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Regina:"You won the battle but you can't dance better than me!"
Watchin tha lynnpocalypse from afar... Observer:"It's some kind of ritual they are dancing around the light and glaives are falling from the sky."
"Here are tha monah nao gimme cookies!"
Magical girl drawin circles in tha air
Pumpkin monstah!
"hmm... intriguing"
I just hope they will add something new finally, no real content since.... I don't even remember. Overhauling old stuff is fine maybe it will bring more people and that what vindi needs. I like some of the changes like + movement speed, optimization, but I don't think that people with +15 will join any parties anymore (I would just solo everything since I like lagless gameplay more).
I'm little afraid because I have heard lynn crashes everyone in party when exploding her marks after the "rise" update....
I play mostly Lynn so my opinion:
-enjoying gameplay as it is now (hate fast attacking bosses when you can't even use 2nd smash)
-Lynn is mostly attack speed dependant with high attack speed you can have nice dmg (compared to arisha, and it was one of the best arisha I have ever seen, same stats we got around the same dmg [s3 dou ~50% 80/90/120 ABC]) but of course she isn't good against fast attacking bosses
-she isn't good for farming (slow movement speed, creeps don't give stamina)
-it's can difficult for beginners to do good dmg with her since you need to have all marks golden and know the boss patterns to choose best smash (also good def if you want to attack while getting hit to deal more dmg)
-many dodge bugs (with low fps and/or bad connection you will notice it more)
-windstep buf relies on connection (if you have delay you will get it after little rat so you can't jump in the initial little rat - causing loss of dmg and you can get hit after)
-hitboxes and range (as some1 said before) - small range (smaller than delia or valla/lann with fused swords) sometimes you hit the boss (you can even hear the sound of piercing/hitting) but no dmg or marks aply
-placing golden/enhanced marks relies on fps and connection (with low FPS/bad connection and high atckspeed it can even skip whole final smash)
-also noticed strange delay time of dodges sometimes
Playing Lynn is very enjoyable if you have high attackspeed, good FPS and connection. She can be very strong if you master her (still can't solo neam as some chars can). I like her as she is now the only thing that could improve would be removing her bugs, give her some reasonable range/hitboxes (so when you hit the boss it would really hit him) and optimize the game (better FPS). No need for Lynn revamp just fix the things that should be fixed
How to make gold? (EU)
*Use real world money
*Prices of The Dead es will go up so grinding ship grave 24/7
*Subdu es (misty summit moonlight peak)
*as others said s3 for r7 scrolls you can also s2 if you have time
*don't know if this works on other servers (for low equips/levels) liontus, keghan (well-balanced es), beokros (berserker es)
*succubus and muir everyday (hoping paradise stones will go up or you will get lucky with enthu es)
*Ekinar for fast es, Fruitfull for valor, Roctune cabin for master (I think but I mostly farm it only for myself)
Edit: Ye forgot to add deep corruption farm (but only good for servers with no inflation), some1 said that also 1st map of barbhe is good for mats since it's short...
*Buy cheap stuff sell expensive (easily said than done) you can buy cheap color ampules from marketplace and sell it later, other things if you want to sell it needs to be bought by mail/cod (like buying elixirs for cheap and sell 2 months later). This method require much money and is rewarding only if you are patient but can be tricky because you have to predict the prices in the future... Probably with lvl 95 prices of these will rise: Goldy mats, paradise stones, elixirs (new scrolls), r7 scrolls, the dead es....
Ps: When lvl 95 will come there will be players going dullahan with every char they have also 2 times a day (vip) to get those rares, so more char you have that are able to do new/endgame content the more money you can make in few first weeks/months of release.
Pss: All is just an RNG if you are unlucky you can never catch up to those luckers with 3 sellable +15