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  • What is wrong with this game?

    Source engine build so old that it's about to hit puberty.
  • Blackcipher CPU usage spiking?

    Who thought it would be a good idea to further gimp a game that is already using a version of source that does not utilize modern hardware?

    They must know that there's already a problem, they released "Multiprocessing" awhile back (that I need to use in order to host properly, i7 GTX1080 SSD not stronk enuff), so let's progressively make the game run worse seemingly every major update.

    I usually feel like calling for an optimization update is a bit silly, but Jesus Christ this game runs like ass compared to many more power hungry games on the same rig. Devcat pls fix, the game runs worse than it did in 2012.
  • Changes to Enchant Scrolls

    Price drops are a double edged sword. If everything is cheap, what the hell will you sell for money? I imagine if "the rate of enchantment failure was greatly reduced. = needing less scrolls to finish enchanting, price is going to dip pretty hard, pretty fast.
    It kind of depends how aggressively prices drop and if they scale across the board. Prices are relative. Even if you don't make as much money selling, if prices are down everywhere, you also don't need 40m for Enthusiastic anymore. It was the same case when rare drops like S2 mats plummeted. Yeah you only got 1m for a Lakoria Fang, but you only needed like 10m for a lvl 80 weapon as opposed to 100m.

    Not to mention usually when a primary resource drops, a secondary resource is inflated to compensate, such as the case of "trash" drops being worth more when the rare materials are more common. In this case, it's likely Magic Powders and Elixirs would have some inflation.

    Repair costs and other sinks are not relative, and the money already exists, if it's not changing hands you don't have an economy.
  • Thoughts of quitting vindictus altogether

    The game's update schedule is pretty sad so I really don't blame you. It's been legitimately 6 months since we've gotten any sort of NEW content (5 months if you decided to play Delia). No hit runs of old bosses is not new content. 16 man versions of old bosses is not new content. A gauntlet of old bosses is not new content. Most interesting thing we've gotten is shard improvement. I've personally been dumping most of my time in other MMOs as well, logging into Vindictus mainly to play the market a bit.
  • Does your weapon have a name?

    Once we can turn off this garbage weapon glow I can name my toy chainblades the black****blades again. Currently they can only be fried chicken.