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  • Rise - Where did the fun go?

    Arix wrote: »
    are people actually surprised old bosses turn into a joke over time

    There's "turning into a joke", and then there's straight up MELTING old bosses.

    You shouldn't be melting a Lv44 boss while YOU are Lv44.

    What they SHOULD have done was:

    - Keep the game's Easy Mode, but give the EXP and AP we have currently with Normal. It gives an incentive to run these bosses without having to wait forever and a day for a party if you don't want to.
    - They SHOULD have kept Hard Mode. Keep it as it was Pre-Rise; increase the chance for better rewards.
    - Keep Hero Mode the way it was meant to be: Unforgiving. Not make it the new Hard Mode with Hero speed.

    There's no reason S1 and S2 should be bathed in Easy Mode, then as soon as you get to S3, it's like "WHAM! Get rekt scrub."
  • KR Server Patch Notes & More

    Never imagined Iset to be a faceroll. Even at OP states, she'd give parties fits. (Minor fits, but fits nonetheless) Now?

  • What is the most/least popular class these days?

    It's not that Fiona is bad, but she's....

    Easy. As in, easy mode.

    If you know what to Perfect Guard and what to avoid, you LITERALLY cannot be touched with Fiona.

    Also, Sword Fiona is ridiculously OP. That poor Hammer....
  • Rise: Revolution Preview

    I also miss the times where we had at least a WEEK'S worth to prepare for an update.

    Nowadays, it's just "Oh, it's Monday. WE'RE RELEASING AN UPDATE THIS THURSDAY LOLOLOLOL"

    I feel as though they don't talk to us enough about the stuff that REALLY matters. But hey, them screenshot contests are--

    Oh...t-they haven't done that either....?
  • Vindictus "RISE" Update Patch Notes Translation

    Dumb question concerning what was said about the update on the homepage. I don't recall seeing anything about this in the notes, but I probably just missed it:

    "Certain Enchant and Enhancement items will Fragment on a failed attempt, granting items that can be used to improve your odds further"

    What is this referring to?

    For failed enhancements and enchantments through the use of runes, you will get shards related to that rune (Enhancement/Enchant Rune Shard).

    Failing 5 (I think it's 5 at least) will net you enough shards to make a free Rune.

    Scrolls are different. IIRC, you have to fail 4 scrolls in a row to get a free scroll, but while the free scroll binds to you, it also has a 100% success rate.