Chunmander wrote: »
ima pretty new player, comming from wow, gw2 and blade and soul. these were all different gear methods for the endgame. i must say when i heared about permanet destruvtion of endgame gear i was a little scared, this would be too demoralizing to me. and im only lvl 70 so im not even there yet and cant rly give an opinion. but jsut the thought that i have to pay hundreds of millions for a good endgame weapon and there will be 50'% chance my weapon breaks permanently makes me dont even want to touch the game anymore.
im sure there are real money ways to get what you want, but this whole system seems kinda weird to me. so my endgame would pretty much just be trying to retain a good weapon just to gamble it away with the next enchantment. im sure i didnt understand the system completely yet. but what i gathered so far is rly turning me off tbh