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  • What do you guys even do in game nowadays?

    I understand a sense of progression is important, but I find it odd that people play games to max out their character window values and damage numbers which can be disabled in the menu anyways. It's probably much weirder that I'm still so wildly entertained by the base experience of the game's combat after all this time, though.
    - Stare at my characters. It's kind of rare to find a game with realistic aesthetics. Imo, Vindictus comes in 2nd when it comes to how realistic the characters look (BDO takes the lead). Most MMOs these days have an anime-ish feel which is fine but I'm more interested in a realistic art style. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. Lol
    I agree, it's always a choice between full uguu anime or uncanny valley with these games. My main interest in BDO is the character creation so I never bought it, too bad the trial character creator is locked out now. Beautiful game.
  • What do you guys even do in game nowadays?

    Playing the game! It's not a job, log in and kill stuff if you want to play Vindictus. There's plenty of other mmos with more detailed stats to pump time and money into out there.
  • A Guide to Glaive

    I actually had no idea they'd updated Lynn to be able to little rat regular unblockables and multihits until I read this. Picked her up again earlier and having a blast. She's definitely in my top 3 for most enjoyed classes in vindi now, cheers.

    I've heard different things about sp usage during Jade Fox cooldown but can never find myself with the excess sp to do anything other than fix blue marks a couple of times. I'll probably farm up a cat statue soon to help with it, but may as well ask: where does the bulk of Lynn's sp gain come from? I think my problem is from whiffing the smash before guillotine a lot and I could probably be detonating full stacks more often, but I can't really tell where the big sp gains are since I'm playing with no UI most of the time.
  • Food for thought...

    The game really is just a rush to the suffering simulator that is endgame gearing now, and the developers seem too scared to invest in anything drastic like undoing the powercreep or reworking season 1 properly rather than bandaid patching it to be completely unimportant. Vindictus has always been about epic boss encounters for groups of mercenaries and in its current state, we're skipping a lot of the best ones and rushing through the early game like we're trying to get out of a building on fire - all by ourselves. I wouldn't latch onto this game like I did in 2012 if I picked it up today and missed out on the challenge that bosses like Blood Lord and Irukul provided for me and my friends.

    There's just so much working against the experience for us now. Whose idea was it to break up a patch like Smash 1 and then leave us hanging for 2-3 months? It worked on Season 2 Episode 4 because that update was literally just 4 raids released 2 at a time within a month of each other with the release of a new character supporting it. The Ein Lacher update could've kept the playerbase content for a longer time if they added the entirety of the composite system changes from Smash 1. Instead we were left with a solo challenge that a lot of people don't care for, 16 man raids that take too long because of the split update (I love them personally but hardly anyone comes out to run them), and this stupid UI lag that I'm getting saltier about by the day.

    I don't know what side is in charge of the events/seal shop additions, but these recent changes and events, while nice, are only nice because the game compacts the majority of the playerbase into endgame for the sake of profit. Who knows, maybe they'll shut me up with a backwards version of the Ignition update next year, but I'm not impressed right now. The only reason I keep playing this is because the basics of the game are exactly what I want out of an action rpg.
  • So what about TIR Coins/NX selling?

    I think having things like unbinds available to everyone is more important than a lot of the things TIR offers over airtight. But there's no reason why they couldn't just add things to what either system has available. End of the day they're doing pretty much the same thing except the airtight items are random.