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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.
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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
You need an attack that will guarantee to interrupt his charged attack. This includes knocking him down, firing a massive impact, or using your holding skill.
where 2 of the 3 are more effective to use, while the knock down one has a chance to work.
If the charged attack is fully charged up, then there will be an aoe that will instantly kill the entire party, and will EVEN break through life flare, so don't try to tank the attack.
For the red projectiles, if they hit the wall, or hit the boss itself, then they will despawn. You can use this to your advantage by dodging to get behind him. Just be wary of where you dodge as they will track back to your current position by making a giant U-turn. Think of missiles that home in on you.
Has anyone able to confirm how many players are needed to grab his legs in a party of 8? I made it up by myself and spammed E like no tomorrow, failed and dropped death by it.
you need 4 players for a 7-8 man party, 3 for 5-6, 2 for 3-4, and 1 for 2 or less for the leg mechanic. You can only grab the legs if they glow red after you reach to the top, where you must spam E to bring Abom down and stun him for a period of time.
As for the bell mechanic, half swings are a must when you grab the bell, otherwise you will pull a SH3 protagonist and fall to your death.
The platforms trigger one after the other, so if you see the platform rise up, wait a bit until you see the 2nd platform activate, and then swing it from there.
the first platform will make you take a fixed 250 damage if you get crushed, but you can aim yourself back on to the platform. Though, if it rises as you swing, then you will get an instant death.
the second one activates similarly to minecraft pistons, where they will push the player off the platform, which will unfortunately have you pull a yosemite sam as you plummet to your death, and boy is that fun... not.
the third one is the ultimate test. when it activates, the player will slip off the platform, and will receive a falling damage of a whopping 12,000... ouch. Assuming that evie has mana shields, she can survive this, but with other players *hears MY LEG from spongebob in the background*, UNLESS of course life flare triggers.
Note that Abom will NOT aggro you when you are the platforms, even with the bat projectile phase.
Patience is key to breaking Abom's barrier, so break a leg when doing a raid. I know I done that about 24 times over. Though, you know what's better than 24? 25! :^)
Mainly the new sets only allow the user to use their abilities to work in lochlann plains, while the chapter one sets can have their abilities only work in ben chenner. You can't use abom abilities in ben chenner, and vice versa.
Basically this. Though I was basing it on the Soul Appearance. The soul is apparently a female. Though I don't know too much about the mythology about Dullahan so it's more or less me assuming it's Gender.
It's been a while since an MMO has had an ice theme boss anyway, and dullahan fits in perfectly. Though, I'm not sure how powerful the 95 weapons are going to be when compared to the 90 weapons because a load of players have +15 90s with almost 16,000 attack rating.
They most likely chose the dullahan to be Female to fit the ice theme even more. It even gives me some Blizzeta battle vibes from twilight princess by reading your description.
The armor is just an empty husk and the gender of the Dullahan is dependent on the soul that inhabits the armor.
There could be a connection to the nine worlds in Vindictus, where Helheim is a world that is completely enveloped by ice clocking in at absolute zero temperatures (0°K, –273.15°C, or –459.67°F.), where the dead and Dullahans reside and travel to Midgard (Earth or the regular world of Vindictus) to take a human soul with them as an act of revenge of some form. It is rumored that the dead souls suffer from this extreme cold and seek revenge on Midgard for their warm luxuries on those that murdered them, with Dullahans having full memories of their past before their untimely death.