[NEW MERCENARIES] Please note that all new forum users have to be approved before posting. This process can take up to 24 hours, and we appreciate your patience.


Hi Good Morning dear Family of Vindictus Enjoy the true spirit of Christmas, you will not find it in gifts and vanities, it is in our actions by giving more than receiving and worrying about others working with charity and selfless love for the common good, I wish you congratulations and hope that the miracle of Christmas transforms you into better people. PS: The greatest Christmas gift, we already have is the life and our invaluable loved ones, try to make the best for your community, country or state its time for suprise others and give carity to the peeople that need support, think in what aspects we can improve our lifes for try to improve this world that are based sadly in mercantilism, my best wish to all is that no put your happiness in money are illusions of this world, focus in enjoy the time with company of friends and family no only in this holidays, is the way to enjoy the moment, & the life happy holidays to all until next year greetings. Also iam retired for this forum, If anyone are interested or like to be in contact i continue to support in our discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/j9b26G6 or visit us for see art , videos and events in Youtube for the ch : Vindictus Fan Events Ty for 9 long years for this game and i hope to the community continue in unity way, and no surrender for share ideas for improve the game to KR server iam happy for see in the game part of our ideas for the clone system, as mainly for try to made unique events for this game for enjoy the time with our dear community of Vindictus, ty for all the friendship is the best reward that i get in this game, one hug to all greetings.


Last Active
June 4, 1992
Personal Quote
Facebook Page
About Me
Protector of the community of the guilds: GoddessDivas , HAWKS & PussiCats. Designer and digital illustrator. Friendly and participatory whenever someone need help. Impartial, fair and reliable. Loyal to the community of Vindictus. Experience in the game: Player of vindictus (6years +) GM of guilds (5 years +). Experience in design: Historian and analyst of the art & design (7 years +) Illustrator (6 years+) Designer of clothes ( 6 years+).
  • MrBozar (Leveling from 1 to 90)


    It is #always good to start from scratch, in another character to try new experiences.
    PS: I wish you the best in this new adventure with vella, :) greetings.
  • Share the Moosic!

    I share some of my favorite compositions of the master: ¨Kitarō¨ #GN :)

  • Share the Moosic!

  • Sorry mercenaries. Might be goodbye.

    Order5 wrote: »
    I was just at the market place and got random immense lag. Once the lag passed, I got the message that an unauthorized program was detected, followed by another message saying that I'd be removed from the game. I didn't have anything unusual open, not even the usual things like my browser. All the recent reports about people getting messages like these with subsequent bans strongly suggests that I will be the next to go.

    Those of you who use the resources I've contributed on the forums have nothing to worry about, I'll leave those up.

    All friends who are concerned have nothing to worry about. If I get permanently banned, then I will finally spill coffee on all the questions you keep asking about my characters.

    For the mercenaries who despise me and want to be rid of me, you might just get your paradise.


    I agree with you , that now the game has a lot of volatility in the connection allowing the increase of the lag, I have also seen some commenting that they have problems with the multiIcore and as host I know this problem is real . Before the migration there was more stability. Regarding BlackCipher's these days, several of my best friends as you Suwaya, that I have known since several years ago and I can defend that they have never used unauthorized programs, it is sad to see that great players loyal & honest to the community , obtain the notice of prohibition, absolutelyin this case is as false positive.


    In #conclusion I hope to the team solve this issue that the community worries us, but it is also true, due to the current changes in the migration, it is necessary to understand that these types of failures can happen, because the launcher and the game are still in the stage of optimization. I hope to be solved in a fair way and for see again the server more stable and guarantee the security of our accounts, greetings Suwaya and I am with you, good night. :)
  • [GoddessDivas & HAWKS Ch 133 & PussiCats Ch112 ]

    [Vindictus NA] #Persefone dance on colhen
