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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Best methods for farming/making gold in 2017?

    God Cloth, Heaven Leather, Paradise stones (Hexad drops this pretty frequently), Rank B damage stones, R7 scrolls, Orbs, Para Orbs, God ores, blessed magic elixirs, element stone, intermediate element stone. Essentially these items are in high demand and could net you big bucks if you sell in stacks, esp with blessed magic elixirs (40-70M), element stones (200-300M), and intermediate element stones (400-600M). Intermediate is the most difficult to make, unless you find a way to get easy lambent powder since farming averages relies on RNG from fighting Vehemence dropping skirt, hands, and shoes that either drop a catalyst, or average lambent when dismantled.
  • Lonesome

    @CesarSaladNum1 It's because everyone rushes to get to level 90 as fast as possible so they can get into the end game. Problem lies there is the lack of balance between EXP and AP, which is a huge determinant for good damage at that respective level, along with having general elitism kicking low end 90s from parties because they don't have the respective gear to even get into it... Catch 22 there since you need the primes from raids to even get the armor in the first place. The high end 90s always comes up with excuses to not carry other players to victory, thus keeping the market stable in the long run.
  • Lonesome

    Not lonely, just bored. Ironically enough, as much as I love farming, the rarity of some drops make it a hassle to stay motivated or determined depending on where you put it at. Before I can do about 25-30 runs non stop, but now I can't go any further than 5 runs without getting burned out. I don't know what really happened to cause a burn out in the first place.
  • Neamhain 101

    balance caps at 90, so that's at least 110 critical rating at the bare minimum for those wondering about it.

    24,000 attack rating doesn't seem too bad, a mixed R7 heavy/cloth 3 star set with a +11 3 star can easily accomplish this.

    Though, damage rating varies from class to class, which can also determine whether a run succeeds or fails.
  • So how do the shard drops work for Berbhe?

    Downtown berbhe drops shards dependent on which boss you fight. From my research, I have found 2 known locations to farm lightweight, keen, and stable shards effectively. All dungeons drop the usual solid + smooth shards.

    Jamiroff: only drops lightweight shards.

    Orlaith: only drops stable shards.

    Hagan: drops lightweight and keen shards.

    Ordon: only drops Keen shards.

    Baethan: only drops lightweight shards.

    Mad Morbus: only drops stable shards.

    Hexad: only drops perfect shards.

    Lograch: Only drops perfect shards.

    Manus (Destructive curse boss): Drops all 4 weapon shards.

    EDIT: research has been completed. The following bosses drops these shards.