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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Player Base is gone.

    yep its been dead for a long time dont let them fool you saying its school or jobs because thats bs this game is dead on west and has never gotten any better either every one went east or they just straight up quit or went to a private server for the fact there tired of the bs this game offers its a joke.
    Irony is whales are keeping this game alive just like every other MMO with micro-transactions does. The day when all the whales quit is when this game will die.
  • Player Base is gone.

    Finals week, work, responsibilities. we can't just play this game all the time when we have rent and bills to pay along with getting food on the table you know.

    Plus, there are private boats that doesn't show up on the boat board, so there is that as well (I usually do it all the time because I don't like stow-a-ways afking on me.)

    Honestly, I think the 90 weapons are way too powerful for their own good since many players are soloing runs and raids. It's become a total cake walk if you have enough practice in.

    Also, there is prime time as well, which is usually around 6PM pacific if you're on west since most jobs orientate on a 9-5 schedule.

    I never had any problem with finding boats other than Nilfheim, but come on, who even does that anymore?
  • Dullahan 101

    The Dullahan is a female? That is my knowledge of the day.
    It's technically classified as a headless being that rides a horse, CAN be male or female depending on which medieval region they hail from.

    They are technically affiliated with ice because in Norse mythology, Dullahans can actually freeze mortals to death by calling out their name. They are also known to be affliated with other elements as well, which includes fire, lightning, and metals.

    Dullahans are afraid of the element gold (Aurum) because it can hinder their body and soul from becoming one, often running at the slightest glimpse of it. It can be speculated that the soul stones can be made out of gold.

    Their main method of attacking is using a whip made out of a spine of an animal, usually being a human, a lion, or a python because of their range, of which the human is much more common than the other two.
  • Farming R8 and R9 Scrolls

    70-79 chests don't drop any scrolls above rank A and I believe accessories only drop from the last chest on that difficulty.
    How do 80-90 drops differ from 70-79?
    70-79 normal chests can only drop rank F-A scrolls, which includes the useless scrolls, decisive, valor, and bloodlust.

    70-79 final chest CAN drop thunder rings or crescent moonlight rings, but this is an extremely rare phenomenon in crescent moon island, ship graveyard, and twilight desert. The rings DO NOT drop in misty peak or moonlight peak, where they are substituted by ruby and emerald belt respectively.

    80-90 normal chests can drop R9/R8 scrolls, thunder ring, and crescent moonlight ring as a rare drop.

    80-90 final chest in crescent moon island, ship graveyard, and twilight desert drops the same as mentioned above, except the dropped thunder ring/crescent moonlight ring can be a 3 star, along with adding Crescent moon announcement and Ocean death monster to the table as an ultra rare drop.

    80-90 final chest in misty summit/moonlight peak can drop amethyst or peridot belts, along with the scrolls but their downside is that you cannot get crescent moon announcements or ocean death monsters in that area.

    The mini bosses in misty summit (80-90) CAN drop ruby/emerald belts, R9 and R8 scrolls and the mythical subdued enchant scroll that gives 2 crit, 1 speed, and 5 stamina to ruby, emerald, amethyst, or peridot belt if successful. They have the same drop table as in a normal chest found within the same area, except their encounters are RNG. Shiny boxes (80-90) found from the O boss area also contains the same loot table, but be aware you won't find shinies in every run. The regular boxes (80-90) found in the same area CAN drop subdued or another scroll that is R9 or R8, but this is an extremely rare case.
  • Farming R8 and R9 Scrolls

    Well-balanced: lionotus and Keaghan

    Berserker: Weeping Queen or beokros

    Fast: Gatekeeper of catacombs or Ekinar.

    80-90 misty summit or moonlight peak (really doesn't matter)

    Either way you're in for a grinding process that may take days, weeks, or even months to get a decent supply if you are looking to mass enchant.

    HIGHLY recommend vip and luck blessings if you plan on going the S1 route.

    EDIT: 80-90 misty/moonlight can also drop subdued ES if you are looking to sell that for money.