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Personal Quote
Only if you face and conquer your deepest fears will you become one of the bravest.
  • Does anyone actually like PVP?

    Rezi wrote: »
    PvP? You mean that thing in most MMOs where people trade kills to get the rewards since it's not fun or balanced at all to do otherwise?

    Every MMO out there with a viable PvP system uses queues so you can't trade your seals/points so easily.
  • is the game dead ?

    In the heat of praising the Rise update and accepting the current state of the game don't forget the migration and why it happened and the players that have lost their characters due to Nexon's negligence/laziness and the amount of players that have been locked out.

    Also this update did not much for increasing the population. The game actually is offering less features (except the modifications) and more pay to win now besides those few good improvements.

    I don't have any problem with anyone's views and i totally accept that some of you like it but shouldn't it be balanced out so that everyone could have their own little piece of it? And this is what actual features could achieve if they weren't only for the intent to milk the players more. As it is a wannabe MMO it should offer other things than just learning boss attack patterns, shouldn't it?

    For example i would have a lot of fun in PvP because i don't really like grinding after i reached the end-game. So considering that it's almost like an MMO, it should have a balanced PvP, a few more battlegrounds, reasonable rewards and a time limit increasing at arena because 5 minutes just isn't enough.

    And about the combat system again that we thought as if it alone could bring more players to the game. Yes, all the fancy stuff in a game could bring more players in the short term, but everyone likes a game differently, that means not everyone will feel so nostalgic and accept everything so they may end up quitting soon after they get bored of it, and they get bored of it so soon because they can't find their purpose in it. And a lot of other games (single-player, multi-player, MMO) offer PvE and grinding and since this game offers nothing unique against them, a lot of players avoid it. Looking at other games and MMO's if you really want to compare them to Vindi it feels as if Vindi had the least features amongst them. (based on that all of the people i played with for a long time or invited to the game have already quit long ago for similar reasons)

    So accept it or not, there's no fun in the game right now except for people who play it because of nostalgia or the combo sequences or the fancy object physics. But a lot of gamers don't see them as actual advantages as they don't define the game's mechanics. The same mechanics could be achieved without the combos and the physics with the same challenges, or even more challenges because there wouldn't be a long time frame on the skill usage beside the cooldown so you could do other things meanwhile. But the combat part of the game absolutely isn't the problem. The problem is what others have already mentioned, the decisions at DevCat/Nexon and the only way we could do something about it if we didn't pursue only our selfish views on the forums and instead of saying "the game is okay, what's your problem", we started thinking about what the potential player would like to have in the game.

    TL;DR; it's especially for those who accept the changes (you may have a good laugh reading it or you may just try to understand it)
  • More Confessions

    Xie wrote: »
    Confession 1: How do you help a drowning person ... when you are drowning too?

    Depression distorts your mind. It tells you that you are worthless, unwanted, and helpless. The world is dark and black. It becomes difficult to accomplish anything because the future you see is bleak and your mind is constantly telling you that you are worthless. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. How do you help someone see the light when you cannot see the light yourself?

    I know it's somewhat a rhetorical question but i'll answer it from my aspect. I'm sorry in advance if i write anything rude.

    First, it really helps if you find the cause of your depression because most of the times you can improve your mood if you strictly avoid things that maintain your depression. I don't talk about the immediate elimination of it because that's not possible but you can climb those stairs. If you think it's just mental illusions then try to distract your mind from them. The best way is if you do something that makes you think you are useful.

    And now talking about what useful means. Useful for yourself or useful for others? If you think you can be useful only for others or what the society dictates then think of that you are in depression because you couldn't be useful for yourself. So at first do something useful to yourself like doing your hobbies that really ease your mind. And don't fear of the new things inside or outside your interests because only they can "adjust" you.

    If you want to help someone in depression when you are in depression too, that's a good sign. But one of you must be the leader to lead yourselves out of this situation, so don't ever wait for the other to take the first step. You can always plan beforehand how you will execute it. Plan the first step in detail and then just give it a try. (that's my confession too because i plan a lot)

    Nowadays a lot of people think they know every corner of each other's soul when there's always more than what the eye can see. It may sound sentimental but that's the harsh reality. Actually i realized that they do this not because they are evil but because bad thoughts help you prepare for the worst. So everyone feels a little bit bad about the other first and that's why you need to prove!

    "The world was never kind to anyone" - it reminds me of this quote that i don't know where i read or heard but i like it

    So just keep your head up!
  • My Pet Killed Glas Ghaibhleann while I was AFK

    That's a very strange behaviour because pandas usually eat bamboo not Glas.
    PixelPantsuXieDokkunShiningForceDelterosGwyndolaineKayoAemskeySLAMMENING420TetsujinOrder5and 1 other.
  • Rise - Where did the fun go?

    The reason people don't use boss strategies is because they can avoid the wiping with trans and uninterruptible skills.

    This game has never been about teamwork since S2. And it shows that peer-to-peer is crap when you realize that it's easier to beat a boss in solo than lagging through the whole party run. Now it's even more worth to do dungs alone because of the extra cores. Also it encourages people to set an upper limit for attack and abc on boats because they fear that others outdps them and they get nothing.

    It was an e-peen parade before and it's even more an e-peen parade from now on... Unless people quit so there will be no-one to show your top damage to.