plain programming the game to make it so you have a HIGH chance to get nothing good and waste your time.
So think about it, if Nexon NA in our case has a pattern of lying, deceiving and misleading players on all these other "random" events like the mysterious ice cube and game board events we had in the past, why should we believe them when they say "oh there is a 4% chance to get this rare item" from the paid gacha boxes? How do we know they aren't lying about that the same way they lied all the other times? How do we know that 4% number isn't really 1%?
I have no reason to put my trust into a game company like Nexon that has a history of lying and deceiving players, I would be a fool to take their word for anything dealing with chance, especially when my money is involved. No, I'm not going to take your word for it when you say that gacha item has a 4% chance because you're probably lying about that too.
You have zero credibility Nexon, there is no reason to trust what they say anymore.
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too .
Please don't encourage this guy "RobertLiva" who might actually be a Nexon employee defending Nexon's deceptive practices lying and stealing money from players.
He thinks spamming the thread with his random pictures will make him more credible and give us more reason to kiss Nexon's ass the way he does no matter how wrong he and Nexon are for what they did. No "RobertLiva", that just makes you look a whole lot more obnoxious and shows how desperate you are for attention and for people to believe you. You're like the people that think yelling and screaming, talking over the other person will make them right lol
We're talking about how Nexon said some gachas were claimed to be "random" but they really weren't and were set up to make it pretty much impossible for you to get certain items from it and this guy goes talking about these 4% gachas here in Nexon NA - "oh, well Nexon NA told us the chances! they said it's 4% chance so you know what you're getting into!" - yeah and they also told us that all these other events would give "random" items and that was A LIE.
If you actually think, watch closely and observe the free events Nexon holds, they make it so any "random" boxes they give out in events give you nothing but junk/trash items and nearly impossible to get anything good. So why in the hell should we believe them when they tell us these gachas that they sell really have a 4% chance to get those valuable items? How do we know that isn't A LIE too? How do we know that they aren't lying about that 4% number just like they lied all the other times in their "random" events and that that number isn't really 2%, 1%, 0.5%?
And there's even more reason for them to lie about that 4% number because money is involved, Nexon NA makes the least amount of money out of all the other regions from Vindictus so it's only even more of a reason for them to lie and have people hoping for that pet or Iset or Succubus outfit that they're spending all this money trying to get not knowing that the rates may have been changed to where you have little to no chance of getting it but lots of money for Nexon right? That's all they care about, that's their main source of income.
The article is about how Nexon put what they called "random" gachas out for sale leading players to believe the PROBABILITY of getting each item was equal (because the definition of the word 'random' is each item in a set having an equal probability of being obtained) but what Nexon really did was make it so certain items only had a 0.5% probability of being obtained while others had a higher probability without even letting players know. And as a result players ended up wasting hundreds of dollars trying to get items that were nearly impossible to obtain.
Nexon NA has done the EXACT same thing with other supposedly "random" boxes like the Mysterious Ice Cube event that we had a couple years ago where you would get "Mysterious" ice cubes for being logged in but in reality they weren't mysterious or "random" at all - the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but AP capsules, almost no one got enhance coupons from those. Why? Because Nexon NA intentionally lowered the probability of obtaining the more valuable items and only wanted people to get AP capsules. But it does get a lot of people online hoping for enhance coupons and other nice items right?
Then they can go tell their investors that they had so many people online, that the game is doing so great and everything is fine. You see how they exploit players like this? They take advantage of the fact that you have that hope to get a good item, thinking it's really "random" then they give you all junk items.
And they've done this MANY times with "random" events - another one is those game board events where you see a dice piece being rolled and visually you see nothing but a dice piece, they mislead you and make you think that it's just a dice piece, the rolls are all random right? But you'll notice that most of the time you will never land on any of the good items on that game board? Why? Because they're exploiting you as a p layer, they know you're hoping to get that good item on the game board so that's the bait to keep you coming back online every day thinking it's all "random" when it's really not - that system will look at what your position is on the game board and 9 times out of 10 will put you on a spot just BEFORE or AFTER the good items on that game board.
Another case with Nexon NA lying and deceiving players is when they have the yearly event where everyone gets enhance coupons from what they claim are "random" boxes. So they say it's "random" right? So how come every single time they run this event NO ONE gets +14 or +15 coupons? How come the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just get +10 coupons? But didn't they tell us those boxes gave "random" enhance coupons? No, that's A LIE - they say that to make you HOPE it's really random and that you actually have a fair chance to get a good enhance coupon but what happens? 99% of people get +10 coupons because they lied and it wasn't really "random".
Does this sound "random" to you? No, they rig the events to make it so the odds are against you and that most of the time you will never get any good/valuable items, that isn't random, that's just plain programming the game to make it so you have a HIGH chance to get nothing good and waste your time.
So think about it, if Nexon NA in our case has a pattern of lying, deceiving and misleading players on all these other "random" events like the mysterious ice cube and game board events we had in the past, why should we believe them when they say "oh there is a 4% chance to get this rare item" from the paid gacha boxes? How do we know they aren't lying about that the same way they lied all the other times? How do we know that 4% number isn't really 1%?
I have no reason to put my trust into a game company like Nexon that has a history of lying and deceiving players, I would be a fool to take their word for anything dealing with chance, especially when my money is involved. No, I'm not going to take your word for it when you say that gacha item has a 4% chance because you're probably lying about that too.
You have zero credibility Nexon, there is no reason to trust what they say anymore.
You dont undesrtand one thing . In those 4 precent thing is also ap capsules and premium weapon fusion runes , like its worth nothing , so split that 4 precent for all those items included and count your luck , soooo - 4 precent : 11 ( number of LUCKY ITEMS ) = 0,3 ......... Sooooo the chance getting iset set , keaghan set or iset pet is 0,3 precentage looooooooooooooooooooooooool . Math ^^ They actually didnt broke anything in this case xD because they just puted cheap items TOO in those 4 precent luck thing I would call it like they spit in your face with it . They can put even merc recovery potions now too as the one from items in those 4 precent lie And i dont encourage ppl who have mental issues Because defending something what lies to you all the time and shows you this black on white like in this case ,when they puted the list of lucky 4 precent items but it can be also ap capsule , its just um retarded? cant find other word
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too .
Please don't encourage this guy "RobertLiva" who might actually be a Nexon employee defending Nexon's deceptive practices lying and stealing money from players.
He thinks spamming the thread with his random pictures will make him more credible and give us more reason to kiss Nexon's ass the way he does no matter how wrong he and Nexon are for what they did. No "RobertLiva", that just makes you look a whole lot more obnoxious and shows how desperate you are for attention and for people to believe you. You're like the people that think yelling and screaming, talking over the other person will make them right lol
We're talking about how Nexon said some gachas were claimed to be "random" but they really weren't and were set up to make it pretty much impossible for you to get certain items from it and this guy goes talking about these 4% gachas here in Nexon NA - "oh, well Nexon NA told us the chances! they said it's 4% chance so you know what you're getting into!" - yeah and they also told us that all these other events would give "random" items and that was A LIE.
If you actually think, watch closely and observe the free events Nexon holds, they make it so any "random" boxes they give out in events give you nothing but junk/trash items and nearly impossible to get anything good. So why in the hell should we believe them when they tell us these gachas that they sell really have a 4% chance to get those valuable items? How do we know that isn't A LIE too? How do we know that they aren't lying about that 4% number just like they lied all the other times in their "random" events and that that number isn't really 2%, 1%, 0.5%?
And there's even more reason for them to lie about that 4% number because money is involved, Nexon NA makes the least amount of money out of all the other regions from Vindictus so it's only even more of a reason for them to lie and have people hoping for that pet or Iset or Succubus outfit that they're spending all this money trying to get not knowing that the rates may have been changed to where you have little to no chance of getting it but lots of money for Nexon right? That's all they care about, that's their main source of income.
The article is about how Nexon put what they called "random" gachas out for sale leading players to believe the PROBABILITY of getting each item was equal (because the definition of the word 'random' is each item in a set having an equal probability of being obtained) but what Nexon really did was make it so certain items only had a 0.5% probability of being obtained while others had a higher probability without even letting players know. And as a result players ended up wasting hundreds of dollars trying to get items that were nearly impossible to obtain.
Nexon NA has done the EXACT same thing with other supposedly "random" boxes like the Mysterious Ice Cube event that we had a couple years ago where you would get "Mysterious" ice cubes for being logged in but in reality they weren't mysterious or "random" at all - the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but AP capsules, almost no one got enhance coupons from those. Why? Because Nexon NA intentionally lowered the probability of obtaining the more valuable items and only wanted people to get AP capsules. But it does get a lot of people online hoping for enhance coupons and other nice items right?
Then they can go tell their investors that they had so many people online, that the game is doing so great and everything is fine. You see how they exploit players like this? They take advantage of the fact that you have that hope to get a good item, thinking it's really "random" then they give you all junk items.
And they've done this MANY times with "random" events - another one is those game board events where you see a dice piece being rolled and visually you see nothing but a dice piece, they mislead you and make you think that it's just a dice piece, the rolls are all random right? But you'll notice that most of the time you will never land on any of the good items on that game board? Why? Because they're exploiting you as a p layer, they know you're hoping to get that good item on the game board so that's the bait to keep you coming back online every day thinking it's all "random" when it's really not - that system will look at what your position is on the game board and 9 times out of 10 will put you on a spot just BEFORE or AFTER the good items on that game board.
Another case with Nexon NA lying and deceiving players is when they have the yearly event where everyone gets enhance coupons from what they claim are "random" boxes. So they say it's "random" right? So how come every single time they run this event NO ONE gets +14 or +15 coupons? How come the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just get +10 coupons? But didn't they tell us those boxes gave "random" enhance coupons? No, that's A LIE - they say that to make you HOPE it's really random and that you actually have a fair chance to get a good enhance coupon but what happens? 99% of people get +10 coupons because they lied and it wasn't really "random".
Does this sound "random" to you? No, they rig the events to make it so the odds are against you and that most of the time you will never get any good/valuable items, that isn't random, that's just plain programming the game to make it so you have a HIGH chance to get nothing good and waste your time.
So think about it, if Nexon NA in our case has a pattern of lying, deceiving and misleading players on all these other "random" events like the mysterious ice cube and game board events we had in the past, why should we believe them when they say "oh there is a 4% chance to get this rare item" from the paid gacha boxes? How do we know they aren't lying about that the same way they lied all the other times? How do we know that 4% number isn't really 1%?
I have no reason to put my trust into a game company like Nexon that has a history of lying and deceiving players, I would be a fool to take their word for anything dealing with chance, especially when my money is involved. No, I'm not going to take your word for it when you say that gacha item has a 4% chance because you're probably lying about that too.
You have zero credibility Nexon, there is no reason to trust what they say anymore.
You dont undesrtand one thing . In those 4 precent thing is also ap capsules and premium weapon fusion runes , like its worth nothing , so split that 4 precent for all those items included and count your luck , soooo - 4 precent : 11 ( number of LUCKY ITEMS ) = 0,3 ......... Sooooo the chance getting iset set , keaghan set or iset pet is 0,3 precentage looooooooooooooooooooooooool . Math ^^ They actually didnt broke anything in this case xD because they just puted cheap items TOO in those 4 precent luck thing I would call it like they spit in your face with it . They can put even merc recovery potions now too as the one from items in those 4 precent lie And i dont encourage ppl who have mental issues Because defending something what lies to you all the time and shows you this black on white like in this case ,when they puted the list of lucky 4 precent items but it can be also ap capsule , its just um retarded? cant find other word
The point is: How do you even know that all the items have the same probability? What if outfits got 0.01% and AP capsules got >0,3%? If some1 told you he randomly put 5 rare items and 10 common items into 5 boxes (each box containing 1 item so 10 items is left out) and you will buy all 5 boxes and open only common items what would you do?
So knowing those 2 items are in the 4% pool you still bought 200 boxes? And then complain? Sorry who's the rtard?
They didnt hide it, its out there for everyone to read before making a purchase.
Have someone in guild that bought 55 boxes and droped 2 pets and the iset avatar? So you're point being is?
If you do not want to waste your money and/or don't trust the rates. DO NOT BUY THE BOXES. How hard is that?
No one is forcing you to buy boxes?
A pet and avatar aren't essential to the game you are not at a disadvantage.
You have free will to buy or not.
If 11 items are in the same pool of 4% and rates are split it is about 0.3%. You didn't discover anything. As far as I know China posts individual rates and they are listed as 0.3
Depends on each country if they have laws to list individually or not.
Deprived is the same drama queen that leeches in royals and does 0.4% dmg then complains on the forum he got 1 drop and its unfair.
Sorry I wasted my time,you don't even deserve 1 sec of time. Will stop reading whatever you post cause its the same sht since post nr 1.
So knowing those 2 items are in the 4% pool you still bought 200 boxes? And then complain? Sorry who's the rtard?
They didnt hide it, its out there for everyone to read before making a purchase.
Have someone in guild that bought 55 boxes and droped 2 pets and the iset avatar? So you're point being is?
No one is forcing you to buy boxes?
A pet and avatar aren't essential to the game you are not at a disadvantage.
You have free will to buy or not.
Deprived is the same drama queen that leeches in royals and does 0.4% dmg then complains on the forum he got 1 drop and its unfair.
Sorry I wasted my time,you don't even deserve 1 sec of time. Will stop reading whatever you post cause its the same sht since post nr 1.
Ofcourse i bought for free iset set for the tickets from boxes what else . Stop writing that you wont respond or pay attention on this post anymore when u check and reply all the time
Its not for free, you bought 200 boxes to get it.
And the fact you don't adress all the facts pointed out shows me how malicious/stupid u ppl are.
And I can say and do whatever I want.
Its not for free, you bought 200 boxes to get it.
And the fact you don't adress all the facts pointed out shows me how malicious/stupid u ppl are.
And I can say and do whatever I want.
U'd get eaten alive in a real debate.
What else i can do with my gold if im already end gear + sigh
Stop writing that you wont respond or pay attention on this post anymore when u check and reply all the time
Exactly lol
This "RobertLivia" idiot claims he isn't going to argue anymore, he won't respond or post here anymore then he turns around and does the opposite of what he said and goes off on his rant spam posts kissing Nexon's ass nonstop no matter how clear and obvious it is that Nexon is in the wrong.
He's probably checking this thread every 5 minutes to see if there's a new post so he can tell us we're all wrong again, the dictionary is wrong and Nexon is right like we're really that stupid.
Like I said, that makes you a liar "RobertLivia".
You're a liar and there is no reason to believe a thing you say just like there is no reason to believe a thing Nexon says now seeing how they've been exposed for lying and deceiving players to steal their money with gacha boxes.
Only right that a liar like yourself will defend a lying company like Nexon that is now being SUED for lying and stealing money from players why? For lying about gacha rates.
Okay Mr. the dictionary is wrong.
I'm not even reading your spam posts anymore (yep including that last one) because all of your points are weak and you're just trying to find any reason to argue at this point (wait didn't you say you're not even going to argue anymore? ah makes sense a liar like yourself would defend a company that's being sued for lying too, birds of a feather flock together after all), you're the only one here trying to defend Nexon's actions making a fool out of yourself.
We link him the dictionary definition of the word random and he still says "no! that's not true! the dictionary is a lie!" lol
This is proof that not everyone in the gaming community is right in the head, that there are some with serious issues like this guy.
Keep kissing Nexon's ass fanboy.
I like these in particular.
Oh chance... what is that u ask?
And can that level of possibility be 0.00001 or 50 or 2 ? I don't see why not.
Stop drooling all over yourself, it's okay to be stupid, not everyone can think and do more research other than google-ing the word random.
Let me think of a stupid person explanation.. hmm.
We take a Jar... are we good so far? You can google jar if its too hard.
One person puts in 10 tickets... easy there.. dont hurt yourself. Another person puts in 30 tickets. Good so far?..
A third person has the job of picking out a ticket out of that jar, the one ticket he picks is the winner of whatever.
Does he pick it at random? Yes he doesnt look and search for the tickets, he just picks one without looking. Are the odds the same for the 2 people? No. Cause one has more tickets than the other, but they can still both be picked. The first one has a lower chance the 2nd a higher.
Careful not to hurt yourself to badly.
I think he's a foreigner just trying to act smart and prove that Nexon is innocent and he's failing terribly at it. He even said the dictionary definition of the word 'random' is wrong too lol
The dictionary is wrong Robert? Lol.
You're wrong, accept it and Nexon is in the wrong here, plain and simple.
You're the only one here trying to defend Nexon's deceptive practices about gacha rates, why do you think that is? You're wrong that's why and you're delusional.
Didn't you say you're going to stop arguing yet you continue to post trying to prove your weak point kissing Nexon's ass?
That makes you a liar.
Like I said, it's typical that a liar like yourself would defend a company that lies and is getting sued for lying like Nexon.
It's pretty entertaining watching you try to make an argument out of something that is so simple yet it's hard for you to grasp and understand. It's blatantly obvious that Nexon is in the wrong.
Continue kissing Nexon's ass fanboy while we all laugh at you.
It's not nice to aruge with nexon employees about p2w
It's pretty simple to see why Nexon is being sued and fined, they were discovered to be deceiving players about gacha rates.
Or maybe he's just a Nexon fanboy and is that stupid and delusional, that he will say Nexon is right when everyone else is telling him they're wrong for what they did.
Maybe he's doing all of this in hopes Nexon will fly him to their offices and meet them or become a GM and his dreams will come true. Then he'll be the ultimate Nexon fanboy and his life will be complete.
Exactly .=/ Real people are happy companies like EA and nexon are being challenged. Yet unreasonable people like him do everything in their power to fight gamers and uphold company greed....almost enough to question what people like him get from such statements
We are being played
I can confirm that 4 precent thing , i bought 200 boxes and got 2 premium weapons runes lol . Good they didnt mentioned there merc recovery potions too
Well, now I'm done. I'll let you circle-jerk with your kind.
This is the kind of people you appeal too:
And that's what you want aswell, and this what it is all about, cause you're butthurt
Dw, nothing is gonna change cause of your little fuss. And that is 100%, nothing Random
Please don't encourage this guy "RobertLiva" who might actually be a Nexon employee defending Nexon's deceptive practices lying and stealing money from players.
He thinks spamming the thread with his random pictures will make him more credible and give us more reason to kiss Nexon's ass the way he does no matter how wrong he and Nexon are for what they did. No "RobertLiva", that just makes you look a whole lot more obnoxious and shows how desperate you are for attention and for people to believe you. You're like the people that think yelling and screaming, talking over the other person will make them right lol
We're talking about how Nexon said some gachas were claimed to be "random" but they really weren't and were set up to make it pretty much impossible for you to get certain items from it and this guy goes talking about these 4% gachas here in Nexon NA - "oh, well Nexon NA told us the chances! they said it's 4% chance so you know what you're getting into!" - yeah and they also told us that all these other events would give "random" items and that was A LIE.
If you actually think, watch closely and observe the free events Nexon holds, they make it so any "random" boxes they give out in events give you nothing but junk/trash items and nearly impossible to get anything good. So why in the hell should we believe them when they tell us these gachas that they sell really have a 4% chance to get those valuable items? How do we know that isn't A LIE too? How do we know that they aren't lying about that 4% number just like they lied all the other times in their "random" events and that that number isn't really 2%, 1%, 0.5%?
And there's even more reason for them to lie about that 4% number because money is involved, Nexon NA makes the least amount of money out of all the other regions from Vindictus so it's only even more of a reason for them to lie and have people hoping for that pet or Iset or Succubus outfit that they're spending all this money trying to get not knowing that the rates may have been changed to where you have little to no chance of getting it but lots of money for Nexon right? That's all they care about, that's their main source of income.
The article is about how Nexon put what they called "random" gachas out for sale leading players to believe the PROBABILITY of getting each item was equal (because the definition of the word 'random' is each item in a set having an equal probability of being obtained) but what Nexon really did was make it so certain items only had a 0.5% probability of being obtained while others had a higher probability without even letting players know. And as a result players ended up wasting hundreds of dollars trying to get items that were nearly impossible to obtain.
Nexon NA has done the EXACT same thing with other supposedly "random" boxes like the Mysterious Ice Cube event that we had a couple years ago where you would get "Mysterious" ice cubes for being logged in but in reality they weren't mysterious or "random" at all - the overwhelming majority of players got nothing but AP capsules, almost no one got enhance coupons from those. Why? Because Nexon NA intentionally lowered the probability of obtaining the more valuable items and only wanted people to get AP capsules. But it does get a lot of people online hoping for enhance coupons and other nice items right?
Then they can go tell their investors that they had so many people online, that the game is doing so great and everything is fine. You see how they exploit players like this? They take advantage of the fact that you have that hope to get a good item, thinking it's really "random" then they give you all junk items.
And they've done this MANY times with "random" events - another one is those game board events where you see a dice piece being rolled and visually you see nothing but a dice piece, they mislead you and make you think that it's just a dice piece, the rolls are all random right? But you'll notice that most of the time you will never land on any of the good items on that game board? Why? Because they're exploiting you as a p layer, they know you're hoping to get that good item on the game board so that's the bait to keep you coming back online every day thinking it's all "random" when it's really not - that system will look at what your position is on the game board and 9 times out of 10 will put you on a spot just BEFORE or AFTER the good items on that game board.
Another case with Nexon NA lying and deceiving players is when they have the yearly event where everyone gets enhance coupons from what they claim are "random" boxes. So they say it's "random" right? So how come every single time they run this event NO ONE gets +14 or +15 coupons? How come the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players just get +10 coupons? But didn't they tell us those boxes gave "random" enhance coupons? No, that's A LIE - they say that to make you HOPE it's really random and that you actually have a fair chance to get a good enhance coupon but what happens? 99% of people get +10 coupons because they lied and it wasn't really "random".
Does this sound "random" to you? No, they rig the events to make it so the odds are against you and that most of the time you will never get any good/valuable items, that isn't random, that's just plain programming the game to make it so you have a HIGH chance to get nothing good and waste your time.
So think about it, if Nexon NA in our case has a pattern of lying, deceiving and misleading players on all these other "random" events like the mysterious ice cube and game board events we had in the past, why should we believe them when they say "oh there is a 4% chance to get this rare item" from the paid gacha boxes? How do we know they aren't lying about that the same way they lied all the other times? How do we know that 4% number isn't really 1%?
I have no reason to put my trust into a game company like Nexon that has a history of lying and deceiving players, I would be a fool to take their word for anything dealing with chance, especially when my money is involved. No, I'm not going to take your word for it when you say that gacha item has a 4% chance because you're probably lying about that too.
You have zero credibility Nexon, there is no reason to trust what they say anymore.
You dont undesrtand one thing . In those 4 precent thing is also ap capsules and premium weapon fusion runes , like its worth nothing , so split that 4 precent for all those items included and count your luck , soooo - 4 precent : 11 ( number of LUCKY ITEMS ) = 0,3 ......... Sooooo the chance getting iset set , keaghan set or iset pet is 0,3 precentage looooooooooooooooooooooooool . Math ^^ They actually didnt broke anything in this case xD because they just puted cheap items TOO in those 4 precent luck thing
So knowing those 2 items are in the 4% pool you still bought 200 boxes? And then complain? Sorry who's the rtard?
They didnt hide it, its out there for everyone to read before making a purchase.
Have someone in guild that bought 55 boxes and droped 2 pets and the iset avatar? So you're point being is?
If you do not want to waste your money and/or don't trust the rates. DO NOT BUY THE BOXES. How hard is that?
No one is forcing you to buy boxes?
A pet and avatar aren't essential to the game you are not at a disadvantage.
You have free will to buy or not.
If 11 items are in the same pool of 4% and rates are split it is about 0.3%. You didn't discover anything. As far as I know China posts individual rates and they are listed as 0.3
Depends on each country if they have laws to list individually or not.
Deprived is the same drama queen that leeches in royals and does 0.4% dmg then complains on the forum he got 1 drop and its unfair.
Sorry I wasted my time,you don't even deserve 1 sec of time. Will stop reading whatever you post cause its the same sht since post nr 1.
And the fact you don't adress all the facts pointed out shows me how malicious/stupid u ppl are.
And I can say and do whatever I want.
U'd get eaten alive in a real debate.
What else i can do with my gold if im already end gear + sigh
Exactly lol
This "RobertLivia" idiot claims he isn't going to argue anymore, he won't respond or post here anymore then he turns around and does the opposite of what he said and goes off on his rant spam posts kissing Nexon's ass nonstop no matter how clear and obvious it is that Nexon is in the wrong.
He's probably checking this thread every 5 minutes to see if there's a new post so he can tell us we're all wrong again, the dictionary is wrong and Nexon is right like we're really that stupid.
Like I said, that makes you a liar "RobertLivia".
You're a liar and there is no reason to believe a thing you say just like there is no reason to believe a thing Nexon says now seeing how they've been exposed for lying and deceiving players to steal their money with gacha boxes.
Only right that a liar like yourself will defend a lying company like Nexon that is now being SUED for lying and stealing money from players why? For lying about gacha rates.