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  • Rise - Where did the fun go?

    pootisman wrote: »
    Put it this way, they fine tuned the normal mode for leveling, and hero mode for people who actually want challenge.

    If you don't wanna do hero mode, there is always 4 man S3 raid and ein lacher for you MLGPRO players who think this game is too easy.
    My experience over the last 2 weeks tells me half of the parties require hard carrying. There is at least one player in each of these parties that is just a dead weight, so you really have to try sometimes.

    IMHO this game plays the best when someone has the skills to solo.

    The best part now is that everything up to season 3 should be a faceroll. Which means more than likely the game will see a bunch of new max leveled players who barely understand how to play their characters, much less solo a raid boss
  • Rise - Where did the fun go?

    I'm glad enchanting has gotten a bit easier with the scraps and everything so we don't have to fail several high-end scrolls to no avail, but it seems counter-intuitive that while they made one side of RNG more bearable, the other side (enhancing) did not get the same treatment.

    Some may argue that the new enhance rates were that, but I don't know. After failing to get to +8 and nearly zero-ing out another weapon's durability, I feel mortified... LOL. Weapon's can only be enhanced before they boom now as well, meaning the "enhanced rates" from one level to another is completely counter-acted by that fact alone since a lot of players got their high enhanced weapons by attempting to enhance after restoring.

    And to put some salt in the wounds, enhancing is much much more important now because of the rise of additional damage relevance.

    tl;dr this update has been one step forward two steps back.
  • Your Thoughts on Additional Damage Changes?

    WhiteYukii wrote: »
    This is not as bad as people want it to be. As I said, there is literally no reason to be outraged by this, The game is still largely the same, strong players will hard-carry and weak players will leech until they become a strong player, or quit. Vindictus has always been like this, at least for the last few years. This game is like Warframe, it doesn't matter how strong other players get, it will always be mutually beneficial for everyone they interact with. This is all I am saying. In my opinion, the fact that they made the raids faceroll, or you can't enhance restored gear anymore are way bigger issues because these directly affect every player in the game. I could not care less if some dude that has better gear than me anyways, got some more AD than me. This is a beta issue especially for this type of game.

    WhiteYukii wrote: »
    Also, getting the gear to begin with does take a degree of skill as well.
    Spamming the same morbus boss to get money sure takes skill lol... ^^'

    Makes me understand why Rise actually happened on this game when I see certain posts on these forums.

    There is skill in patience
    There is skill in time/money management
    There is skill in planning
    There is skill in spending your IRL money wisely (unless you are just a rich whale that can waste money left and right)
    There is skill in having the sheer willpower to play this grindy ass game.
    The game isn't just fighting the boss, most of the game is farming, grinding, planning and patience. There is a reason some people cannot and/or will not ever be as geared as the best players. It is not ALL skill but it does take some skill to achieve this in any game. Everything in life, including breathing and reading this post, takes a degree of skill to execute.

    yeah what you're saying would make sense in any other game except vindictus. Unfortunately, the whole point of this thread comes from the idea that enhancement levels have become much more important in progression, and the enhancement system itself has not been remedied to accomodate that. Hence, the problem with AD being the NEW big stat.

    If your idea of being a "strong" player has anything to do with enhancement levels, I'm sorry to say that there is no skill when it comes to that. One player can one-shot a weapon to 15 or (unrealistically) 20, while the rest of the playerbase may spend years and years working for the AD those enhancement levels have to offer and never come close. No amount of planning or money management can ever assure you(emphasis on assure) the amount of AD you wish to attain. Clicking on the enhance button and leaving your fate to RNG Jesus isn't a skill.

    on topic:
    enhancement levels have become much more important in progression, and the enhancement system itself has not been remedied to accomodate that. Hence, the problem with AD being the NEW big stat.

  • More Confessions

    Confession: I have severe mental problems that recently caused me to push away the people I love, including the one person I love the most. I've been going to therapy to get my problems sorted out, but I still miss those people everyday, and it hurts to know that the damage I've done can't be undone.