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There hasn't been anything new going on in Korea since Balor. Emptiness for months. But i'm sure they're using that time to develop and make new things so probably will see something … (more)around May or Summer for new content over in KR. (less)
years lol its not completely dead but its not getting new players, only ppl left are the ones who put so much money into the game they dont wanna leave
actually its getting new players all the time, i run into at least 7-10 people a week that are new to the game, asking noob questions and ask for help, and thats just my experience alone -- im sure there are more than 7-10 new players a week than i'm simply not running into by happen stance or conversation.
These new ppl i talk to didnt even know this game existed at all back in 2010 or 2011 and just recently discovered it in 2017 (now 2018)... so Vindictus is really just one of those games that wasn't well advertised that A LOT of people never discovered yet. New players trickle in all the time. (less)