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Alright, now that I'm finally in the forums again. Going to discard some outdated posts and ones that contain mistakes. Idk what happened, but kept getting server error 1599 again and again.


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Personal Quote
One who knows nothing can understand nothing. -Ansem Kingdom Hearts
About Me
Just a person who enjoys playing ranged characters in MMO games.
  • Ded Xgun

    Xgun kai's mobility and dodging ability used to be really strong due to his glitch, but removing that without compensating anything in return seems like just too much.

    I mean Kai's supposed to be ranged, but xgun needs to be up close to the bosses when using his main abilities like hallow shot or 6 bullets, so not being able to chase the bosses kind of suck, but there are characters who are like that as well.

    The real problem is that he now has the worst dodge move among all the characters due his long ass delay after he finishes a roll and you can only roll once.

    Basically Kai has no way to dodge any boss that does multiple sweeps that covers a large area.

    Removing his roll glitch is acceptable, since it is not supposed to be played that way, however, making certain boss patterns impossible to dodge just seems like a poor and lazy design by the developers.

    well Devcat has always been lazy, even to this day. They don't think things through with certain bosses, especially ring blasts... kai can't dodge at all. It's like old kai all over again where even if you do a perfect dodge, you STILL get hit. It's aggravating to have one of the best classes in the game turned into DogS***!
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    and yet no one said it was "glitched" until now. Sick of developers lying through their teeth.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    Suukei wrote: »
    The dodge you are referring to is a glitch. No more bolt dodge for X gun Kais.

    So what? i have to wait for the next update for this to be fixed or something knowing DERPCAT's Laziness? My god, Peeps can't do anything right without F***ing things up you know. Every update there's BOUND to be one or two things BROKEN to the point where the game can't even be played normally.
  • Kai's X gun kai rolls

    News > Corruption of the Goddess Update > Kai "Decreased the delay in which Cross Gun Kai can dodge consecutively"

    If this is supposed to decrease my delay, HOW COME my dodge is back to the old kai's dodging mechanic, where it's slow and clunky as crap? I'm literally a freaking snail now as opposed to yesterday where I can cart roll like no tomrrow to get to the boss a lot easier. What, was this roll so overpowered mobility wise that it had to be nerfed?
    Why do I even bother to even play this game anymore when one of the best farmers in THE ENTIRE GAME gets turned into a slug? I guess the message is freaking clear now... *kick down the door and leaves*
  • who else

    Eh, more or less. Though, soloing abomination is utter annoyance.