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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Possible cause of royal army raid slideshow mode

    You know it's crap like this that makes me want to stop running royal raids in its entirety considering the following reasons:

    1. since the abomination patch came out, the raids have been unplayable to the point where everyone dies from a lag frame skip. It was supposed to be fixed from a maintenance, but I haven't seen one yet. and NO, it's not from the host, because I know a good amount of hosts that get crippled when they do a royal raid because the servers are completely operated by a potato crop. and what's worse than a hamster? a potato.

    2. the rare isn't worth grinding for considering you need 120 of them to max out your weapon should you want to be that kind of person that wants to min-max every single stat. Following this, 40M each x 120 rares = 4.8 BILLION. That's enough to get you a +15 90 weapon.

    3. why spend 15-50 agonizing minutes killing a boss where at any point in time someone will "mooch" the raid and they subsequently end up getting the rare material? It's pretty stupid how one person can sit around and do nothing while the rest of us bust our Cahonies Killing the boss. YES, I still see moochers when I do these raids.

    4. Most of your runs end up with AP capsules... that you do NOT FREAKING NEED Since one is AP capped. Why add extra AP anyway? This also adds to junky elixirs as well where you can FARM that in Red Archer. -____-''

    5. The level 60 bottle has a chance to give you useless 80 mats when the boss is level 90. Where have I seen that occurrence before hmm? Also, where's the paradise enhancement stone since they drop elixirs considering the two go hand-in-hand?

    6. Attack gets scaled up, but not defense, resistance, and critical rating. So the whole giving low levels a fighting chance is EXTREMELY misleading, considering that at any chance they can get killed by a single blow. Plus, the higher ups get more attack per low level, which emphasizes of promoting hard carrying in these raids.

    7. Eventually this will get scaled up to level 95 with having more HP to boot on top of that 25,000,000 HP when the dullahan content comes out, making getting upgrades for 90 weapons more difficult to obtain than it already is.
  • My top 10 most Difficult Ein lacher bosses

    Well, since I have golden god, I might as well give the peeps my top ten most difficult bosses to deal with in Ein Lacher to get a gold medal on.
    Granted that this is my opinion and feel free to reply below your top 10 Ein bosses that made you want to pull your hair out.
    I'm also giving tips for Future X gun kai mains out there.

    Number 10: Colru the Golem
    Colru doesn't give many opportunities for attacking, but there are some spots vulnerable at the end of his attacks to a quick hollow. Just stick to this, along with armed and dangerous and you should get no trouble getting gold. Only reason why I had difficulty dealing with him is because of his sucker punches thrown in at his 7th bar of health.

    Number 9: Irukul the Ancient Beast
    Oh irukul, where you have to break his tusks off 60 times to progress in weaponsmithing. Seems Irukul doesn't like it when I break his tusks down for farming purposes. That aside, Irukul can be problematic due to his charge attack giving a chance to get you stuck and ruining the run. Though, dodging diagonally to his left (your right) as his front claw gets lifted up allows for an easy dodge. He will be vulnerable at 2 and a half bars where he will stagger about. use this to your advantage and deliver the final blow with a bolt storm.

    Number 8: Ikrium the Commander of the Desert
    Not really a problem himself, just the explosive rings that form at some point in the fight can catch you off guard. All of his attacks are easy to dodge except for his homing ball attack where it can ruin your fun if you mistime your roll. Granted that ball will punish you hard if that happens.

    Number 7: Lord Glas (Temple of Fallen Moon)
    Unforgiving attack pattern that keeps me on my toes no matter what. The only way to fail this run if you get sucked into one of his black holes, or get one shotted by his Reverse gravity. He will fire two homing projectiles every now and then, which adds to this calamity of his attack pattern. One mistimed roll and you will have to face him again in the beginning.

    Number 6: Elchulus, the Fomorian God of Time
    Can be provoked to do the tail swipe, but be wary that his back legs count as a hitbox as well, so do go too close to his back side. He will do the swooping attack on an average of 3 to 4 times, to be prepared for that. His homing projectile camouflages with his scales, which makes dodging rather difficult and can hit you by surprise, which caused me to reset on many occasions. He also likes to be in your face as well, so he can take up half your screen when attacking.

    Number 5: Akadus - Guardian of the trailhead.
    Ooo this guys is a doozy. without the reliance of the traps to pin him down over and over again, he proves to be a rather difficult boss with quick attacks. Be wary that he will try to do the triple dart to predict your double hollow attack, where that will ultimately cause a reset. at his 5th bar of health, he will spin around and attack, along with using darts from the arena in an attempt to damage you. You have to play defensively in this fight or you will get punished from his darts.

    Number 4: Mad Willy Flint: Guardian of Ship Graveyard.
    Now what makes this guy difficult? I'll give you one word. SPAM. once you get to his 5th bar, then you will understand why. He will fire 3-7 cycles of red wave attacks that can close in on you if you don't react fast enough. Also, he will throw 5 black homing discs that will trace back at you, so be prepared to have them make a U-turn on you. He will spam this so often that my wrists were left strained after fighting him. Oh and if the red discs touches your X gun, it registers as a hit, which makes this situation worse.

    Number 3: Corrupted Keaghan
    Picture fighting Dr.Wily from mega man while having 1 pixel of hp left and add dark soul's difficulty to the mix. All I can sum up for this fight and you have to crank your reaction timer to 11 once he reaches his 2nd phase at 7.5 bars of health remaining. He will throw homing projectiles in his 2nd phase, along with teleporting like crazy in the first phase. You have to keep on your toes the entire fight as one slip up can leave you with salt as you have to restart the entire run from the beginning.

    Number 2: Regina, Queen of the Elves.
    Regina, oh how I hate you so much. You like to catch people off guard with your triple slashes, homing projectiles, mana mines, and the whole corruption gimmick as well throughout the fight. Her Ein counterpart is the same as her normal one mechanics wise, but be wary that you will experience frame drops if the throne is rendered along with her attacking at a certain angle. I tried to play passively, but nope, kept getting hit by her triple pokes again, again, again, and again. Always that same attack until I went full on berserk and just freaking acted on instinct rather than thought. This was the only boss where I actually HAD to go full on Blitzkrieg. Granted though that unexpectedly, she only took me at least 45 retires to get gold on, which is usually my average for getting golds on some S2/S3 bosses.

    Now if you known me well, this is probably a cop out. However we finally arrived at the number one spot, and I know many of you may or may not agree with me on this.
    Here we are, taking the top spot on my list is none other than

    Iset, the Princess of the Desert.

    This boss, you want to know what fury is like? what rage incarnate is like? like how it is like to unexpectedly break the rules of the game just an attempt to p*** you off to no freaking end. In Ein lacher, you face against one boss, one on one, mondo e mondo, but what does iset do? No, she calls upon her boyfriend to do her bidding and teleport around like a freaking frog giggling like a little girl as she swings her staff. Want to know what's even better? She is FREAKING TINY. She is the SMALLEST Boss in the entire game, even getting a revamp in her design that only made her taller by two pixels... TWO FREAKING PIXELS. I am not joking, there is literally no visual difference between her old and new self other than having a bigger hitbox overall, but that doesn't stop one from spamming her teleport move over, and over, and over, and over again. She will literally spam the same move over and over again, and the one thing I hate more than the enhancing system itself in this game is when a boss spams. It's ANNOYING. Oh, and if you think that's bad, when havan slams his fist down for the first time on each battle, your camera angles screws up, and since X gun kai is dependent on dodging based on camera angles, that one little angle change can SCREW YOUR ENTIRE RUN OVER. No joke. Literally 90% of all my attempts were failed because of said angle change. Dark Souls bosses, and even fan game bosses that were intentionally difficult had NO WHERE NEAR the amount of rage that I expelled during the fight with Iset. and do you want to know how many times I retried in that battle? 400. FOUR HUNDRED TIMES. That's 16 hours of fighting iset, 16 hours of getting B**** slapped by her staff, 16 hours of her laughing at me, mocking me because I get hit from her attacks, 16 AGONIZING HOURS OF FIGHTING A PRINCESS. and for those that say Git Gud... Guess what, I GOT GUD, I Got so Gud that I the most perfect RNG in the 400th attempt, even having a massive impact ready to shoot her freaking brains out as she called havan to breathe air that somehow sends you flying. There's a good reason why I never fight iset in regular raids. It's because I hate tiny bosses that move around like a freaking fly and you can't swat it down because of it flying too fast. My pride has never been so insulted in my entire life... and I thank you nexon for making this Ein lacher challenge. A perfect opportunity for the years of Torment I went through because She is a difficult boss from BOTH her size and mechanics... I tip my hat to you iset, for testing my patience to the point of insanity.
  • Ein Lacher: 9 battles left until Golden God.

    Update: Took down aghlan the golem. Turns out he was patched to make the battle easier for X gun due to a major path finding glitch. All raids are earned with a gold Medal. Now for the lizardmen assassins.

    EDIT: Earned gold on Keser. Simple attack pattern, and can be baited into doing the kick stance over and over again.

    Now for the last Gold, Ekinar.

    Double EDIT: Finally obtained golden god! Also got a few left over tickets.
  • Ein Lacher: 9 battles left until Golden God.

    Update: Just got gold medal for Fameru, Blood Lord, and Ikrium, and Kanjel's Revenge. 5 Bosses remain.

    EDIT: Used a 10 medal ticket to do Kanjel.
  • This new forum seems less populated than old forum
